
rén mín ɡōnɡ yuán
  • People's Park
  1. 公园绿地中空气负离子浓度最高,于人民公园雒水岐小瀑布跌水处可达5760个/cm~3,空气质量指数Ci值远远超过1,平均为7.69;

    Air negative-ion concentration in waterfall in People 's Park is 5760 / cm3 , which is the highest of the whole town .

  2. 广州人民公园使用状况评价报告

    The Post Occupancy Evaluation of the People 's Park , Guangzhou

  3. 加州大学伯克利分校(UCLA)扎营抗议的历史要追溯到1969年,当时抗议的学生们占领了大学的一片场地,也就是人们现在所熟知的人民公园。

    In Berkeley , the history of encampments stretches back to1969 , when student protesters seized a plot of university land now known as People 's Park .

  4. 今天,人民公园作为免费的公共公园。

    Today People 's Park serves as a free public park .

  5. 海口人民公园的发展探讨

    A Probe into the Development of People 's Park in Haikou

  6. 广州城市公园的两种规划模式探讨&人民公园南广场、麓湖公园综合规划实例

    Approaches on the Two Planning Modes of Guangzhou Urban Parks

  7. 我是外地人,你能告诉我人民公园怎么走吗?

    Could you tell me the way to the People 's Park ?

  8. 记住了:明天下午,在人民公园。

    Please remember : tomorrow afternoon , at the people 's park .

  9. 南宁市人民公园小气候的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Microclimate of People 's Park in Nanning

  10. 进了人民公园的大门。

    Enter the main gate of the people 's park .

  11. 孩子们希望到人民公园去过假日。

    The children wished to spend their holiday in the People 's Park .

  12. 秦皇岛市人民公园规划设计

    The Planning and Design of Qinhuangdao People 's Park

  13. 上海市地铁2号线人民公园车站结构设计

    Structure Design of the People 's Park Station of Shanghai Metro Line No. 2

  14. 从私人花园到人民公园&展览《游园》的探究

    From the private garden to the public park & the research of the exhibition

  15. 浅析公园景观的空间设计手法&以深圳市人民公园为例

    On Park Landscape Space Design & Shenzhen City People 's Park as an Example

  16. 重庆市人民公园改造投标方案介绍及启示

    The Bid Scheme of the People Park in Chongqing Reconstruction Project and its Revelation

  17. 在人民公园拔出了枪。

    Pulling out Uzis at people 's park .

  18. 1983年,小妹和我在焦作市人民公园留影。

    My little sister and I were in Renmin Park in Jiaozuo City in1983 .

  19. 龙口市人民公园设计

    The Design of Longkou Peo-ple 's Park

  20. 去人民公园。

    To the People 's Park .

  21. 请您指点一下,我到人民公园应乘哪路公共汽车。

    Please show me which bus I should take to get to the People 's Park .

  22. 人民公园,或者望江公园。

    At Ren-ming Park ( People 's Park ) or Wang-jiang-lou Park ( Water-Viewing Pavilion Park ) .

  23. 人民公园车站是目前上海唯一一座地下三层车站。

    At present , the people 's park station is the only three layers underground station in Chi-na .

  24. 在中国做生意不是在人民公园散步,而且永远不会是。

    Doing business in China is no stroll in the people 's park & and never will be .

  25. 在一个晴朗的星期日,人民公园里有小山,山上有树,花。

    In a sunny Sunday , the people in the park are hills , mountains have trees , flowers .

  26. 自然生态现代&山东潍坊人民公园规划设计札记

    The Natural , Ecological and Modern & Notes about the Design for The People 's Park in Weifang , Shandong

  27. 清晨天气好的时候到人民公园或别的公园跟其他太极练习者一起做。

    Venture out into Renmin park or one of the other local parks in the early morning to follow alongside practitioners .

  28. 艺术馆座落于人民公园,与上海市政府、上海大剧院、上海美术馆及上海博物馆为邻,位处上海行政和文化中心。

    The Museum is located in the People 's Park , directly center of the administrative and cultural hub of the city .

  29. 在上海,人民公园中赫赫有名的相亲市场一定比平时还要爆满。

    In Shanghai , the city 's main marriage market nestled in People 's Park is teeming with more traffic than usual .

  30. 北京和平里示范小区是北京市住宅区环境样板工程和南昌市人民公园绿化带设计浮雕“方志敏”是我的一些想法实践。

    In the peace demonstration district , Beijing is Beijing city residential environment boilerplate project is my practice and application of some ideas .