
  • 网络cultural orientation of an enterprise
  1. 论企业文化定位

    A Discussion on the Cultural Orientation of an Enterprise

  2. 合理、准确的企业文化定位是塑造成功的企业文化的重要环节。

    The reasonable and right cultural orientation of an enterprise is the key to successful enterprise culture .

  3. 论保险企业文化的定位及其构建

    Orientation and Construction of Insurance Corporate Culture

  4. 随着我国与世界各国经济贸易活动日益频繁,商标名称中的字母要素由于能够承载商品的相关信息和企业的文化定位而在商品国际化营销过程中变得越来越重要。

    As a result of the rapid development of international trade in recent years , the letter element in brand names of domestic products appears increasingly important because it not only carries the relevant information about a certain product but also reflects the image of an enterprise .

  5. 改体亦须塑魂&对国有商业银行企业文化的重新定位

    Reform Soul-Building Reposition of Enterprise Culture by State-Owned Commercial Banks

  6. 因此,从民营企业的制度文化定位上寻找突破口,重视并加强民营企业制度文化的建设,已成为促进民营企业克服种种障碍,持续健康向前发展的一条重要途径。

    So , looking for the breach on positioning of the private enterprises system 's cultures and strengthening the system 's cultural construction of private enterprises have already become an important way to let the private enterprises overcome all obstacles and develop in a constant and healthy method .

  7. 建立矿山企业体育文化多元化功能的基本定位体系,构筑矿山企业体育文化多元化功能定位的初步理论框架。

    Establish mine enterprises physical culture pluralism function of the basic positioning system , Mine enterprises to build s physical culture diversification of the initial functional positioning theoretical framework .

  8. 针对工矿企业所处同一生产场地,不同群体(脑力劳动与体力劳动)、不同社会环境、不同认知观等反差极大的条件下,对企业体育文化功能定位特殊性的研究。

    Locates the identical production location in view of the industry and mine enterprise , different community ( mental labor and physical labor ), different social environment , different cognition view and so on under contrast enormous conditions , to enterprise physical culture function localization particular research .