
yǐ diǎn dài miàn
  • fan out from a point to an area
  1. 在小于REL的尺度上研究问题时,必须考虑区域内各量的空间结构,不能用简单的平均方法以点代面。

    For subregion 's lengths smaller than REL , spatial structures of various quantities in the region must be taken into account , and a simple average method using values at several points in a region to stand for the region can not be adopted .

  2. 注意差异改造,切忌以点代面。

    Paying attention to differential reformation .

  3. 这样不仅可以弥补地区气候观测资料空缺,避免了传统方法以点代面的局限性,还可以为农业生产和科学研究提供有关气候环境信息的基础数据。

    The gridded agricultural climate information can be provided as basic data for agricultural production and scientific research that the data from observatories only cannot do well .

  4. 我们不能以偏盖全,以点代面,把身边个别人的事情放到整个北京人的头上。

    We cannot take a part for the whole , or take the experience of one point and spread it to the entire area , put the individual people 's things ahead of the entirety of Beijing people .

  5. 国内外的隧道照明都是以亮度作为主要指标进行评价,亮度测量是一个静态的过程,是以点代面的方法。

    Luminance is the main indicators to evaluate tunnel lighting , Luminance measurement is the static process , this method means from point to area .