
  • 网络pseudo-psychology;pseudo psychology;pseudopsychology
  1. 最著名的伪心理学大概是占星术(星座论)。

    Probably the most popular pseudo-psychology is astrology .

  2. 笔体学是第三种伪心理学,认为一个人的字迹能够揭露性格。

    Graphology , a third pseudo-psychology , indicates that personality is revealed by a person 's handwriting .

  3. 伪心理学:从星座到手掌

    Psychology : Pseudo-Psychologies - From Planets to Palms

  4. 伪心理学有哪些经典案例?

    What are some of these pseudo-psychologies ?

  5. 伪心理学有哪些经典案例?为什么人们会相信它们是真的?

    What are some of these pseudo-psychologies ? Why do some people accept them as valid ?

  6. 有人试图通过伪心理学解释斯大林的权力欲,科特金对这种解释同样不屑一顾。

    Kotkin is equally dismissive of efforts to explain Stalin 's lust for power through cod psychology .

  7. 伪心理学表面看上去像是心理学,但它预测人类行为的机制既靠不住又没有事实依据。

    Pseudo-psychologies ( pseudo - means false ) are dubious and unfounded systems of predicting behavior that superficially resemble psychology .

  8. 手相是另一种伪心理学,声称手上的线条昭示了这个人的性格和未来运势。

    Palmistry , another pseudo-psychology , claims that the lines in the hand are indicators of personality and the person 's future .

  9. 这篇文章的目的并不是试图打倒那些伪心理学的信徒,而是澄清什么是、什么不是心理学,并希望你在观察人类行为时能够更加谨慎。

    Rather than trying to " put down " those who believe in these pseudo-psychologies , this article is trying to make you a more critical observer of human behavior and to clarify what is - and what is not - psychology .