
  • 网络Low voltage winding;low tension winding
  1. 多年来在低压绕组上广泛运用的网套CTC更有效地发挥了其上述的优越性。

    The above - mentioned superiority of CTC with net used in low voltage winding for many years has been more developed efficiently .

  2. 高压厂用变压器低压绕组间电动机反馈电流的计算

    Calculation of Motor Feedback Current between Split LV Windings of HV Auxiliary Transformer

  3. 采用大位移几何非线性理论的变压器低压绕组辐向稳定性研究

    Research on Radial Stability of Transformer Low-Voltage Winding Using Large Deformation Geometric Nonlinear Theory

  4. 本文在单绕组等值电路模型研究的基础上,给出了考虑低压绕组的双绕组等值电路模型,并基于此电路模型开发了一套工程实用的波过程计算软件。

    Based on the study of single-winding equivalent circuit model , the double-windings equivalent circuit model which considers the influence of low-voltage winding is developed .

  5. 低压绕组引线端子过热的原因分析及改进针对汽包锅炉过热汽温的特点,设计了自适应模糊控制器,即采用了一种模糊控制的遗传算法将控制器的隶属参数进行优化。

    Based on the dynamic property analysis of overheat temperature of drum boiler , a adaptive fuzzy controller is designed . Its subjection parameters are optimized by a kind of fuzzy control genetic algorithm .

  6. 对干式电力变压器高低压绕组间气道尺寸和绕组热负荷对绕组温升影响进行了研究,并建立了平均准则方程式。

    The influence of the air channel between high and low voltage winding and the heat load of windings to winding temperature rise in dry-type power transformer is researched . The average equation is established .

  7. 为了满足牵引变电所的要求,本文还提出将阻抗匹配平衡变压器的低压绕组按阻抗匹配关系引出三相对称电压的方法,用此方法可对地方负荷和本变电所供电。

    A method of obtaining three-phase symmetric voltage from the low voltage principle has been presented . Using the method the local matching winding of the transformer according to impedance electrical load and the substation 's load can be supplied .

  8. 首次对大型变压器低压螺旋绕组的扭转变形问题开展了系统深入的研究。

    Firstly , the torsional deflection of spiral windings in large transformers is deeply and systemically studied .

  9. 磁控式可控电抗器高压工作绕组和低压控制绕组隔离,大大提高了其工作可靠性,其串联在电动机定子绕组中限流作用明显且不消耗能量。

    The isolation between high-voltage working windings and low-voltage control windings of magnetic control reactor can improve the operation reliability of it greatly .

  10. 交流低压电动机定子绕组水清洗实例

    Water Cleaning Instances for Low Pressure Alternating Current Motor in Cell Room

  11. 它通过Y/Y/△三绕组变压器接入中、高压系统,低压侧采用双绕组结构,接有多组三角形接线的TCR模块。

    The HV and LV side of transformer adopts duplex winding structure and each has multi-bank TCR modules in delta connection . In this topology , the harmonic current injected into the power system is very small .

  12. 低压电抗法在变压器低压绕组变形诊断中的应用

    Application of Low Voltage Reactance Method in Diagnosis of Low Voltage Winding Deformation of Transformer