
  1. 靠警察帮忙,他找到了他的亲属。

    Through the instrumentality of the police he was able to locate his relatives .

  2. 哥尼流已经请了他的亲属密友,等候他们。

    Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends .

  3. 他的亲属都已死亡。

    All his kindred are dead .

  4. 根据史料记载,有一次他要求把他的亲属的尸体都挖出来,这样他就能一直看着他们。

    In one incident , he reportedly ordered that thecorpses of his relatives be dug up so he could look at them .

  5. 因此,如果他们能将帮助&而非取代家庭成员照料他的亲属的这一许诺传达给照料者,这样性质的服务也许更容易被接受。

    Therefore , services might be considered more acceptable if they communicated their commitment to supporting-rather than substituting-family members in the caregiving role .

  6. 夺回了所有的财物,连他的亲属罗特和他的财物,以及妇女和人民都夺回来了。

    And he brought back all the substance , and Lot his brother , with his substance , the women also and the people .

  7. 过了两三个月以后,新娘及他的亲属们前来接新娘,把她和她的嫁妆一起带回丈夫家。

    After a few moths , the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry .

  8. 他还得牢记在心,每一个理性的人都是他的亲属,关心每一个人是人的本性;

    And he remembers also that every rational animal is his kinsman , and that to care for all men is according to man 's nature ;

  9. 上周洛杉矶机场枪击案的枪手已被起诉,他的亲属对于被害的安保人员家庭表示哀悼。

    Relatives of the gunman charged in last week 's Los Angeles airport shooting expressed sympathy to the family of the security officer who was killed .

  10. 故事从上周三开始。一起交通事故致一名男子死亡,他的亲属同意把他的五个器官移植给需要的人。

    The story started last Wednesday . A car accident killed a man , and his relative agreed to transplant five of his organs to people in need .

  11. 杨子的邻居丢了羊,邻居既率领著他的亲属,又请求杨子的小厮一块儿去追赶跑掉的羊。

    Yangzi 's neighbor lost a sheep ; his neighbor not only led his relatives , but also asked Yangzi 's young servants to go together with them to pursue the lost sheep .

  12. 过了两三个月以后,新娘及他的亲属们前来接新娘,把她和她的嫁妆一起带回丈夫家。嫁妆跟随妇女由娘家到婆家,成为她们在新家庭中的私产。

    After a few moths , the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry . Together with the bride to the house of the husband , the dowry became the woman 's private property in her new home .

  13. 他的直系亲属都在场,这显然起到了让他镇定的作用。

    The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him .

  14. 他的大多数亲属住在乡下。

    Most of his relatives lived in the country .

  15. 如今他的直系亲属就只有他的孙子,曾孙和玄孙。

    His only remaining next-of-kin were grandchildren , great-grandchildren and great-great-grand-children , he claimed .

  16. 陈寅恪的强烈爱国情感的形成,既有他的家庭亲属的影响,又有中国爱国传统文化的影响。

    Both his family education and the Chinese traditional patriotism helped to foster his intense patriotic feelings .

  17. 他的孩子和亲属可能搬往其它城市,但是那里可能没有办法赚到足够的钱。

    His children and relatives might move away to another city , and there might be no way of earning enough money .

  18. 虽然韩飞龙没有受到与此案有关的指控,但他的朋友和亲属认为,导致他被捕的原因是他为葛兰素史克所做的工作。

    Although Mr. Humphrey was not charged in connection with that case , his friends and relatives believed he was detained because of work he had been conducting for Glaxo .

  19. NYClass组织由当地一个房地产与停车场业大亨领导,其背后的捐款人中有几位是白思豪竞选活动的最大支持者——其中有一家劳工组织多年来一直由他的堂系亲属领导,该组织为NYClass捐助了数十万美元。

    The donors behind NYClass , which is led by a local real-estate and parking-garage magnate , include several of Mr. de Blasio 's biggest campaign supporters - among them a labor group led for years by his cousin , which contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to NYClass .

  20. 她跟他的家庭并没有亲属关系,可是她了解他的一切,而且谁都了解。

    He is n 't any kin to her family , but she knows all about him , everybody does .

  21. 他的主人或是他的什么亲属叫道。

    Exclaimed his master , or whatever relation he bore .

  22. 由于没有遗产规划,他的资产开始遗嘱认证阶段,所以他的亲属都不是很稳定。

    With no estate planning at all , his assets went into probate and his dependents were left in limbo .

  23. 这就是说,他的社会等级或地位与他的家,他的较大的亲属圈子,或者甚至他的全镇全区共同具有。

    That is , his social class or position is shared with his family , his wider group of relatives , or perhaps even his whole town or district .