
shāng bù
  • traumatic part;injured portion
伤部[shāng bù]
  1. 结果(1)压迫对急性损伤脊髓血流量下降幅度影响不大,却影响了伤部脊髓血流量恢复。

    Results ( 1 ) The compression did not affect the decreasing range of the injured spinal cord blood flow .

  2. 内固定取出后,不会引起伤部脊柱成角加重和伤椎高度丢失。

    After withdrawal of the internal fixation , no severe angulation and height lost of the fractured vertebra body will be found .

  3. 本文测定了高速投射物伤及合并休克后伤部肌肉腺苷酸的含量。

    Content of muscle adenine nucleotides around the wound channel is assayed in16 dogs after high-velocity missile injury and associated with hemorrhagic shock .

  4. 方法:将战伤诊断编码定为28位,第1~8序位:战伤伤部;

    Methods : We convert the diagnosis of war trauma into codes . Serial numbers from 1 to 8 mean the locations of war trauma ;

  5. 举升曲轴时避免压伤手部!

    Risk of crushing your hands when lifting the crankshaft !

  6. 纤维蛋白胶抗生素复合体治疗锐性伤深部创口C-反应蛋白变化研究

    Changes of C - Reactive Protein in Healing Deep Wound of Sharp Injury by Fibrin Glue Antibiotic Complex

  7. 治疗外伤或表面烫伤患部时,最好先将伤患部洗干净后再照射。

    In the case of treating trauma or ulcer on surface layer , the affected part should be cleaned first .

  8. 目的对128例在道路交通事故中致伤手部的案例资料进行统计分析,旨在探讨其规律和有关赔偿医学问题。

    Objective The data from 128 cases whose hands had been injured in traffic accident were analyzed to find the peculiarity and discuss the compensation medicine .

  9. 胸腔镜下切取膈神经移位重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤手部功能初步报告

    A preliminary report on full length phrenic nerve harvesting under thoracoscope and the phrenic nerve transfer for hand function reconstruction in total root avulsion of brachial plexus

  10. 目的探讨胸腔镜下膈神经超长切取、移位重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤手部功能的可行性。

    Objective To explore the possibility to harvest full length phrenic nerve under thoracoscope and the effects of phrenic nerve transfer on hand function reconstruction in the total root avulsion of brachial plexus .

  11. 高速钢珠致伤狗颌面部瞬时空腔效应的研究

    Temporary cavitation effect of high velocity spherical missile in maxillofacial region of dogs

  12. 英格兰现正在西班牙集训,兰帕德被鲁尼的一次打门弄伤了手部。

    In Spain , where England are now training , Lampard is struck on the hand by a Rooney shot .

  13. 结论交通事故比其他原因导致的颌面部损伤重,合并有颅脑伤的颌面部交通伤伤情最重。

    Conclusions Maxillofacial injury induced by traffic accidents is more severe than those by other causes , and those with craniocerebral injury were the most severe ones .

  14. 方法运用下腹部Y型蒂皮瓣修复双指撕脱伤及单指撕脱伤并手部小面积皮肤缺损3例,术后3-4周断蒂。

    Methods 3 patients were repaired the defect with Y pedicel skin flap in lower abdomen , the vascular pedicel was wraped with skin , pedicel was cut in 3-4 weeks postoperation .

  15. 多发伤以头颈部伤(118%)、上肢伤(198%)、胸背部伤(57%)为主。

    The major positions of maltiple wounds were on head and neck ( 11 8 % ), upper limbs ( 9 8 % ), chest and back ( 7 5 % ) .

  16. 伤后检查颌面部伤情,记录生命体征变化情况。

    Life system changes after impact was monitored . The maxillofacial and brain injuries were examined .

  17. 此类伤只见于臂部骨骼尚未完全接合的青春期,致伤原因可能是用成人长弓作拉弓练习。

    This injury occurs only in adolescence , when the bones in the arm have not yet fully fused , and may have been caused by attempts to practise with an adult longbow .

  18. 本文对火器性颅脑穿透伤早期清创术后68例可疑感染的伤部,作了临床细菌学检查及分析。

    This paper reported the results of the clinical bacteriological tests of 68 cases with craniocerebral perforating firearms wounds infected suspiciously by bacteria after early debridement .