
  1. 双频GPS接收机多路径效应监测及仪器噪声分析

    The multipath effect and instrument noise in GPS dual frequence receiver

  2. 这种双通道比值指数和NDVI一样具有衰减仪器噪声和抵消常规大气影响的优点。

    Like NDVI , This dual-channel ratio index has the advantages that could attenuate conventional equipment noise and atmospheric effects .

  3. 地震计仪器噪声测量中的几个问题

    Several issues about the measurement of a seismometer 's self-noise

  4. 研究了地震计仪器噪声的测量方法和算法,并实际测量了FBS-3B的噪声。

    The algorithm for instrument noise measuring is analyzed in simulation mode and practiced in the measuring of FBS_3B 's self-noise .

  5. 对于氢含量的测量采用气相色谱法,并用随机共振算法消除色谱流出曲线中仪器噪声对微弱氢信号的淹没,实现微弱信号的检测。

    We use the gas chromatography technology to quantify the hydrogen , and treat the chromatography curve with the stochastic resonance algorithm to eliminate the submerging of the apparatus noise to the tiny hydrogen .

  6. 本文指出了在生物芯片制备仪研制和调试过程中发现的一些问题,给出了为改进生物芯片制备仪性能所采用的几种消除仪器噪声、增强仪器抗干扰能力的解决方案。

    This paper has pointed out some problems that were founded in the developing and testing process of Biologic Tissue Chips instrument , given out the scheme to remove instrument noise , strengthen the anti-interference ability of Biologic Tissue Chips instrument .

  7. 理想的重构算法即使在仪器噪声较大、存在测量误差、光线数量少以及待测气体在空间的分布不稳定情况下,也能够通过有限的测量数据和非对称的光线构型,得出理想的重构图。

    Ideally , a reconstruction algorithm can be used to obtain good reconstruction maps only by limited number of measurements and non symmetric ray configurations , even in the presence of instrument noise , measurement error , poor beam geometry , and variations in the contaminant spatial distribution .

  8. 电子测量仪器信道噪声的对消

    On the Noise Silencing in the Channel of Electronic Measuring Apparatus

  9. 目的眼底图像处理是眼底血管图像定量分析的必要前提,在实际操作过程中受仪器、噪声电流等因素的限制,图像的效果常常不甚理想。

    Objective : The eyeground image processing is prerequisite to the eyeground blood vessel image quantitative analysis . In actual operation , image effect isn 't frequently good because of instrument and noise current limit .

  10. 为此,组建了一套基于虚拟仪器的半导体噪声测试系统。

    Therefore a noise-measurement system for semiconductors based on virtual instrument was established .

  11. 虚拟仪器在接收机噪声系数测试中的应用

    The Application of Virtual - Instrument in Receiver Noise

  12. 还有一些可以直接测出声强级的仪器,叫做噪声计。

    There are also instruments known as noise meters which measure this level directly .

  13. 检测仪器的低噪声电子设计

    Low Noise Electronic Design of Testing Instruments

  14. 仪器的固有噪声水平是地震计的关键技术指标,因此如何降低仪器的自噪声是地震计设计中需要解决的重要问题。

    So , how to lower down the self-noise level is a big issue in the seismometer designing .

  15. 发动机噪声源的识别是控制发动机噪声的一项关键技术,传统的办法是用仪器分别测试噪声源,测试办法复杂,仪器多。

    Identification of engine noise source is a critical technique of controlling engine noise . Traditionally , each of noise sources is separated to test . These tests are complicate by many instruments .

  16. 其测量精度不仅取决于光谱测量精度、仪器本身的噪声以及测量波段内其他气体的干扰等因素,还与痕量气体前期采集和处理有关。

    The measurement precision not only depends on the measurement precision of spectra and the noise of instrument and disturbing of other gases in measuring band , but suffers the influence of signal sampling and pre-processing .

  17. 根据噪声测试方案,搭建了噪声测试系统的硬件电路,并用虚拟仪器实现了噪声信号采集与分析功能。

    Depending on the noise measurement plan , a hardware circuit has been constructed and the virtual instrumentation has been employed to control the function of noise signal acquisition and analysis , and the noise measurement system is made up of those two components .

  18. 频标计量仪器电路的低噪声设计

    The Design of Low Noise Circuits in the Frequency Standard Measuring Instrument

  19. 基于虚拟仪器技术的齿轮噪声监测仪的开发

    The Development of Gear 's Noise Testing System based on Virtual Instruments

  20. 瞬变电磁法仪器研制中的噪声抑制问题

    The problem of eliminating noise in developing TEM instrument

  21. 通过实际应用证明,用虚拟仪器技术实现焊机噪声测试的方法是成功的。

    Practical application prove that it is successful to test the noise of welder with Virtual Instrument technology .

  22. 叙述了虚拟仪器技术在发动机噪声测试中的应用,分析了发动机的噪声源,设计和选择了噪声测试系统的硬件和软件部分。

    This article discusses the application of virtual instrument in the measurement of automotive engine noise , analyzes the source of the noise and designs the hardware and software of the measurement system .

  23. 在超声无损检测中,材料晶界和微结构等不可分辨散粒所产生的背景噪声以及超声检测仪器产生的电噪声经常干扰缺陷的检测,甚至会淹没缺陷信号。

    In Ultrasonic NDT , the background noise by the unresolved scatterers such as grain boundaries and other microstructure , and electrical noise by the ultrasonic defect detector often masks the flaw signal , creating a hindrance to detection .

  24. 为克服联用色谱仪器的不等性噪声影响,采用目标组分投影前后的光谱夹角余弦判据,判断不同的中药色谱指纹图谱的相关组分色谱峰簇。

    In order to eliminate the influence of heteroscedastic noise derived from hyphenated instruments , the cosine value of between target component spectrum and its projected residue is applied as a criterion to test the correlative component chromatographic clusters of different chemical fingerprints of traditional Chinese medicines ( TCMs ) .

  25. 优化仪器系统参数,消除仪器噪声、解决基线漂移和光散射等问题,以减少系统误差,获得最佳的分析灵敏度和精密度,并对分析方法进行方法学评价。

    The problems of instrument noises , baseline drift and light scattering were resolved by optimizing the instrument system parameters in order to reduce the systematic error and attain the optimal analysis sensitivity and precision . A methodology study on this method was made . 3 .