
  • 网络Traditional finance;Conventional Finance
  1. 在第二章,简要介绍了行为金融理论研究的理论发展情况及其现状,主要内容包括理论基础、基于行为的投资者行为模型,以及行为金融学与传统金融学的比较研究等。

    In the second paragraph , this article briefly introduced the theoretical development of behavior finance and its current status , and the comparison between conventional finance and behavior finance .

  2. 保留传统金融服务方式、提升网络消费便利化水平。

    It also underscored the importance of retaining traditional financial service modes while making online consumption more convenient for this group .

  3. 传统金融学与行为金融学对IPO折价解释的比较研究

    Comparison of Traditional Financial Science and Conduct Financial Science with IPO Underpricing Explanation

  4. IPO抑价的经典研究理论与方法,是在传统金融学的理论框架下展开的,以理性人假设为其前提条件,目前已形成了较为成熟、完整的理论体系。

    Classic study IPO underpricing in the theory and method is based on " rational man hypothesis ", carried out under the traditional finance theory and framework .

  5. 企业仍可能选择传统金融中心进行IPO,但许多企业不愿为投资者提供推动交易完成所需的高额折扣。

    There is a potential supply of IPOs in traditional centres , but many owners are reluctant to offer investors the steep discounts needed to get deals away .

  6. 国内学者多在传统金融学的框架下,结合我国特有的市场环境和制度背景,探寻我国IPOs高初始报酬现象的形成原因。

    National researchers have been exploring the reason how the high initial return has formed , combined with characteristic market condition and mechanism background in China in the frame of classic finance theory .

  7. 随着人们财富的不断增长,其金融需求层次也会不断提高,传统金融服务主要是满足普通客户对资金安全、流动性的需要,对银行网点、ATM机等便利与功能性的需要。

    With the growing wealth of the people , the level of their financial needs will continue to improve , and private banking financial institutions to launch mainly used to meet the financial needs of the customers with high-level financial needs .

  8. 传统金融理论建立在有效市场假说(EMH)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM)两大基石之上,其模型和范式局限在理性的分析框架中,忽视了对投资者实际决策行为的分析。

    The traditional finance theory is based on EMH and CAPM , but the models and methods are confined to the frame of rationality ignoring the analysis of investor 's actual decision behaviour .

  9. 传统金融学的理论基础是有效市场假说。

    Efficient market hypothesis is the basis of traditional financial theory .

  10. 面对这一系列金融异象,人们开始质疑有效市场理论,质疑传统金融理论。

    People suspect the efficient markets theory and the traditional financial theories .

  11. 行为金融学逐渐替代传统金融理论,构建起新的框架和新的基本观念。

    Behavioral finance substitutes new constructs , new fundamental ideas .

  12. 石油金融的工具则包括传统金融工具和石油与金融产融结合创造的专门金融工具。

    Oil financial instruments include conventional financial instruments and specialized financial instruments .

  13. 与传统金融学一样,它也是一门自成体系、相对独立的科学。

    Like traditional finance , it is a relatively independent scientific discipline .

  14. 传统金融理论的解释并不能令人信服。

    Interpretation of the traditional financial theory is not convincing .

  15. 对反向策略的经济学解释,又从传统金融框架和行为金融框架两个方面进行阐述。

    The economic explanation is spread in traditional framework and financial framework respectively .

  16. 文化创意产业的非传统金融创新途径研究&一个独特视角

    Cultural Creativity Industry Development Based on Non-traditional Financial Innovation : A Unique Perspective

  17. 石油金融的市场同样既包括传统金融市场,也包括专门的石油金融市场。

    Oil financial markets include traditional financial markets and specialized oil and financial markets .

  18. 对多元化经营的讨论是传统金融学的一个重要议题。

    The discussion on diversification is one of the important topics in traditional finance .

  19. 行为金融学与传统金融学的比较分析

    The Comparison Between Behavioral Finance and Traditional Finance

  20. 随着市场份额的下降,传统金融中心丧失的不仅仅是声望。

    The traditional financial centres lose more than prestige as their market share declines .

  21. 作者从传统金融委托代理理论和行为金融前景理论两个方面引出了影响投资者赎回行为的因素。

    This article studied this phenomenon from two aspect : Principal-Agent Theory and Prospect Theory .

  22. 金融衍生工具是从传统金融工具中衍生出来的新型金融工具。

    Financial derivatives is a new type of financial instrument from the traditional financial instruments .

  23. 网络金融服务正逐渐取代传统金融服务,成为金融服务新的方式。

    The network financial service is substituting the traditional one and becoming a new form .

  24. 传统金融学的分析框架是建立在理性经济人假设的基础上的。

    Traditional framework of modern finance is firmly based on the assumption of economic agent .

  25. 传统金融理论对于中国金融发展既缺乏解释力,也缺乏指导力。

    The traditional finance theories have already not been able to explain and instruct Chinese financial practice .

  26. 论文首先回顾了传统金融理论到行为金融学理论的发展脉络。

    The dissertation starts with a review of development from traditional finance theory to behavioral finance theory .

  27. 此次金融危机与传统金融危机相比,有许多新的特点。

    Compared with the conventional financial crisis , there are many new features in this financial crisis .

  28. 建立在信息革命基础上的网络经济,对传统金融产业和金融理论产生了深刻的影响。

    Internet economy based on the information revolution has affected both the financial industry and theory fundamentally .

  29. 它提供超越时间和空间的服务,是传统金融手段无法替代的。

    It provides service transcending time and space , which can not be substituted by other financial means .

  30. 传统金融学、金融发展理论和制度经济学都研究了金融效率问题。

    The theory of financial efficiency is analyzed in traditional finance , financial development theory and institutional economics .