
  • Enterprise relocation;relocating the business
  1. 从8个生态类型区分析,工矿企业搬迁区PAHs含量最高,达49.196μg/kg,其次是化工区周边,农业科技园土壤中的PAHs含量最低。

    In the 8 typical ecological demonstration areas , the highest content of PAHs ( 49.196 μ g / kg ) was found in soils from the industry and mining removal areas , while the lowest content of PAHs in soils from the agricultural technological gardens .

  2. 中国城市污染企业搬迁政策比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Relocation Policy of Polluting Enterprises in China

  3. 有机氯农药企业搬迁遗留场地土壤中污染物的垂向分布特征

    Vertical Distribution of Pollutants in Soils of a Former Organochlorine Pesticide Manufacturing Field

  4. 企业搬迁会创造新的就业机会,进而刺激消费的增长。

    Relocation of companies creates new job opportunities and that will also encourage an increase in consumption .

  5. 工业企业搬迁;城市发展阶段;产业结构优化;污染场地;

    Industrial Enterprises Relocation ; Stage of Urban Development ; Optimization of Industrial Structure ; Contaminated Site ;

  6. 三峡库区商贸企业搬迁问题与成因分析

    Analysis of Causes and Problems Existing in Movement of Commercial and Trade Enterprises in Three Gorges Area

  7. 随着现代工业生产的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,大批化工企业搬迁或退役导致企业周边场地存在严重污染,特别是有机物污染。

    With the quick development of industrial production and urbanization , lots of relocated or closed industrial enterprises caused serious soil pollution , especially organic pollutants contaminated soil .

  8. 主要措施包括:坚决实施重点污染企业搬迁;规划建设大型热电供热企业;拆除10-20吨/时以下分散供热锅炉等。

    Major initiatives include : a firm focus on the implementation of relocation of polluting enterprises ; planning and construction of large thermal heating enterprises ; removal of 10-20 t / the distributed heating boilers .

  9. 随着国务院对三峡工程库区移民政策和库区企业搬迁政策作出了调整,库区的搬迁企业将会实施大规模的破产和关闭,而破产和关闭中存在的许多法律问题亟待解决。

    With the State Council adjusting the policies of migrations and removing enterprises in Three-gorges reservoir area , the removing enterprises will implement the policy of bankruptcy and closing down at a large scale , but many existed law problems demand prompt solution .

  10. 政治资源与民营企业总部搬迁:一个理论模型

    Political Resources and Headquarter Relocation of Chinese Private-owned Enterprises : A Theory Framework

  11. 杜伊斯堡内港因港口企业的搬迁和关闭,变成了工业废弃地。

    With the moving and closure of enterprises the inner port of Duisburg came into industry wastelands .

  12. 经济专家称,上海政府正在利用迪士尼工程加速产业结构调整,促进污染企业的搬迁。

    Economic experts said the Shanghai government is using the Disney project to speed up industrial restructuring and to promote the relocation of enterprises with pollution problems .

  13. 并在市场定位策略的基础上,为企业制定搬迁后的发展战略,包括降低成本策略、新产品开发策略、关系营销策略等,目的是为企业能够在竞争激烈的市场中占领一席之地。

    Based on the market positioning strategies , this paper sets down a series of development strategies for companies to develop after the removal , including cost-reduction strategy , new product development strategy , relationship marketing strategy , aiming to occupy a place in the fierce competition .

  14. 本文主要是关于卷烟企业易地搬迁项目进度管理模式的研究。

    This thesis is mainly about study of cigarette enterprises geographically relocation project schedule management mode .

  15. 在北京周边,各类污染企业要么已经搬迁,要么进行了技术改造,改用能效更高的技术。

    Around Beijing , various polluting industries have either been relocated or refitted with more energy-efficient technologies .

  16. 2008年之前完成东南郊和四环路内200家左右企业的调整搬迁。

    By 2008 , about 200 enterprises will be moved out of the south-eastern suburbs and the Fourth Ring Road .

  17. 在北京,汽车保有量不断飙升,许多重工业企业迟迟没有搬迁,成为空气污染的主要原因。

    In Beijing , soaring car ownership and the lingering presence of many heavy industries are the main causes of air pollution .

  18. 该研究从考察卷烟企业易地搬迁活动的现状入手,通过对卷烟企业易地搬迁工作的背景分析,探讨了卷烟企业开展易地搬迁进度管理研究的必要性和可能性。

    This research examines cigarette enterprises from the status of moving activity of cigarette enterprises , through the analysis of the background of moving work , discusses the cigarette enterprise management research progress of moving the necessity and possibility .

  19. 即便对只是考虑迁往中国内陆、而非海外的企业来说,决定搬迁也不容易。

    For companies that are contemplating moving inland in China instead of overseas , the decision is no easier .

  20. 而由于过去几年日本多数制造企业陆续向海外搬迁,增加出口也不是一件容易的事。

    And lifting exports won 't be easy either , with much of the nation 's manufacturing sector having moved overseas over the past few years .

  21. 在三峡水利枢纽工程的建设过程中,重庆、湖北这两个中西部的大省(直辖市)的大量位于蓄水线下的企业集中进行了搬迁,其中很多企业由于多种原因关停破产。

    In construction of the water control project in Sanxia , a large number of enterprises under the waterline in Chongqing and Hubei have moved , among them a lot of enterprises close down because of many kinds of reasons .

  22. 支持符合条件的整体搬迁企业发行债券,用于企业搬迁改造。

    Support eligible overall relocation companies issue bonds , transferring for enterprises .

  23. 同时,从项目管理角度探讨大型机械加工企业,尤其是外向型企业战略搬迁的项目进度控制和管理。

    From the Angle of project management of large mechanical processing enterprise , especially export-oriented enterprise strategic move the project schedule management and control .

  24. 西班牙、瑞士、英国、德国和法国等国的企业都表示,它们看到更多企业在搬迁业务。

    Companies in countries such as Spain , Switzerland , the UK , Germany and France , all said they had seen more relocations .