
  1. HACCP在低盐固态发酵酱油中的应用

    HACCP in the low-salt soy sauce by solid-state fermentation application

  2. 本文对低盐固态发酵酱油生产线建立了HACCP体系模型,并对验证实施HACCP的效果提出建议。

    The model of the HACCP plan for the soy sauce making by solid-state fermented with lower salt was developed and the suggestions of effectiveness measurement for the implemented HACCP system were given .

  3. 再利用酵母单细胞蛋白物料与成曲一起酿造低盐固态发酵酱油,产品质量符合GB18186-2000标准。

    The soy sauce according with the quality standard of GB18186-2000 was then produced by using yeast single cell protein as raw material and fermented with koji by low-salt and solid-state fermentation .

  4. 发酵的酱油经测定,其指标可达GB18186-2000低盐固态发酵酱油特级品,明显优于出发菌株酿造的酱油。

    The index to the soy sauce that was fermented by the mutant met to the special grade of " GB18186-2000 soy sauce with low-salt and solid-state fermentation ", which had a higher quality than the product fermented by the original strain .

  5. 提高低盐固态发酵酱油质量风味的研究与探讨

    Research on Improving Low Salt-Solid State Fermented Soy Sauce Quality and Flavor

  6. 文中阐述了可以利用现有生产设备提高低盐固态发酵酱油质量和风味,建议采用先固后稀添加酵母、乳酸菌淋浇后熟发酵原池浸出法;

    This paper discusses how to improve quality and flavor of low salt-solid fermented soy sauce with current equipment and conditions .

  7. 低盐固态发酵法酱油生产的数据库建立及其应用

    Database of soy sauce production by low-salt solid-state fermentation and its application

  8. 以扇贝裙边、豆粕、麸皮、小麦为原料,采用多菌种混合制曲,低盐固态发酵酿造扇贝裙边酱油。

    Mung bean paste was produced by low-salt solid-state fermentation using mung bean as the main raw material .

  9. 用无盐固态与低盐固态混合发酵工艺生产酱油,在保证产品品质的前提下可缩短发酵周期。

    S : Mixed no-salt and low-salt solid-state fermentation of soy sauce were studied in this paper , which was aimed to shorten fermentation period on the premise of same product quality .