
  • 网络loss of enterprise;loss incurred in an enterprise;business loss
  1. 电子产品制造商TCL在2005年收购了汤姆逊(Thomson)的电视制造业务和阿尔卡特(Alcatel)的手机部门,但是随着企业亏损额不断盘旋上升,不得不逐渐缩减两块业务的规模。

    TCL , electronics maker , took over Thomson 's television manufacturing business and Alcatel 's handset unit in 2005 but had to wind down both businesses following spiralling losses .

  2. 企业亏损结转税收法规的国际比较分析

    An International Comparative Analysis on the Tax Rules of Enterprise Loss-Carryover

  3. 关于企业亏损弥补的会计处理

    About the Accounting - dealing of the Enterprise 's Financial Loss

  4. 资源枯竭型煤炭企业亏损原因及对策

    Reasons on deficit and countermeasures for resources - exhausted coal enterprises

  5. 正确对待国有企业亏损反对私有化

    A Correct Understanding of Loss Incurred in State-owned Enterprises to Prevent Privatization

  6. 反之,安排欠妥,它会加速企业亏损甚至破产。

    Improperly used , it may accelerate the enterprise'loss and even bankruptcy .

  7. 外商投资企业亏损问题的分析与对策

    An Econometric Analysis on Accounting Losses of Foreign-invested Enterprises

  8. 国有企业亏损的内在原因与对策

    The Internal Cause of the Deficits in the State-owned Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  9. 在我国经济体制转换的特殊时期,煤炭工业出现了前所未有的危机,煤炭产品总量过剩、企业亏损严重等问题制约着煤炭工业的发展。

    China ' coal industry is faced at present with an unprecedented crisis .

  10. 国家企业亏损是多种因素合力作用的结果;

    The loss of state-owned enterprise is the result of various factor function together .

  11. 由于资产价格贬值和企业亏损,越来越多的贷款也逐渐沦为烂账。

    More and more loans turn sour as asset prices fall and businesses fail ;

  12. 进入90年代以来,我国国有经济增长速度明显减缓,企业亏损严重。

    Since 1990 's , the speed of state-owned economy development increases slowly and the state-owned enterprises loss seriously .

  13. 国有企业亏损的成因及对策分析对存在的问题分析了原因并采取了相应的解决办法。

    Causes and Countermeasures for SOE Operational Losses The operational problems were analyzed , and some countermeasures were given .

  14. 我厂原来产品积压严重,质量低劣,企业亏损。

    My plant is former product keep long in stock is serious , quality is inferior , company loss .

  15. 去年,因原油价格高企而成品油价格较低,炼油企业亏损严重。

    Last year , the refining businesses suffered heavy losses because of high crude prices and low fuel prices .

  16. 本文紧紧围绕着云南省酒店企业亏损的深层次原因以及如何发展这两个核心问题展开论述。

    This paper discusses two core problems that are the inherent reasons of the hotels losing and how to progress .

  17. 对当前石油经营企业亏损原因作出分析,并提出了搞活石油经营的看法。

    Causes for deficit incurred in petroleum enterprises are analyzed and some opinions on diversification ofpetroleum business are set forth .

  18. 我国自然垄断产品在上世纪80年代以前实行政府直接定价,垄断企业亏损严重。

    In China , before 1980s , Nmps were priced directly by the government and the monopoly enterprises lost heavily .

  19. 国有企业亏损问题是我国经济体制转轨过程中所面临的一个重大问题。

    Deficit in state-owned enterprises has been a grave issue faced by China 's economy in the course of its reorganization .

  20. 近两三年来,佛山市直工业企业亏损面、亏损额不断增加,企业营运效益下降,工业增长质量呈下降趋势。

    In the past three years , Foshan municipal industry had a lot of deficit while the quality increase has been declining .

  21. 但是这也解决不了企业亏损的现状,国家的财政补贴负担依然很重。

    But it also can not resolve the situation of deficit ; the country is still a heavy burden of financial subsidies .

  22. 由于政企不分、财务挂账积累、政策补贴不到位等多种原因,使得国有粮食购销企业亏损严重,举步维艰,难以承担粮食流通市场化条件下有效配置粮食资源及执行粮食宏观调控的使命。

    Due to various reasons , state-owned enterprises are suffering serious losses and are unable to effectively take macro-control of the market .

  23. 将有可能使许多航运企业亏损甚至倒闭,中国船东协会在近期一份声明中表示。

    It will probably drive many shipping companies to lose money or even shut down , the association said in a recent statement .

  24. 亏损企业亏损额137.4亿元,下降30.11%;产品销售率98.93%,增长0.04个百分点。

    The deficit of enterprises was 13.74 billion yuan , 30.11 % less than 2001 . The products sold rate was 98.93 % , 0.04 % higher than 2001 .

  25. 1-2月份亏损企业亏损额同比下降12%,减亏幅度加大8.2个百分点。

    In the first two months , the losses of loss-making enterprises dropped by 12 percent , 8.2 percentage points greater than the margin of decline in last year 's same period .

  26. 债务人提出破产申请时,应当说明企业亏损的情况,提交有关的会计报表、债务清册和债权清册。

    When the debtor is submitting the bankruptcy application , it shall explain the circumstances of the enterprise 's losses and deliver relevant accounting statements , a detailed list of debts and a detailed list of claims .

  27. 特别是在当前世界性金融海啸席卷全球的大环境下,企业亏损、倒闭,工人失业已遍布全球,此时我们更应该看到企业社会责任的重要性。

    Especially now , under the environment of the global financial tsunami sweeping through the world , the enterprise losses or closing down and unemployment has been around the world , at this time we should see the importance of enterprise social responsibility .

  28. 通过对吉林省深化粮食流通体制改革中要解决的主要问题&粮食企业亏损现状、原因、对策的系统分析和研究,认为对粮食价格的单项改革是行不通的。

    After the systematic analysis and study on the main problems in deepening reform of circulating system of grain in Jilin province ── the actuality cause , and countermeasure of deficit of grain , we think that the monomial reform of price of grain is not feasible .

  29. 这家企业因亏损而陷入困境。

    The business has been crippled by losses .

  30. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)称,三分之二的中外合资企业是亏损的。

    Two-thirds of Sino-foreign ventures are loss-making , according to McKinsey , the management consultancy .