
dài xiè bìng
  • metabolic disease
  1. 方法:本研究采用以医院为基础的配对病例对照研究方法。病例组为2005年1月至2005年11月期间就诊于天津医科大学代谢病医院DM并发ED的门诊病人。

    Methods : A hospital-based 1:1 pair-matched case control study was conducted in the Metabolic Disease Hospital of Tianjin Medical University during January 2005 to November 2005 . Totally 116 pairs of age-matched ( within 5 years ) male diabetics were enrolled in this study .

  2. 临床症状常与Gaucher′s,病以及其他一些先天性代谢病相似。

    The clinical symptoms are similar to Gaucher 's disease and other inherited metabolic disease .

  3. 结论重庆地区增加MS危险性的环境因素与不健康的生活方式,运动减少和某些社会文化及心理因素有关,而遗传因素则与心血管病和代谢病家族史有关。

    Conclusion The environmental factors which can increase the risk of MS were closely related to the unhealthy life style , less exercise , and some social , culture and psychical factors .

  4. 结论NICU应警惕早期新生儿遗传代谢病,可利用目前的技术力量提高诊断率。

    Conclusion It is a highly significance of IED screening in NICU , which may increase the early diagnosis and improve the prognosis .

  5. 通过在智能发育异常儿童中筛查特殊的一类遗传性代谢病&苯内酮尿症(phenylketonuria,PKU),以了解PKU在儿童精神发育迟滞中的病因学意义。

    To know its etiological significance in MR by screening a kind of particular inheritance metabolism disease called Phenylketonuria ( PKU ) in children with MR.

  6. 随着造血干细胞移植及酶替代治疗的逐步开展,MPS成为可治疗的遗传代谢病,早期诊断和早期治疗是改善预后的关键。

    With the development of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and enzyme replacement therapy , MPS have become treatable genetic metabolic diseases . In order to improve prognosis , it is crucial to diagnose and treat MPS in early phrases .

  7. 结论:在本地区建立新生儿遗传代谢病的筛查系统是必要的。沈阳地区PKU及持续性高Phe血症的发病率分别为1/13358、1/18216。

    Results : Conclusions : The incidence was 1 / 13 358 for PKU , and 1 / 18 216 for persistent hyperphenylalaninemia in Shenyang . It is necessary to establish a screening system of neonatal hereditary metabolic diseases in this area .

  8. citrin缺陷导致的新生儿肝内胆汁淤积症(NICCD)是一种以黄疸、肝功能异常为主要临床表现的遗传代谢病。

    Neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by citrin deficiency ( NICCD ) is a kind of inborn errors of metabolism , with the main clinic manifestations of jaundice , hepatomegaly , and abnormal liver function indices .

  9. 内分泌与代谢病专业实习教学模式初探

    Exploration on the Model of Clinical Practice in Endocrinology and Metabolism

  10. 酮病是奶牛三大营养代谢病之一。

    Ketosis is a common nutritional metabolic disease in dairy cow .

  11. X线监测奶牛骨营养代谢病防治效果的研究

    Supervision of cow 's nutritional bone disease with the means of X-ray

  12. 23例先天代谢病误诊分析

    Misdiagnosis Analysis of 23 Cases with Inborn Errors of Metabolism

  13. 高产奶牛主要代谢病的营养调控

    Nutritional Regulation for Main Metabolic Diseases in Dairy Cows

  14. 大型集约化奶牛场营养代谢病的综合防治与对策研究

    The Controlling and Countermeasure of the Nutrition Metabolic Disease in Large-Scale Diary Farm

  15. 新生儿重症监护病房中遗传代谢病的临床特点及分析

    Clinical features and analysis of inherited metabolic diseases in neonatal intensive care unit

  16. 智低儿童遗传性氨基酸代谢病发病情况探讨

    A study of inherited amino acid metabolic diseases in children with mental retardation

  17. 微量元素与遗传性代谢病

    Trace Elements and Hereditarily Metabolic Diseases

  18. 气相色谱/质谱对儿童先天遗传代谢病的筛查

    The Screening of the Inherited Metabolic Diseases For the Children in Urine Using GC / MS

  19. 是筛查氨基酸代谢病尤其筛查苯丙酮尿症的准确而简便的方法。

    This method is suited for identifying errors of amino acid metabolism and phenylketonuria in particular .

  20. 神经系统遗传代谢病

    Hereditary metabolic diseases of nervous system

  21. 目的探讨遗传代谢病患儿神经系统损害的临床特征。

    Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics of nervous system of children with inherited metabolic disorders .

  22. 围产期奶牛血中某些生化指标与脂类代谢病关系的研究

    Studies on the Relations between Lipid Metabolism and Some Bio-chemical Indexes in Blood of Cow during Perinatal Period

  23. 乳牛代谢病的研究Ⅱ.不同营养水平对乳牛脂代谢的影响

    Study on Metabolic Diseases in Cows ⅱ . The Influence of Dietary Nutrition Levels on Lipid Metabolism in Cows

  24. 先天性遗传代谢病的早期诊断23例先天代谢病误诊分析

    Early diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism in neonatal Period Misdiagnosis Analysis of 23 Cases with Inborn Errors of Metabolism

  25. 发生的遗传代谢病的认识,提高早期诊断率。

    Objective To sublimate the cognition of inherited metabolic diseases ( IED ) and enhance the rate of early diagnosis .

  26. 串联质谱技术在遗传性代谢病高危儿童筛查中的初步应用

    A pilot study of selective screening for high risk children with inborn error of metabolism using tandem mass spectrometry in China

  27. 本方法检测先天性氨基酸代谢病简便,快速、灵敏。

    The detection of congenital amino acid metabolic disease by this method is simple and easy to operate , rapid and sensitive .

  28. 上腹部脂肪过多也容易诱发炎症并导致代谢病,比如高血压,中风和糖尿病。

    Fat concentration in the midsection is also thought to induce inflammation and trigger metabolic diseases including high blood pressure , stroke and diabetes .

  29. 目的提高儿科医生对新生儿期遗传代谢病的认识,做到早期诊断、早期治疗。

    Objective To improve pediatricians ' knowledge of inborn errors of metabolism in neonatal period . Make the diagnosis and treatment as early as possible .

  30. 近年来,脐血造血干细胞移植已广泛用于治疗儿童白血病、先天性免疫缺陷病、遗传性代谢病等方面。

    Till now cord blood transplantation has been widely used in treating children leukemia , inborn immune deficiency , heritage metabolic disease and so on .