
  • 网络entrepreneur theory;entrepreneurial theory
  1. 企业家理论认识的现实困惑与超越

    Confusion and Transcendence in the Understanding of the Entrepreneur Theory

  2. 企业家理论的研究,最早可以追溯到史前经济学。

    Studies on entrepreneur theory can be traced back to the prehistoric economics .

  3. 我国中产阶层的形成机制与社会功能&基于亚企业家理论的研究

    The forming Mechanism and Social Function of Middle Class in China

  4. 组织演进与企业家理论的新发展

    The Organizational Evolution and the New Development of Enterpriser Theory

  5. 企业家理论研究的意义与分类综述

    Significance and classified discussion of theoretic study on enterprisers

  6. 早期企业家理论的历史沿革与发展

    Historic Reform and Development of Early Entrepreneur Theories

  7. 马克思资本家&工人模型中企业家理论

    Marx 's Entrepreneur Theory inCapitalist & Worker Model

  8. 马歇尔与熊彼特企业家理论的比较与借鉴

    The Comparison and Using for Reference about the Entrepreneurial Theories of Marshall and Schumpeter

  9. 企业家理论分析和借鉴

    The Entrepreneur Theory Analyzing and Using for Reference

  10. 企业家理论与企业家资源发展

    Entrepreneur theories and entrepreneur resources development

  11. 论马歇尔的企业家理论

    On Marshall 's Entrepreneur Theory

  12. 网络分析是西方企业家理论研究中普遍采用的分析方法。

    Network analysis is an analytic method of western enterprisers that always be used in theory study .

  13. 我国经济学家对企业家理论的研究起步较晚,其研究大多建立在西方的企业家理论基础之上。

    Researches on entrepreneur begin late in China and most of them are based on western entrepreneur theories .

  14. 并购与外包的动态均衡分析:企业家理论的新方法

    An Analysis of the Dynamic Equilibrium between MA and Outsourcing : A New Approach by the Theory of Entrepreneur

  15. 相关的理论主要包括:新古典经济学的企业理论、现代企业理论、现代产权理论、企业家理论和公司治理结构的基本理论等。

    These theories include classical economic theory , modem times enterprise theory , property right theory , enterpriser theory and corporation father structure theory , and so on .

  16. 权力和可信承诺是政治企业家理论的重要构成要素,对于把握政治企业家和制度变迁的关系具有重要意义。

    Power and credible commitment are important building blocks of the theory of the political entrepreneur and could help grasp the relationship between political entrepreneur and institutional change .

  17. 本文第一、二章对企业家理论和电子商务运行模式进行了概述;第二章首先提出了影响企业家成长的几个一般环境因素,然后有针对性地分析了电子商务的环境特点及其对企业的影响;

    Firstly , based on the economic model in the Electronic Commerce environment , author makes a summary of the specialities and the effects on enterprises of the Electronic Commerce ;

  18. 回到我之前提到的两种企业家理论理论,如果你想进入一个公司去学习这个产业,除非你想学习数字音乐。

    So going back to my theories on the two kinds of entrepreneur If you want to join a company to learn an industry , so unless you knew you wanted to be a digital music .

  19. 接着本文论述了构建经营者激励与约束机制的理论基础,主要包括企业家理论、交易费用理论、产权理论、委托一代理理论和管理激励理论。

    Then this thesis expounded the theoretical basis that the manager motivation and restriction has been structure , mainly including entrepreneur theory , transaction costs theory , property right theory , principal-agent theory and management motivational theory .

  20. 企业核心团队激励约束理论涉及的面较广,既涉及到了管理学、行为科学中的一般激励理论,又涉及到了经济学中的企业理论、企业家理论和人力资本理论等诸多内容。

    Core team incentive and constraints theory are involved very wide , both regard to the management , general motivation theory in behavioral sciences and the firm , entrepreneurs and human capital theory and many other content in economics theory .

  21. 本文首先阐述了会计稳健性对会计信息质量的影响,结合契约理论、代理理论、企业家理论,理论分析了引起高管更替的原因,以及会计稳健性对高管更替有效性的影响,提出了研究假设。

    First , this article expounds the meaning and the basic theory of accounting conservatism , incorporate contract theory , agency theory , and theory of entrepreneurship , theoretical analysis the factors which cause the executive turnover . Then , we proposed a theoretical basis and research hypotheses .

  22. 企业家创新理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Research on Entrepreneur Innovation Theory

  23. 阐述了企业家激励理论的假设前提,并对企业家激励理论的假设前提进行归纳。

    Expound the hypothesis of the entrepreneurs ' incentive theory and induce the hypothesis .

  24. 西方企业家网络理论研究述评

    Comments on Western Enterprisers ' Network Theory

  25. 通过对企业家政府理论进行深入考察得出几点启示:一是坚持理论与实践的统一;

    The paper points out that : the theory should be : uni - ty of theory and practice ;

  26. 先是对奥地利学派的企业家才能理论进行论述,分析其形成的思想基础和基本含义。

    Firstly it discusses the entrepreneurship theory of the Austrian School , analyzing its ideological foundation and basic meaning .

  27. 面临这些问题和不良后果,本文运用企业家政府理论试图找到其产生的原因。

    Faced with these problems and adverse consequences of using this theory of entrepreneurial government trying to find its cause .

  28. 企业家利润理论、人力资本理论和委托&代理理论为经营者股权激励的合理性提供了理论基础。

    Entrepreneur 's profit theory , human capital theory and entrust agent theory provide theoretical basis for the reasonableness of the managers ' stock right incentives .

  29. 在市场经济运行中,民营企业家应从理论上认识诚信是企业与企业家的生命。

    Private enterprisers must understand that honesty and trust are the life of the enterprises and the enterprisers from the theory in the operation of market economy .

  30. 本文重点应用新公共管理理论的重要代表&企业家政府理论来分析政府中办公用品管理存在的问题。

    This article focuses on the application of new public management theory important representatives - to analyze the theory of entrepreneurial government administration office supplies management problems .