
rén cái liú dòng
  • talent flow;the flow of talent;flow of talented people;mobility of talented personnel
人才流动[rén cái liú dòng]
  1. 第二,关于人才流动下的商业秘密保护之基本问题。

    Chapter 2 is about the trade secret protecting in the flow of talented people .

  2. 人才流动是社会进步发展的产物和表象,极大地促进了知识的社会化和结构的合理化,是劳动者择业自由的表现。

    The flow of talented people is the social progress development product , which promoting the socialization and architectural rationalization of knowledge extremely .

  3. 首先,运用人才流动的原理,阐述了人才国际流动的必然性,分析了加入WTO对我国人才国际流动带来的机遇和挑战;

    Firstly , applying the fundamental tenet of brain flow to expound the necessity of the international brain flow and analyzing the opportunities and challenges to the Chinese international brain flow after joining WTO .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,面对外国资本以合法方式进入教育服务市场,参与教育投资竞争,面对世界专业性人才流动的激烈竞争,我国高等教育投资体制应进行改革与创新。

    With China 's entrance into WTO , foreign capitals legally comes to education service market , and participates in education investment competition and specialized talents competition . To be more competitive , China should reform and innovate the higher education investment mechanism .

  5. 应用模型对实际算例的求解结果表明:Markov-chain预测模型及算法,叙述简洁、运算方便,为高等院校教师人才流动,乃至其他行业人才流动的预测提供了一种新的、有效的思路和方法。

    Operation result indicates that the Markov-chain forecasting model and the algorithm is succinct and convenient , which offers a new idea for forecasting the trend of talents flowage in organizations .

  6. 改善制度环境,引进先进的竞争机制,拟建KPI指标考评体系,改善薪酬分配机制、加强薪酬的激励约束作用,建立人才流动储备库,并且加大对培训的投入,盘活存量、提升员工整体综合素质。

    KPI indicators Assessment System should be designed and built to improve the pay distribution mechanism , strengthen the incentive pay restraint role . To establish reserves for personnel flows , and increase input in training to activated personnel stock and improve the overall quality of the overall staff .

  7. 浅谈科技人才流动中的知识产权保护

    The Protection of Intelletual Property in the Flowing of Technological Talent

  8. 人才流动对企业的影响分析及对策探讨

    Influence of Human Resources Circulation on Enterprise and Counter - Measures

  9. 人才流动状况调查指标体系的建立与应用

    Human Resource Flow Condition Investigation Target System Establishment and Application

  10. 人才流动是社会资源合理配置的需要。

    The rational deployment of social resources needs mobile talents .

  11. 高校人才流动的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis into Talents Movement in Universities and Colleges

  12. 基于期望熵的人才流动模型及其选择

    The Flowing Model about Qualified Scientists and Technicians Based on Expected Entropy

  13. 创建合理有序的高校人才流动机制

    To establish rational and orderly personnel flow mechanism of colleges and universities

  14. 人才流动与企业管理制度创新

    Talents Flowing and the Innovation of Enterprises ' Management System

  15. 完善人才流动机制促进人才合理流动

    Perfect Talents Mobility System and Promote Reasonable Mobility of Talents

  16. 内蒙古自治区科技人才流动问题研究

    Research on Issue of Technology Talents Flow in Inner Mongolia

  17. 山西省科技人才流动近况分析

    Analysis on the Present Situation of Sci-tech Talents Circulation in Shanxi Province

  18. 中小企业人才流动的因素分析

    The Factors Affecting the Flow of Trained Personnel in SMEs

  19. 人才流动中竞争情报的获取

    Capture of Competitive Intelligence from the Flow of Human Resources

  20. 用普遍主义的精神理解人才流动

    Understanding the Brain Drain in the light of Universalistic Spirit

  21. 中国人才流动问题及对策研究

    Research on Issue and Strategy of Talent Flow in China

  22. 高校人才流动的若干障碍及其对策

    The Obstacles and Countermeasures of the Flow of Trained Personnel in Universities

  23. 科技园人才流动研究

    Study on Talents Flow in the Scientific and Technological Zone

  24. 人才流动与商业秘密信息的保护

    The Floating of Professionals and Protection for Business Secret Information

  25. 同时,这种人才流动模式为欠发达地区带来了良好的社会经济效果。

    It also demonstrates the effect that the competition brings into the society .

  26. 开拓高校人才流动渠道;五、发展的模式;

    ( 3 ) To expand the flowing channel of talents ; models ;

  27. 把握人才流动规律促进西部大开发&关于孔雀该向何处飞的思考

    Grasp Law of Talent Movement , Advance West Development

  28. 人才流动与西部人力资源开发战略

    The Strategy of the Movement and Development of Talents

  29. 论沈阳地方高校人才流动的规范化

    Study on the Regularity of the Talents Flow in Shenyang Local Higher Institutes

  30. 社会越向前发展,人才流动越是频繁。

    As the social developing , the flow of talent is more frequently .