
  1. 罗瑞拉德表示,较低的营销成本将被继续的诉讼费用所抵消。

    Lorillard said lower marketing costs were offset by continuing legal expenses .

  2. 旅游城市低碳营销策略的创新设计过程。

    Innovation design process of low-carbon marketing strategy of excellent tourism city .

  3. 管理水平低、营销网络不完善等原因造成体育用品产业缺乏国际竞争力。

    , which make the sports goods industry lack the international competitive power .

  4. 另一方面北京品牌折扣店营销组合与市场定位之间关联度低,营销组合不能很好的与市场定位相吻合。

    On the other hand , the relationship between marking mixture and marketing localization of outlets in Beijing is low .

  5. 另外选适合自身特点的宣传方式,做好品牌推广的长远规划,这是低成本营销的关键。

    In addition , it is crux to do lower cost marketing choose the right propagandistic style to promote brands .

  6. 优惠越来越多,价格越来越低,营销方案出现了成本投入性、盲目性。

    The blindness of cost input appears in marketing programs when discount becomes more and more , price becomes lower and lower .

  7. 对旅游城市低碳营销策略的创新设计进行渗透和提炼,将营销策略标准化。5、实证研究。

    The penetration and refining of innovation design process about low carbon marketing strategy of tourist cities , and standardize the marketing strategy . 5 .

  8. 本论文基于营销组合策略,目标市场战略及信息化建设三个层面制定了广钢林德的差异化营销策略和低成本营销策略,也可为同类企业营销策略的制定提供参考。

    This thesis bases on marketing mix strategy , STP strategy and information technology to formulate differentiated marketing strategy and low cost marketing strategy of Linde GISE .

  9. 目前,我国旅游产品的文化开发层次低,营销目的不明确,营销形象欠鲜明,导致旅游产品的核心竞争力不强,城市旅游发展后劲不足。

    At present , low culture of tourism product , unclear target and image of marketing leads to not-strong key competence of tourism products and lagged development of urban tourism .

  10. 过去一年来,得益于金融危机,阿里巴巴实现了强劲增长,因为中小企业纷纷转向互联网,将其当作一种低成本营销渠道。

    Alibaba has had strong growth during the past year , benefiting from the financial crisis as small and medium-sized enterprises turned to the Internet as a low-cost marketing channel .

  11. 主要体现在各应用系统中的数据应用不充分,数据共享不完全,数据保存期不一致,数据查询不方便,缺乏一对一的营销建议、营销效率低,营销评估不到位等问题。

    All these imply that there are no sufficient data applications mainly in the application system . Incomplete data sharing , inconsistent data retention period and inconvenient data query still exists in its development .

  12. 具体表现为寿险营销理念不科学、产品开发战略不合理、营销人员整体素质较低、营销渠道和促销手段单一、以及销售管理流程不规范等问题。

    Specifically , unscientific marketing concept , product development strategy unreasonable , the lower the quality of the marketing staff , marketing channels and promotions were single , and sales management processes were not standardized .

  13. 但当前旅游市场的定位还不明确,品牌知名度较低,营销措施和方法还不到位,旅游产品研发、更新较慢,旅游路线设计还不尽合理,旅游项目配套设施不完善。

    But the current tourism market positioning is not clear , tourism product development is not slow , famous brands are less , the design of tourism routes is not quite reasonable , the marketing means and methods are not proper .

  14. 但随着改革的不断深入,企业业务结构失衡、产品定位不清晰、劳动生产率低、营销人员能力不足等问题日益突出,不能满足企业发展需要。

    With the reform deepening , some problems become more serious day by day and cannot accelerate the business growth , which include the unbalanced business structure , the unclear product location , the low labor productivity and the inefficient marketing staff .

  15. 值得庆幸的是,该片延续了《失恋33天》的成功元素:接地气而不浮夸;搞笑却不荒唐、感人却不做作,成本低却善于营销。

    Fortunately , we see the film continuing with what made Love Is Not Blind a success : relatable instead of grandiose , funny but not ridiculous , emotional but not pretentious , a low-budget film that is really smart in its marketing .

  16. 在营销宣传方面以效益最大化为导向,采取成本低效果好的营销推广方式,特别要重视网络营销与招生团队的组建。

    As for marketing , they should promote effectively with the low cost and value the online marketing and construction of the enrollment team on the principle of maximizing the benefits .

  17. 二是从中外资公司的营销模式看,外资寿险公司更注重依靠费用相对较低的个人代理人营销方式开展业务,个人营销保费收入所占比重接近90%,远远超过中资寿险公司不到60%的比例。

    Secondly , foreign life insurance companies rely more on the relatively low cost marketing mode of personal agent channel , accounted for 90 percent of its total revenue , than the Chinese-funded life insurance companies where less than 60 % .

  18. 然而,在国内,直邮产业起步晚,产业发展不成熟,企业对直邮的认知度较低,支撑直邮营销开展的内外部条件不完善,因此,直邮产业的发展较为缓慢。

    However , in China , the direct mail industry started late with immature development , low awareness of the enterprises and incomplete conditions supporting the development of the direct mail marketing , therefore , the direct mail industry develops very slowly .

  19. 最后,本研究还从政府部门职能完善、旅游目的地低碳旅游设施建设以及有效实施低碳旅游营销三个角度提出了相应的管理策略。

    They are perfecting the government functions , constructing low-carbon tourist facilities in tourist destination and also implementing low-carbon tourism marketing effectively .