
  • 网络forms of enterprise organization;forms of business organization;business organization
  1. 在市场经济社会中,公司是最主要的企业组织形式。

    Society in a market economy , the company is the most important forms of enterprise organization .

  2. 供应链联盟作为一种新型的企业组织形式,可以通过有效整合企业内部资源和外部资源进而实现整体战略目标,是目前企业组织间合作的主流模式。

    As new forms of enterprise organization , Supply Chain Alliance which can achieve to the overall strategic goal by integrate internal and external resources effectively , is the mainstream cooperation model between enterprises .

  3. 其次,就准入条件来看,主要有两种:第一,企业组织形式和股权比例限制,这种限制与GATS第16条关于市场准入的精神不相符;

    As far as the terms to get permitted is concerned , there are two such terms . The first one is restriction on the organic form of business .

  4. 它们开始采用一些稀奇古怪的企业组织形式,例如有限责任有限合伙企业(lllp),上市合伙企业(ptp)和不动产投资信托(reit)等。

    They have adopted exotic forms of corporate organisation , such as limited liability limited partnerships ( lllps ) , publicly traded partnerships ( PTPs ) and real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) .

  5. 信息时代新的企业组织形式:虚拟企业

    The New Organization Form of Virtual Enterprise in the Information Era

  6. 温州民营企业组织形式的变革是必然的。

    It is necessary to change the enterprise organization in Wen-zhou .

  7. 合伙是古老的企业组织形式之一。

    Partnership is one of the ancient forms of business organization .

  8. 股份合作制是一种全新的企业组织形式。

    Stock cooperation system is a new form of enterprise organization .

  9. 契约的可实施性与中国企业组织形式选择

    Contract Enforcement and the Organizational Selection of Firm in China

  10. 风险投资企业组织形式法律研究

    The Legislative Research of Risk Investment Enterprises ' Organizational form

  11. 晚清人士对股份制企业组织形式优势的认识

    Stock-enterprises : Its Organizational Form and Advantages in the Late Qing Dynasty

  12. 企业集团是我国现代企业组织形式的主要选择

    Enterprise Group Is A Main Choice for Modern Enterprise Organization in China

  13. 有限责任合伙是一种相对较新的企业组织形式。

    A limited liability partnership is a relatively new form of business organization .

  14. 公司是一种最典型、最重要、最有活力的企业组织形式。

    The corporation is the most typical , important and active enterprise modality .

  15. 中小民营企业组织形式的选择分析

    An Analysis on the Form of Organization of the Small and Medium-size Enterprises

  16. 对国有林区林业企业组织形式选择的意见

    Configuration of forestry enterprises organization in state-run forest region

  17. 这也许可以做为投资银行的一种企业组织形式。

    This might provide a model for investment banks .

  18. 企业组织形式为有限责任公司或股份有限公司。

    The enterprises'organizational forms are the limited liability companies or joint stock companies .

  19. 伴随着现代企业组织形式的出现而产生的两权分离,导致了企业内部委托代理关系的产生。

    With the appearance of modern enterprise , there exists the relation of entrustment-deputizing .

  20. 股份制作为一种企业组织形式,对外在制度环境有相当强的依赖性。

    But the shareholding system will still be highly dependent on the institutional environment .

  21. 新世纪企业组织形式探讨

    An exploration of organizational form in new century

  22. 论我国保险企业组织形式的多元化

    Exploration on Organizational Form Multiplication in Insurance Industry

  23. 无论是发达市场体系下还是在新兴市场经济中,企业集团已成为居于主导地位的企业组织形式。

    Business group becomes a dominant organizational form whether in developed or emerging economy .

  24. 谈企业组织形式之球队组织特征

    The analysis of the characteristics of Ball-team , one model of enterprise organization structure

  25. 这表明国家文化在这过程扮演着重要的作用,非个人信任水平的其他因素影响了中国私营企业家对其企业组织形式的选择。

    In China , non-general trust factors affect entrepreneur 's decision on enterprise organizational form .

  26. 建立了基于内部资本市场的企业组织形式选择模型;

    Established the model of firm organize choice based on the internal capital markets theory ;

  27. 除了国有公司,需要灵巧操作的企业集团成了较受青睐的企业组织形式。

    Outside the state firms , the fiddly conglomerate is the favoured form of organisation .

  28. 企业组织形式与会计目标

    Enterprise Organization Form and Purpose of Accounting

  29. 私营企业组织形式的演变是长期制度选择和市场竞争的综合结果。

    The evolution of private enterprises'organization is the result of long-term institutional selection and market competition .

  30. 依据组织进化理论,建立科学的企业组织形式的标准。

    In the light of evolvement method , we should set up scientific criterion of enterprise .