
  1. 我爱上一个人,但是他不爱我。

    Once I loved a man who did not love me .

  2. 不,他不爱我他喜欢拥有我。

    No , he doesn 't adore me . He adores having me .

  3. 即使他不爱我,我还仍然爱着他!

    I 'll still love he even if hei doesn 't love me !

  4. 他不爱我了,所以那么说。

    He can 't love me and say that .

  5. 我不怕他不爱我,却怕他所爱之人,并非良人。

    I am not afraid he doesn 't love me , but that he loved , not one .

  6. 实际上,我早已有意中人,只是他不爱我。

    The truth is , I have met the right person , only he 's not in love with me .

  7. 老公不喜欢我这个样子他不爱我他不爱我……

    He doesn 't like what I am . He doesn 't love me . He doesn 't love me ...

  8. 这看来比较像他不爱我-他爱你,不要放弃?

    It 's more likely he does not love me . - He loves you . Do not give up .

  9. 但我不确定他爱不爱我

    But I not sure he luv me or not

  10. 你要知道他爱不爱我吗?

    You want to know if he loved me ?

  11. 我想知道他爱不爱我。

    I want to know if he loves me .

  12. 由于他不爱说话,我过了一些时候才有机会探测他的心灵

    Incommunicative as he was , some time elapsed before I had an opportunity of gauging his mind .

  13. 我看他不见得还会爱我。

    It is impossible that he should still love me .

  14. 他不爱说话,对我的问题一两个字就打发掉了。

    A taciturn man , he replied to my questions in monosyllables .

  15. 他爱我他不爱我

    He loves me , he loves me not ...

  16. 因此我的问题是,当他所做的一切都告诉我他不爱我的时候,我怎么能知道他是爱我的?

    So here is my question about that , how can I " know " this when everything he has done tells me something to the contrary ?