
  • 网络price system
  1. 价格体制改革中的环境政策调控

    Environmental Policy in the Reform of Price System

  2. 深化价格体制改革谋福民生事业

    Deepen price system reform and helping civilian enterprise

  3. 双重价格体制下的油品购运销计划优化问题

    Optimization of Planning Purchase-Transport sale of Oil Goods in Dual Pricing System

  4. 2007年石化行业:油价回归与价格体制改革

    Petrochemical Industry in 2007 : Lower Oil Price and Reform of Pricing System

  5. 建立地质勘查市场价格体制问题的探讨

    A discussion on establishment of a pricing system of the geological prospecting market

  6. 广东省价格体制改革的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis on Pricing Reform in Guangdong Province

  7. 也谈我国的价格体制改革

    Also on the Reform of Our Price System

  8. 价格体制改革是整个经济体制改革的关键。

    The reform of pricing system is a key link in the whole chain of economic institutional restructuring .

  9. 中方有意放弃基准价格体制的任何举动,都会让反对改革的欧洲钢铁行业变得孤立无援。

    Any move by China to drop the benchmark would isolate the European steel industry , which opposes changes .

  10. 由于价格体制改革以来,物价波动给固定资产价格带来了不同程度的影响;

    Because of the reform of price system , the price fluctuation brings great influence on prices of fixed assets .

  11. 当前成品油和原油价格体制改革的关键是尽快深化原油价格定价机制的改革。

    This article also points out that it is essential to deepen the crud oil pricing mechanism reform as soon as possible .

  12. 传统的投融资体制不改革,竞争性的价格体制也难以有敢确立。

    If the traditional investment and financing system is not reformed , the competitive price system would be difficult to establish effectively .

  13. 矿商咄咄逼人的立场,可能会让今年的谈判成为自40年前所谓的年度基准价格体制确立以来最艰难的谈判。

    The miners ' aggressive stance could make the current negotiations the most difficult since the so-called annual benchmark system was created 40 years ago .

  14. 徐乐江的话说明中国官员的口风急转直下。中国官员曾表示他们希望维持基准价格体制。

    Mr Xu 's remarks represent a sharp shift from comments by Chinese officials , who had said they wanted to preserve the benchmark system .

  15. 文章认为,建立地勘市场经济体制,必须相应地建立和完善地勘市场价格体制。

    The author holds that in the building of a market economy of the geological prospecting trade , a relevant pricing system should also be established and improved .

  16. 以价格体制改革为主线,着重分析和评价价格体制改革给环境保护工作带来的积极效应和负面影响。

    Taking the reform of price system as mainstay , the positive effect and negative effect which the reform of price system brought to environmental protection were analysed .

  17. 随后在回顾我国医疗服务价格体制变迁的基础上,通过实证方法来证明医疗服务价格规制是影响我国医疗费用的重要因素。

    Then on the basis of reviewing the history of medical service price , prove the medical service price regulation is the important factor influencing medical expenses by empirical method .

  18. 在信息时代的商业模式中,企业之间的竞争不再是来自生产优化或是价格体制,而是来自整个供应链管理的各个方面。

    Under the new pattern based on information technology , competition between enterprises is not from optimizing manufacture or price system , but comes from the whole of supply chain management .

  19. 改革开放以来,虽然图书价格体制历经几次重大变革,但仍有许多不尽如人意的地方,因此,研究如何完善图书价格政策也就显得至关重要。

    Since the innovation and open of our country , book price system has still been dissatisfying after several transforms , which makes it crucial to research on how to perfect the book price policy .

  20. 本文从横向产品关联、纵向产业关联以及国内外市场关联三个方面分析了能源工业内部的产业关联及其对能源价格体制、市场结构、所有制结构等方面的影响。

    This paper analyzes , from horizontal product linkage , vertical industry linkage as well as domestic and international markets , the industrial linkage 's impacts on the energy price system , market structure and ownership structure .

  21. 在我国的价格体制改革进入90年代以后,绝大部分商品和劳务的价格已经由市场形成,市场机制跃居主体地位。

    Since the price reform of our country in the 90 's , the price of the overwhelming majority merchandise and labor service has already been decided by the market , for the market mechanism is in the predominant position .

  22. 我国天然气价格管理体制及定价模式研究

    A Study on China 's Price Control System and Pricing Mode for Natural Gas

  23. 价格规制体制包括法律基础、规制机构、规制模式三部分,这三个部分应该是一个互相呼应、配合的有机整体。

    The price regulation system is combined by law , regulation organization and regulation means .

  24. 五是完善价格管制体制,建立科学合理的价格制定和调整机制;

    Construct scientific performance evaluation system ; Fifth , construct the scientific price regulation model .

  25. 本文正是以此为背景来探讨我国电信价格规制体制的改革问题。

    So the thesis is trying to probe into the reform of the telecom price regulation system .

  26. 第二,公共部门人力资本价格中体制外收益需要由体制内的制度运行作保障,不断维持、扩大既得利益。

    Second , the outside interests are based on the implement of the inside system , and maintain and increase the vested interests .

  27. 本文在对我国电信市场、国外规制模式的分析基础之上找出了我国价格规制体制中存在的主要问题,并针对于这些问题探讨可行的改革措施。

    The thesis analyses the problem by the comparison the regulation pattern in our country and abroad . And it discusses the feasible measures of reform .

  28. 合理有效的价格管理体制是商品流通中的润滑剂,它有利于促进商品的生产、流通和消费。

    The rational and effective price management system is lubricant in the circulation of commodities , and it is conducive to the promotion of commodity production , circulation and consumption .

  29. 在政策方面,对卷烟品牌影响较大的是计划管理体制、价格管理体制、流通管体制和财税管理体制。

    On the policy side , a greater impact on cigarette brand is the plan management system , the price management system , the flow control system and financial and tax management system .

  30. 提出了我国天然气工业价格管理体制改革的路径:改革传统价格规制,实行以价格为主体的激励规制体系,时机成熟的条件下放松规制。

    The price management structural reform course of the Chinese natural gas industry is put forward : Substituting price incentive regulation system for traditional price regulation , on due time put deregulation into effect .