
  • 网络Ergonomics;Ergonomic;human engineering;Human factors
  1. 人的可靠性分析(HRA)是人机工程、安全科学极为关注的问题。

    Human Reliability Analysis ( HRA ) is a key issue in ergonomics and safety science .

  2. 人机工程在汽车车身布置设计上的研究发展。

    The development of ergonomics in designing and packaging for auto-body .

  3. NC机床评价系统中机床人机工程多级模糊评价方法研究

    Research on Ergonomics Multistage Fuzzy Evaluation Method in NC Machine Evaluation System

  4. DJ产品可以帮助您确定您的人机工程需求。

    DJ Products can help you determine your ergonomic needs .

  5. SUV车辆人机工程的研究是基于人机工程学技术和SUV车辆技术的一项工作。

    Ergonomics research in SUV vehicle engineering is based on the technology of Ergonomics engineering and vehicle engineering .

  6. 本文在CATIA人机工程模决中,建立了人群文件,生成自定义的三维数字化人体模型。

    This article established public documents in the Ergonomics Design & Analysis module of CATIA software , and created user-defined three dimension digital human model .

  7. 如何建立合理的具有统计学意义的三维参数化人体模型是人机工程评价的关键问题之一,本文总结了在UG环境下的参数化建模方法。

    It is the key for Man-Machine evaluation how to establish a right three-dimensional parametric body model which has only statistical meaning . The thesis concludes the parametric modeling methods in UG .

  8. 根据CAPP系统人机工程和工艺路线方案选择的需要,提出了一种基于图形控件和过程网的多工艺路线可视化设计与评估方法。

    To meet the requirements of human machine engineering and alternative selection of process routes in CAPP , an approach to visually plan and estimate the multi-process routes based on graphic components and process nets was put forward .

  9. 基于eM-Engineer的车身焊装车间人机工程仿真研究

    Research on Ergonomics Simulation of Car Body Welding Plant Based on eM-Engineer

  10. 利用视觉传达设计中城市CIS的概念,及人机工程的相关知识对太原城市公交汽车导向标识系统的人性化设计提出拟解决方案构想。

    Visual Communication Design in the city using the concept of CIS , and the ergonomics of the relevant knowledge of the identity of guiding sign of the bus transport system in Taiyuan , human-oriented design solutions proposed by the proposed concept .

  11. 美国商会的马克·弗里德曼(MarcFreedman)说:对于人机工程伤害是在工作场所之内还是之外造成的(比如生活方式和遗传因素),在科学上存在很多疑问。

    There are a lot of scientific questions on whether ergonomic injuries are caused by the workplace or outside the workplace , including lifestyle and genetics , says Marc Freedman at the US chamber .

  12. 在人机工程原理和汽车理论的基础上,我们利用多级模糊综合评价模型建立了汽车设计人机工程综合评价模型,并采用EJB(EnterpriseJavaBeans)技术加以实现。

    Based on the principle of human engineering and the theory of car , the synthesizing evaluating modeling of human engineering for car designing is established by the multiple fuzzy evaluating method , and the modeling is carried out by the technology of EJB ( Enterprise JavaBeans ) .

  13. 白车身焊装线机器人控制理论及方法基于eM-Engineer的车身焊装车间人机工程仿真研究

    Robot controlling and programming for spot welding line of BIW Research on Ergonomics Simulation of Car Body Welding Plant Based on eM-Engineer

  14. 介绍了CatiaV5的发展和技术特点,介绍了其人机工程功能,以一个香烟条盒包装机防护罩的设计为例,说明了CatiaV5在产品设计中的具体应用方法。

    The development , technical characteristics , and ergonomics function of CATIA V5 were introduced . The practical application method of CATIA V5 in product design was explained with an example of a shield design of cigarette strip box packaging machine .

  15. 本文从人机工程角度出发,分析集控室操作人员的控制功能,并引出为了保证CASC和操作人员协调一致地工作在最佳水平及设计CASC时应考虑的若干准则。

    The monitoring function of operators in central control rooms is analysed from the viewpoint of man-machine interlocution engineering . Some criteria for keeping CASC and operators in proper coordination at an optimal level are derived which should also be considered in CASC design work .

  16. 非线性规划方法在人机工程实验数据处理中的应用

    Application of nonlinear programming method to data processing of ergonomic experiments

  17. 轿车总布置设计中人机工程应用的初步探讨

    Preliminary Discussion on Application of Ergonomics in Car General Layout Design

  18. 基于人机工程的产品设计与仿真研究

    Research on the Product Design and Simulation Based on Human Engineering

  19. 汽车设计人机工程综合评价的研究

    Studying on the synthesizing evaluating of human engineering for car designing

  20. 雷达显控台的人机工程与造型设计研究

    Study of Ergonomics and Modeling Design of Display-control Panel of Radar

  21. 实际上,这是一个很好的人机工程设计背后。

    In effect , that 's the idea behind ergonomic design .

  22. 对航天员舱内活动的研究是航天人机工程的重要课题。

    Study on astronaut intravehicular activity is an important problem .

  23. 关于车机联控作业的人机工程应用研究

    Study on People-Computer Engineering Application of Station - Locomotive Joint Control Operation

  24. 拓宽现代工业设计的人机工程系统研究

    Research on Developing the Human Engineering System in the Modern Industrial Design

  25. 农机人机工程的电路等值与求解

    Circuit Equivalence and Solution to Man Machine Interface Problem of Farming Machine

  26. 人机工程设计:轻型的加速踏板减轻了操作者的疲劳。

    ERGONOMICS . Light touch accelerator pedal eliminates operator fatigue .

  27. 非致命武器的绿色人机工程分析

    Green Man-machine Engineering Analysis of the Non - lethal Weapon

  28. 基于人机工程的动态人体模型研究和应用

    Research and Application of Dynamic Human Phantom Based on Ergonomics

  29. 人机工程在数字化工厂中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Ergonomics in the Digitalized Factory

  30. 数控机床设计中的人机工程界面研究

    Research on the Man-machine Engineering Interface of the Design of NC Machine