
rén kǒu zēng zhǎng
  • population growth;population increase;growth of population;Over Population
  1. 大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。

    Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth

  2. 粮食生产已经跟不上人口增长。

    Food production has already fallen behind the population growth .

  3. 人口增长率正在以每年1.4%的速度下降。

    Population growth is decreasing by 1.4 % each year

  4. 人口增长要是不加控制的话,地球上的生命将无法持续发展。

    Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check

  5. 联合国已经被迫上调了其对人口增长做出的预测。

    The United Nations has been forced to revise its estimates of population growth upwards .

  6. 1981年到1986年间适龄工作人口增长了100万,而现如今该人口数却几乎没有增长。

    Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986 , today it is barely growing .

  7. 美国作家托马斯弗里德曼(ThomasL.Friedman)在一本书中描述了能源过度消耗、气候变化和人口增长等问题。

    The problems of excessive energy consumption , climate change and population growth have been described in a book by the American writer Thomas L . Friedman .

  8. 这个人口增长对环境的影响必然是天文数字。

    The environmental impact of this population increase is bound to be astronomic .

  9. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  10. 这就意味着,这些国家的工作年龄人口增长将明显超过非工作年龄人口增长,这是很多发达国家都求之不得的,连中国和俄罗斯这样的经济发展大国也会艳羡。

    This means that they 're likely to see a significant rise in the number of people eligible2 to work relative to those not working – a situation which is the envy of many developed nations or countries which hitherto have been economic powerhouses , such as China and Russia .

  11. 人口增长与经济发展相互作用机制及实证分析&基于水平VAR的Granger因果分析方法和协整技术

    Mathematical Analysis of the Interactive Mechanism Between Population Growth and Economic development & An Granger Cause-effective Analysis and Co-integration Method Based on Level VAR Model

  12. 人口增长率过高已造成多方面的不良社会经济后果,其突出表现就是人均GDP和人均食物产量多年停滞不前,甚至有所下降。

    Rapid population growth brought about a lot of negative social and economic results , the most outstanding being a standstill and even a decrease in GDP and food production per capita .

  13. K值是人口增长的容量极限值,分析影响K值的各种因素之间的相关关系,树立从而建立K值简化模型、正确的人口观和发展观。

    ″ K value ″ is the limit of of population growth capacity . By analyzing the interrelationship among various kinds of factors of ″ K value ″, it is to trying to set up correct population views and development view .

  14. 预测人口增长的数学模型通常采用3种函数,即指数函数、Logistic函数和双曲函数。

    Three common mathematic models are always employed to predict the growth of regional or urban population , including exponential function ( Malthus model ), inverse hyperbolic function ( Keyfitz model ), and logistic function ( Verhulst model ) .

  15. 论文研究并借鉴了一些数学模型,如时间序列法、回归分析法、GM(1.1)灰色模型、马尔萨斯人口增长模型等;

    Further more , the author studies and draws lessons from some mathematic models , such as the array law of time , return to the analytic approach , GM ( 1.1 ) grey model , Malthus ' population growth model and etc.

  16. 现在,大多数城市人口增长发生在发展中国家。

    Now most urban population growth is in the developing world .

  17. 中国省级人口增长率及其空间关联分析

    Population Growth Rate and Its Spatial Association by Providence in China

  18. 他竭力抑制各州的人口增长;

    He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these states ;

  19. 世界人口增长有两个特点。

    There are two features in the growth of world population .

  20. 为什么?人口增长,我们需要更多的地方。

    Why ? The population is growing and we need more space .

  21. 通过控制人口增长来提高人均生态承载力。

    Ecological capability per capita can be improved by controlling population increase .

  22. 利用反问题方法作人口增长曲线拟合

    Fitting of population growth curve resorting to inverse problem approach

  23. 提供优质的计划生育服务控制人口增长速度

    Provide high quality family-control service , Control people increasing speed

  24. 北京城市人口增长调控研究

    Research on the control of urban population growth in Beijing

  25. 特大城市人口增长和政策专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Population Growth and Policies in Mega-Cities

  26. 论世界人口增长对气候变化的影响

    The Influence of World Population Explosion on the Climate Changing

  27. 农地制度、外部性与农村人口增长

    Rural land system , Externality and Rural population growth

  28. 浅谈人口增长对草原沙漠化的影响&以内蒙东部为例

    Human Population Growth and Its ImPact on Rangeland Desertification in Eastern Inner Mongolia

  29. 内生人口增长与长期经济增长

    Endogenous Population and Economic Growth in the Long Run

  30. 城市人口增长过快,人口素质仍然不高;

    Overgrowing and low average quality of city population ;