
tǐ biǎo jiànɡ wēn
  • surface cooling
  1. SHC(28℃)采用体表降温法获得。

    SHC ( 28'C ) was induced by surface cooling methods .

  2. 我们采用兔四血管式脑缺血模型,将56只新西兰兔随机分三组:对照组,缺血再灌注组,SHC组(28C,体表降温法)。

    The four-vessel model of complete cerebral ischemia ( CCI ) was used . 56 New Zealand rabbits were allocated randomly into three groups : control group : ischemic-reperfusion ; SHC group ( 28 ℃ . surface cooling method ) .

  3. 高温环境下局部体表降温对心率的影响

    The effect of lowering local body surface temperature on heart rate in

  4. 作者指出,体表降温或肾局部低温对有肾功不全的病人是需要的。

    The authors pointed out that the surface cooling or local hypothermia of kidney might be necessary in patients having renal function impairment during operation .

  5. 目的评估和比较体外血液冷却和体表降温形成亚低温对兔心肺复苏后的脑保护作用。

    Objective To compare the protective effects of mild hypothermia induced by extracorporeal blood shunt cooling or surface cooling on brain after resuscitation from cardiac arrest .