
  1. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周一指控已破产公司FastFrankInc.的所有人之一布伦斯坦(FrankBluestein),他曾劝说800余名投资者对他们的住房进行再融资,并将筹得的资金投入无价值证券,这些投资者以老年人为主。

    Michigan Broker Charged In Ponzi Case The Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday accused a part owner of a now-defunct firm known as Fast Frank Inc. of persuading more than 800 investors -- many of them elderly -- to refinance their homes and invest millions of dollars in worthless securities .

  2. 不动产价值证券化研究

    Research on the Securitization of the Value of Real Estate

  3. 证券的产生是由于传统民法关于债权、物权的一般规定不足以应付经常处于流通状态的权利,将权利记载在证券上,使各种财产的价值证券化,被记载于纸面上。

    The creation of securities is because the general provisions on creditor rights and property equities in the civil law can 't deal with the rights which are often in the state of movement .

  4. 基于顾客价值的证券交易渠道选择研究

    Research on Channel Choice in Securities Trading Based on Customer Value

  5. 基于风险价值的证券投资组合

    Securities Portfolio Based on Value Risk

  6. 在第一季度,雷曼兄弟称,难以评估价值的证券带来的相关税前利得为6.95亿美元。

    In the quarter , Lehman said it had a pretax gain of $ 695 million related to hard-to-value equities .

  7. 我行为客户提供保管箱服务,您可以保存有价值的证券,如存单(折)债券等等,我行收取一定的手续费。

    Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value , such as deposit certificate ( bank book ) and bonds , for which we charge some handling fee accordingly .

  8. 在Shefrin和Statman行为证券组合理论体系下,提出了一种基于认知风险价值的行为证券组合模型;

    With the behavioral portfolio theory of ( Shefrin ) and Statman , a behavioral model based on perceived risk values has been proposed .

  9. 创业企业的价值评估与证券设计研究

    Research on Valuing Start - up Venture and Securities Design

  10. 如何评估企业的市场价值一直是证券界探索的重要课题,也是投资者日益关心的问题。

    How to assess the market value of enterprises has always been the important issue which the securities industry and the investors concern about .

  11. 但是,滥用股票期权也会对股东利益、公司价值乃至整个证券市场带来破坏作用。

    But meanwhile , the abuse of it will be harmful to the stockholders ' interests , company values , and even the whole securities market .

  12. 甚至,著作权质押制度中的价值评估和证券化过程还涉及到经济领域的相关问题。

    Indeed , the estimate of values and the process of securitization in the system of copyright pledge also related to some problems of the economic field .

  13. 因此,如何估计股票的内在价值成为了证券市场上的一个重要课题,这也是广大投资者重点关注的问题。

    Therefore , how to estimate the intrinsic value of the stock became an important subject of the securities market , this is also the problems investors focus on .

  14. 为使披露的信息客观上能为投资者所信赖、所使用,实现信息披露的内在价值,各国证券法律制度对上市公司信息披露的标准都作了规定。

    The legal system of securities in some countries regulated the criterion of list-company information disclosure so that the disclosed information could be creditable objectively and its inter valuation could be realized .

  15. 市场价值发现作为证券市场核心功能,敦促上市企业提高资金的使用效率,但不合理的市场定价往往又被企业管理者加以利用。

    As a core function of stock market , value discovery can promote listed company to improve their funds use efficiency , but mis-pricing problems are often been used by corporate managers .

  16. 如何评估上市公司的真正价值不仅是证券界长期探索的重要课题,在当前已经日趋成熟的市场环境下,更是投资者最为关心的问题。

    Not only it is an important topic searched after long-term by securities business , but also it is the investors ' most concerned issue under the mature market environment day by day .

  17. 第一章论述了股票定价理论,主要论述了内在价值理论、证券组合理论和非线形化模型,并且追踪了股票定价理论的最近发展动态。

    The first chapter analyses the theory of stock pricing . It mainly analyses to describe the theory of inherent value , combinatorial theory of the securities , non-linear models , and has followed the trail of the recent development trends of the stock pricing theory .

  18. 公司治理水平的高低,既影响着上市公司的经营绩效,也影响着公司的市场价值,也是证券市场健康稳定发展的重要因素,因此越来越多的学者加强了对公司治理的研究。

    The level of corporate governance standards , not only affect the operating performance of listed companies , also affected the market value of the company . It is also one of the important facts that determine the healthy and stable development of the stock market .

  19. 并购重组是否创造价值?&中国证券市场的理论与实证研究

    Do Mergers and Acquisitions Create Value : Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

  20. 一致性风险价值及其在中国证券市场的应用研究

    Cohesive Value at Risk and Case Study in China

  21. 价值投资在中国证券市场实用性的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Applicability of the Value Investment in China 's Securities Market

  22. 会计盈余对投资者、债权人具有重要的决策价值,同时也是证券市场监管的重要参数。

    As an important parameter of securities market supervision , accounting earnings possess significant decision value .

  23. 价值:知觉入股证券被出售的潜在价值大幅折扣其内在或。

    Value : Invests in securities perceived to be selling at deep discounts to their intrinsic or potential worth .

  24. 在论述证券侵权民事责任的价值时,认为证券侵权民事责任最基本价值在于保护投资者信心,完善公司治理结构。

    The value of the infringement civil liability in securities trading is preserve investor ' confidence and perfect corporation govern structure .

  25. 在市场有效的情况下,企业价值的提升在证券市场上的反映必然是股票价格的上升。

    In the situation of efficient market , the advance of enterprises value must be reflected by the rising of stock price .

  26. 此外,本文的价值也体现在证券市场的投资者可以参照本文的研究结果选择投资对象这一方面。

    In addition , the research is also helpful for the investors in the stock market on how to choose a good investment objective .

  27. 如无其它规定,待交收证券价值及待处分证券价值均按t日收盘价计算。

    Unless otherwise specified , the values of the securities to be settled and the values of the securities to be settled disposedshall be calculated subject to the closing price of t day .

  28. 这些对策和建议对于规范我国上市公司行为以及提高信息使用准确度有一定的实用参考价值,对于促进证券市场健康发展也具有一定的现实意义。

    The counter measures and suggestions have certain practical and referential value to standardize activities of the listed companies as well as to increase the accuracy of information application , at the mean time , they also realistic significance in boosting the healthy development in securities market .

  29. 现代财务管理的目标逐渐由利润最大化转向为企业价值最大化,证券投资者的理念也逐步地走向价值投资理念,因此,如何正确地评估企业的内在价值已经显得越来越重要。

    The objective of modern financial management has turned into enterprise value maximization from profit maximization gradually . Securities investors ' idea has gradually turned into value investment idea too . Therefore , how to valuate the intrinsic value for the enterprise properly has become more and more important .

  30. 同时,大量实证研究文献的结果表明,流动性存在价值,且流动性价值受证券价格波动性、流通受限期限、公司基本面信息和证券交易量等因素影响。

    The results suggest that the common research methods can be classified as letter stock method , IPO method and other method , and that the liquidity value is affected by such factors as securities volatility , restricted term , fundamental information of listed company and trading volume .