
  1. 一旦通过审批,上述三大会计团体将共同寻找对此有兴趣的培训提供者。

    If approved , the three accounting bodies will jointly seek expressions of interest from training providers .

  2. 以英国为基地的国际会计师公会是一个国际性的会计团体。

    Based in the UK , the Association of International Accountants is an international accountancy examining and membership body .

  3. 伍德福德先生提醒奥林巴斯的审计师,要委托外部法律会计团体审查,并要求菊川先生及联营公司辞职。

    Mr Woodford alerted Olympus 's auditors , commissioned a review by an outside forensic accounting group and asked for the resignations of Mr Kikukawa and an associate .

  4. 虽然该法案被认为是朝着正确方向跨进了一步,但是在公司会计责任团体提出的一些关键性的改革措施方面仍然存在不足。

    While the act has been considered a step in the right direction , it still falls short in addressing some critical reforms advocated by corporate accountability groups .

  5. 在政府、社会、会计职业团体、企业和会计人员的共同努力下,会计诚信建设的目标一定能够实现。

    Labor Union - Constructing a Harmonious Society The goal can be achieved under the joint efforts of the executive department , the society , accounting societies , enterprises and accountants .

  6. 一些国际组织、国家政府及会计职业团体在近三十年间对社会责任会计信息的披露问题从理论和实践上进行了研究和尝试。

    Through these 30 years many international organizations , goverments and professional communities have made efforts to research the highlight of social accounting information at the level of theory and even practice .

  7. 创立于二十世纪六十年代,发源于美国的社会责任会计自二十世纪九十年代以来受到跨国公司的热捧,得到了理论界、会计团体、政府的高度重视。

    Social responsibility accounting , which is founded in 1960s originated in USA receives the heat holds from multinational corporation since the 1990s , obtains the theorists , accountants the association , the government to take seriously .