
  • 网络Hubert
  1. 上周早些时候,去年八月刚刚接管百思买的新任CEO休伯特?乔利表示,公司将终止结果至上的工作环境。这种环境允许员工在任何他们想去的地方办公,包括在家办公。

    Under CEO Hubert Joly , who joined the company last August , Best Buy said earlier this week it will kill its Results Only Work Environment , which allowed employees to work wherever they wanted , including home .

  2. 作为现代西方著名的心理学家,休伯特·赫尔曼斯(HubertJ.M.Hermans)以后现代自我的对话性为其重要的观察和研究对象,用批判的目光审视传统的实体自我的研究。

    As one of the most famous modern western psychologist , Hubert J. M. Hermans takes the dialogism of postmodern self as his observing and studying object . By his critical eyes , Hermans scanned the traditional studies of entitative self .

  3. 我跟休伯特说我跟他一样很关注。

    I told Hubert we are as concerned as he is .

  4. 唐先生,休伯特.杰克逊先生来了。

    A : Mr. Tang , here comes Mr. Hubert Jackson .

  5. 对不起休伯特但是16年来….

    I 'm sorry , Hubert , but after sixteen years ...

  6. 还没见到她休伯特

    No sign of heryet , Hubert . ' Course not .

  7. 基于休伯特模型对未来石油资源的预测及思考

    Prediction and Consideration of Future Petroleum Resources Based on Hubert Model

  8. 但是休伯特他们还没有结婚

    But , Hubert , they 're not even married yet .

  9. 他们是前副总统休伯特?汉弗莱和参议员爱德华?肯尼迪。

    They were former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edward Kennedy .

  10. 我警告你休伯特这会引起战争

    I warn you , Hubert , this means war .

  11. 主讲:明尼苏达大学休伯特-杭弗瑞公共事务管理学院教授。

    Speakers : Professor from Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs .

  12. 猎人们的守护神圣休伯特。

    St hubert , the patron saint of hunters .

  13. 休伯特的儿子王国的继承人菲利普…

    Phillip , Hubert 's son and heir ...

  14. 等一会儿休伯特我还没有见到我的女儿

    Now hold on , Hubert . I haven 't even seen my daughteryet ...

  15. 她必须在那个晚上见到休伯特。

    She must see Hubert that very night .

  16. 对休伯特为了未来!

    Right , Hubert . To the future .

  17. 休伯特是个耽于打猎的人。

    Hubert had been an inveterate hunter .

  18. 休伯特国王和菲利普王子!

    King Hubert and Prince Phillip !

  19. 此前,休伯特曾以每月10万美元的租金租给杰克逊居住。

    Before that , Guez had leased the house to Jackson for $ 100,000 per month .

  20. 但据克利夫兰医学中心的休伯特费尔南德斯医生所说,那可能就太晚了。

    But that can be too late , according to Dr. Hubert Fernandez at the Cleveland Clinic .

  21. 休伯特•汉森和他的三个儿子在上世纪30年代创立了这家公司&他们在南加州销售鲜榨果汁。

    Hubert Hansen and his three sons started the company in the 1930s & they sold fresh fruit juices in Southern California .

  22. 休伯特:我想,和旧的那部相比,新车每公升汽油可走较多公里数,污染也比较少。

    Hubert : I suppose that means the new car gives you more kilometers per liter and less pollution than the old one .

  23. 等会儿,休伯特,我甚至还没见到我的女儿你就打算把她从我身边抢走。

    Stefan : Now hold on , Hubert . I haven 't even seen my daughter yet , and you 're taking her away from me .

  24. 设计师休伯特•德•纪梵希为奥黛丽•赫本在《蒂梵尼的早餐》中所设计的“小黑裙”,几乎创造了属于时尚界中最永恒经典的的形象。

    Hubert Givenchy in creating a wardrobe for Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany 's created some of the most iconic and enduringly fashion images ever .

  25. 纪梵希曾说过,他们之间的亲密关系就像“一种婚姻”,而赫本则把他称为“我出色的休伯特”。

    Givenchy said their close relationship was tantamount to ' a kind of marriage ' and Hepburn described the designer as ' my beautiful Hubert ' .

  26. 今天休伯特顶点理论并未过时,全球石油能源枯竭的威胁始终困扰着人类社会。

    Till now ," Hubert Apex " theory is far from obsolete , as the threat of exhaustion of global energy resources has always perplexed human society .

  27. 地质学家休伯特曾提出了石油生产的典型规律,并运用该模型对未来石油产储量趋势做了较为准确的预测。

    Geologist Hubert has observed the typical law of petroleum production and made accurate prediction on the developing trend of petroleum output and storage with the model .

  28. 巴哈马总理休伯特英格拉哈姆是该组织的元老,他在白宫会议最后代表这三个人讲话。

    Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham of the Bahamas , the veteran of the group , spoke for the three at the end of the White House meeting .

  29. 我也喜欢休伯特。汉弗莱,因为他是最热情的民权倡导者。我也喜欢肯尼迪,因为他年轻有能力,致力于推动国家再次前进。

    I also liked Hubert Humphrey , because he was the most passionate advocate for civil rights , and Kennedy , because of his youth , strength , and commitment to getting the country moving again .

  30. 在一封“休伯特”写给“珍妮特阿姨”的信中,将信中的首字母串在一起就是:“14架‘波音堡垒’战斗机昨日飞抵伦敦,准备进攻基尔(德国)。”

    The code was used in a letter from " Hubert " to " Aunt Janet " to conceal the message : " 14 Boeing Fortresses arrived yesterday in Hendon ( London ) . Pilots expect to raid Kiel ( Germany ) . "