
  • 网络Manager;accounting manager;account manager
  1. 会计经理需要一个基于交易的列表,所以他的记录只是指一次付款。

    The accounting manager needs a transaction-based list , so his records will refer to only one payment .

  2. 这套综合的会计经理课程是按以下五个标准开发的,它是献给那些致力于会计事业的管理人员。

    This Comprehensive Accounting manager Orientation has been developed around five Standards , it is dedicated to those management who committed themselves to accounting business .

  3. 会计经理说明会计信息是用非财务经理。

    Accounting for managers explains how accounting information is used by non-financial managers .

  4. 对威廉姆斯的会计经理来说,全占了。

    In the case of AT & T Williams account manager Nick Hayes , it 's both .

  5. chasetheAccountsmanagerabouttheexpensesclaims因为记不起招待过的客人的名字/找不到地铁票/因为报销而整天追着会计部经理而感到泄气

    be frustrated because you can 't remember the name of the guest you have entertained / can 't find the metro tickets / have to

  6. 会计部经理被授权改组财务部。

    The account manager was delegated to reorganize the finance department .

  7. 我是一个会计部经理。

    I 'm an Accounting Manager .

  8. 秘密调查组称,没有任何书面凭据能够证明会计部经理的说辞。

    The confidential inquiry said there was no documentary evidence to prove the manager 's claim .

  9. 审查之前,任何预订由会计部经理,该条文为现场恢复,是正式批准。

    Review prior any booking by the Accounting Manager that the provision for the site restoration is formally approved .

  10. 因为你的报销单送错了部门/会计部经理不友好地盘问你而感到惊讶

    Feel surprised that your expenses form went to the wrong department / the Accounts manager questioned you in an unfriendly way

  11. 第一组的333名成年人扮演正在面试求职者的会计部门经理。

    The first part involved 333 adults acting out a fictional scenario where they were an accounting department manager interviewing a potential employee .

  12. 因为记不起招待过的客人的名字/找不到地铁票/因为报销而整天追着会计部经理而感到泄气

    Be frustrated because you cant remember the name of the guest you have entertained / cant find the metro tickets / have to chase the Accounts manager about the expenses claims

  13. 每周最后一个工作日,协同会计和账务经理做集体盘点并签署周盘点报表。

    Perform overall cash count on the last working day of each week together with accountant and financial manager and sign on the weekly count sheet .

  14. 因为投资者经常会根据报表反映的利润来判断上市公司的业绩,为了达到获得资本市场上的收益,实现企业的融资目标或者ST公司避免退市等目标,操纵会计利润成为了经理人员的常用手段。

    Because investors judged listed companies performance evaluation based on accounting profit performance , in order to achieve the revenue targets or avoid delisting goals , manipulating the accounting profits has become a common means of managers .

  15. 为保证客户经理制的完善,提出重塑企业文化、运用管理会计原理考核客户经理的绩效等观点。

    Reform culture of enterprise and using administration accountancy in the assess of customer manager .

  16. 我们现在正招聘一位年轻且有经验的会计来协助外销经理的工作。

    We are now seeking a young as well as experienced accountant to assist the export sales manager .

  17. 但是,调查证据却刚好与此相反,与应计额会计选择相比,经理更愿意从事真实活动会计选择。

    However , it contradicts with the survey evidence that managers are much more willing to engage in real accounting choice .