
tǐ xì
  • system;structure;scheme;hierarchy;setup;ism
体系 [tǐ xì]
  • [system;setup] 若干事物或某些意识互相关联而构成的整体

  • 工业体系

体系[tǐ xì]
  1. 大银行是发展这一体系的先驱。

    The big banks have been the pacesetters in developing the system .

  2. 不管你选择什么样的体系,都必须经过适当的磨合。

    Whatever system you choose , it must be run in properly .

  3. 这所学院有一套十分固定的评估体系。

    The college has a highly formalized system of assessment .

  4. 我做这次手术是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I had the operation done on the NHS .

  5. 我配眼镜是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I got my glasses on the National Health .

  6. 需要使人们明白建立一个新体系的必要性。

    People need to be satisfied of the need for a new system .

  7. 整个体系都效率低下并且腐败堕落。

    The whole system is inefficient and corrupt .

  8. 如果人们可以收买警察,法律体系就会变得一文不值。

    If people can bribe police officers , it makes a complete nonsense of the legal system .

  9. 我认为有必要从整体上改进我们的教育体系。

    I think we need to improve our educational system in general

  10. 我们的价值体系和他们的并不相同。

    Our value system does not match with their value system .

  11. 在20世纪80年代,世界金融体系变得更加开放。

    During the 1980s the world 's financial systems became more open

  12. 这是个复杂的体系,不过确实有所改变。

    It is a complex system , but it certainly makes a change

  13. 他们说,当前的征兵体系应当逐步废除。

    They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out

  14. 整个体系都建立在《圣经》的神圣启示的基础之上。

    The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures .

  15. 他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。

    Their health-care system suffers from queues , shortages and ropey equipment .

  16. 新体系仍处于规划阶段。

    The new system is still in the planning stages .

  17. 协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。

    Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations .

  18. 很多人都期望他能使该国萎靡的政治体系振作起来。

    Many hoped he would renew the country 's atrophied political system .

  19. 如果没有防御体系,欧洲政治联盟就不完整。

    European political union would be incomplete without a defence element

  20. 很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。

    Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire .

  21. 现实主义和自然主义都是一种模仿体系或表现性的做法。

    Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation .

  22. 《汽车协定》强行将安大略纳入了美国的经济体系中。

    The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy

  23. 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。

    Our legal system inherited laws from the English system .

  24. 律师是司法体系的一部分。

    A lawyer is part of the machinery of justice .

  25. 总统号召教育家和政治家们帮助他重新调整美国的教育体系。

    The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education

  26. 上诉法院在英格兰司法体系中起着中心作用。

    The Court of Appeal has a pivotal role in the English legal system

  27. 正在规范整个融资体系。

    The whole system of financing is being regularized .

  28. 他比大多数部长都更熟悉这套体系。

    He knows his way about the system better than do most ministers .

  29. 它们是与储备主管培训相关的神秘体系的一部分。

    They were part of the black box associated with high-flyer management development .

  30. 如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。

    If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved