- 名ancient books found to have been incorrectly dated, forged, or attributed to the wrong author;ancient books of dubious authenticity
- false document;fake document

(1) [ancient books of dubious authenticity]∶作者姓名或作品年代不可靠的书
(2) [false document]∶伪造文书
(3) [fake document]∶指伪造的文书
A Legal Analysis on Contemporary Pseudographs and the Countermeasures for Libraries
A Study of the Bogus Book The City of Light
Research on Modern Forged Books Phenomenon
On the Intention of the Compilation of Spurious Ancient Works and the Excavation of Their Values
Analysis of Si Bu Zheng E 's Recognition of the Historic Values of the False Books
I found the book the Guide Of Fragrance of Zhao Huanguang is a pseudo-book in my study .
The Views of Publication Culture on the Root Source and Ways of Keeping Producing False Books Within Limits
But it is a content excerpts completely from Ming Dynasty , Wang Shixing " Guang Zhiyi " the false book actually .
Because of many reasons , from Song dynasty 《 The Six Arts of War 》 was always looked on as a pseudograph .
The widespread of pirated books , pseudograph and books that caused misleading nowadays have made vicious impact on the mental health of readers .
An important augment to doubt Classic of Documents in ancient scripts is that it appeared later , and it is taken it as a " pseudograph " .
Confucius Homely Talks is a valuable material for studying Confucius and early Confucianism , but the long-standing skepticism as to the authorship of this book has checked its study .
This paper makes some supplementary introduction to the reasons why the pseudographs are caused , and gives the author 's opinion on discriminating pseudograph and how to appraise pseudograph correctly .
A Probe into the Two Historical Scientific Materials in Mei Cheng s " Remonstrate with King Wu "; Analysis of Si Bu Zheng E 's Recognition of the Historic Values of the False Books
I think a different disciple came around , knew about the letter to the Colossians , used Colossians as a model , and then wrote the letter to the Ephesians as another pseudonymous letter .
By what kind of standard to determine the authenticity of a book involves the question how to regard the cultural development . When we judge the value of a book we should place it in the time the book is produced .
Chao Gongwu depends upon own rich knowledge and rigorous doing scholarly research manner . He uses many kinds of distinguishing the false method to examine the false book , and makes the tremendous contribution for development of the distinguished the false scholarship .
The Chinese historical literatures are very rich , but a lot of literatures are pseudo-books . Some literatures even plagiarized the others . Therefore , it is indispensable to be of the spirit of seeking truth from facts and scientific methods to utilize the literature materials .