
  1. 前不久的一个晚上,我走进酒吧时,音响里正在播放至上女声组合(TheSupremes)的《住手!以爱之名》(Stop!IntheNameofLove)。

    The Supremes " " Stop ! In the Name of Love " was on the sound system when I walked in the other night .

  2. 以爱之名,这将被完成。

    It will be done in the name of Love .

  3. 让你做的所有事情,都以爱之名立誓。

    Let all that you do , be done in the name of love .

  4. 我曾以爱之名为你跋山涉水,直到最后微笑着勇敢独行。

    I have to love you , until the end , see smiling brave alone .

  5. 难道他们没有描述过以爱之名去行动会伴随着响应?

    Have they not reported that when it is done with love , that there is a response ?

  6. 那些以爱之名结婚,并在一起十年甚至更久的夫妻得到40分。

    The love couples who had been married ten years or longer had an average score of only 40 points .

  7. 事实上,婚姻平权运动需要我们,以爱之名支持公平正义。

    And in fact , the gay rights movement asks us to support justice and equality from a space of love .

  8. 阿瑟·布莱斯牧师在这里开同样的礼拜日早课,正如五十年前学生们听到爆炸的那天早上一样,早课的内容是“以爱之名的宽恕”。

    The Reverend Arthur Price taught the same Sunday school lesson that students heard the morning of the bombing : " a love that forgives . "

  9. 美国阿肯色州小石城的治疗专家贝基•怀特斯通认为,与其对另一半的外貌变化指指点点,不如以爱之名,劝他和你一起去上健身课。

    Instead of pointing out changes in your spouse 's appearance , be supportive and tell him you 'd love if he joined you at your cycle class sometime , said Becky Whetstone , a Little Rock , Arkansas-based therapist .