
  • 网络Synthetic Rutile;artificial rutile;titania
  1. 本论文研究攀枝花钛精矿盐酸法加压浸出人造金红石技术中的多组分多相的热力学平衡和加压浸出实验规律。

    Thermodynamic equilibrium of Multcomponent Multphase systems to prepare artificial rutile by pressure-leached process of Panzhihua ilmenite concentrate treated with hydrochloric acid are investigated .

  2. 天然金红石和人造金红石是盐酸法和硫酸法生产二氧化钛(TiO2)颜料的重要原料之一。

    Titanium dioxide pigments are manufactured by the chloride or sulfate processes , in which natural rutile or synthetic rutile is used as raw materials .

  3. 人造金红石沸腾氯化制备粗TiCl4工业试验

    Industrial Experiment of Producing Crude TiCl_4 by Fluid-bed Chlorination of Synthetic Rutile

  4. 因此,用高钛渣代替钛铁矿生产人造金红石将成为一种趋势。

    Therefore using high titanium slag to replace ilmenite is becoming wide-spread .

  5. 从钛精矿制取富钛料(或人造金红石)及铁粉的新工艺&原磁选法

    A new technology for producing titanium-rich material ( or synthetic rutile ) and iron power from ilmenite concentrate by Reduction-Magnetic separation process

  6. 人造金红石高钛渣、天然金红石等富钛料是生产钛白粉电焊条和海绵钛的原料。

    Titanium pigment , electric welding bar and titanium sponge are made from raw materials which are rich in titanium such as synthetic rutile and titanium slag etc.

  7. 叙述了人造金红石生产的工艺概况,各主要生产公司的发展近况、对钛铁矿原料的要求以及生产高品位人造金红石的趋势。

    Recent development situation of every main manufacturing companies and its requirement in ilmenite as raw materials , and the trends manufacturing high grade artificial rutile were concerned .

  8. 电炉熔炼钛精矿的热力学讨论简述了工业上制备富钛料常用的几种方法&电炉熔炼法生产钛渣、盐酸浸出法、硫酸浸出法、还原锈蚀法生产人造金红石的原理、国内外生产状况。

    The principle and producing situation of three production methods of titanium concentrates & Reduction smelting produces titaniferous slag , Acid leaching and Reductive leaching produce synthetic rutile are depicted ;

  9. 目前,可利用的高品位天然金红石的供应量急剧减少,探索一种在较低的能源消耗和较小的环境污染下生产人造金红石的方法已经日趋迫切。

    Since available resources of high grade natural rutile tend to diminish , to explore new method to produce synthetic rutile with low energy consumption and less environment pollution is necessary .

  10. 介绍了富钛料、钛渣、高钛渣、人造金红石、金红石的基本概念和富钛料的主要用途。

    The conception of titanium concentrates , titaniferous slag , high titaniferous slag , synthetic rutile and natural rutile are introduced in this paper . The main use of titanium concentrates is also introduced .