
  • 网络Human trafficking;Sex Trafficking
  1. .“国际移民组织(InternationalOrganizationforMigration,IMO)敦促消费者不要购买利用廉价劳动力的移民制造的商品。IMO在全球发起终止人口贩卖的活动。

    IOM Launches New Campaign to End Human Trafficking The International Organization for Migration is urging consumers not to buy products made by migrants

  2. 今天是4月25日,第一条新闻来关注人口贩卖。

    Our first story this April 25th involves alleged human trafficking .

  3. 除了和朋友呆在一起,戈麦斯还透露,自今年3月以来她一直在A21做志愿者,这是一个全球范围内反对人口贩卖的非营利组织。

    While spending time with her friends , Gomez also revealed she has been volunteering at A21 , a global anti-human-trafficking nonprofit , since March of this year .

  4. RichardDanziger是国际移民组织全球反人口贩卖项目负责人,他表示,贫穷,性别歧视和冲突导致人口贩卖活动猖獗,但是,正是对廉价劳动力和廉价商品的需求导致肆无忌惮的人口贩卖活动发生。

    Richard Danziger is head of the Global Counter Trafficking Program at the International Organization for Migration . He says poverty , gender inequality , and conflict human trafficking , but it is the demand for unreasonably cheap labor and cheap goods that drive this trade .

  5. 贝松称,欧洲必须根除人口贩卖活动。

    And , Mr. Besson says Europe must human trafficking .

  6. 维吉尼亚?伊萨亚斯说,人口贩卖的受害者必须重新获得他们的尊严:

    Virginia Isaias says trafficking survivors must reclaim their dignity .

  7. 她很有可能成为人口贩卖的受害者。

    She very well could have been a victim of human trafficking . '

  8. 他是“现在就终结人口贩卖组织”的理事会成员。

    He sits on the board of the End Human Trafficking Now organization .

  9. 她说,虽然许多国家都有反人口贩卖的法律,而执行的方式却很落后。

    She said that although many countries have anti-trafficking laws , enforcement is lagging .

  10. 国际刑事警察组织表示,人口贩卖以及非法移民产业的价值高达280亿美元。

    Interpol says human trafficking and illicit migration is a $ 28 billion enterprise .

  11. 但是该法案的支持者表示,这将有助于打击人口贩卖网络。

    But supporters of the law have said it will help fight trafficking networks .

  12. 美国国土安全部称人口贩卖是现代奴隶制。

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as modern day slavery .

  13. 以人口贩卖为例。

    Take human trafficking , for example .

  14. 阿尔瓦-斯蒂荷还制作了一个在线游戏,帮助年轻人增进对人口贩卖问题的了解。

    Alvarez-Stehle has also created an online game to educate young people on the problem .

  15. 论清代前期贵州苗疆人口贩卖屡禁不止的原因

    On the Reasons of Repeated Human Trafficking of Miao Frontier in Guizhou of the Early-Qing Dynasty

  16. 对我来说,不管不顾那么我知道的人口贩卖的受害者是非常困难的。

    It 's very difficult to leave behind people I know are victims of human trafficking .

  17. 前两类是采取措施努力打击人口贩卖或者尽力改善这种情况的国家。

    The first two are countries believed to be working hard against trafficking or trying to improve .

  18. 但是,洛依德的回忆录重要的原因还有一点在于它向人们提供了了解美国人口贩卖现状的窗口。

    But Lloyd 's memoir is also important for the window it offers into trafficking in this country .

  19. 但是和包括美国在内的许多其他国家一样,人口贩卖在巴西依然存在。

    But like in so many other countries , including the U.S. , human trafficking continues in Brazil .

  20. 去年年底政府采取了新的措施打击人口贩卖。

    At the end of last year the government introduced a new attempt to crack down on trafficking .

  21. 凡奇有过人口贩卖,毒品交易,敲诈勒索,还有至少52项杀人罪

    Vanch is connected to human trafficking , drug running , racketeering , and at least 52 different homicides .

  22. 该活动将在人口贩卖量巨大的欧洲开始,但是最终将扩展到世界其他地区。这段视频要求消费者思考自己的消费习惯,他们有可能以怎样的方式助长利用移民廉价劳动力活动。

    This video s consumers to think about their purchasing habits and how they might be encouraging the exploitation of migrants .

  23. 但是在我多年的记者生涯中,我发现最大的人口贩卖问题是美国本土的逃家少女。

    But in my years and years of reporting , I 've found that the biggest trafficking problem involves homegrown American runaways .

  24. 意大利政府谈起过对利比亚进行可能的军事干预&或许可以控制港口,并破坏人口贩卖网络。

    The Italian government has talked of a possible military intervention there & perhaps to control the ports and disrupt trafficking networks .

  25. 他表示,为了甚至在受害者本人之前认识到人口贩卖的迹象,边境巡逻工作人员接受了特别训练。

    He says to recognize the signs of human trafficking even before the victims themselves , border patrol agents are receiving training .

  26. 美国人总是觉得“人口贩卖”就是墨西哥或者俄罗斯女人偷渡到美国的妓院。

    Americans often think that " trafficking " is about Mexican or Korean or Russian women smuggled into brothels in the United States .

  27. 正如在该地区的其它地方一样,重点是耻辱观念和歧视,减少人口贩卖的工作也非常重要。

    Tackling stigma and discrimination are a priority , as elsewhere in the region , and efforts to reduce trafficking are critically important .

  28. 通常情况下,在穿越我们的边境时,人口贩卖的受害者并没有意识到他们将被奴役。

    " Often the victims of human trafficking are not aware when they cross our borders that they are about to be enslaved ," noted Bershin .

  29. 人口贩卖集团和使用强制劳动力在全球每年产生的利润达320亿美元,亚洲占了其中大约三分之一。

    Human trafficking syndicates and the use of forced labor generate as much as $ 32 billion a year globally-almost a third of that in Asia .

  30. 在防止雇主盘剥黑工、减少人口贩卖行为的行动中,佛拉蒂尼将目光锁定在了农业、建筑业和餐饮业。

    He has his sights on the farming , building and catering sectors in an effort to prevent employers exploiting clandestine workers and to reduce people trafficking .