
qīn shēn
  • personal;firsthand
亲身 [qīn shēn]
  • [personal;firsthand] 自身

  • 亲身经历

亲身[qīn shēn]
  1. 这位小说家在很大程度上是以她的亲身经历为素材。

    The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences .

  2. 吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。

    He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience

  3. 吉尔想出去旅行,亲身体验一下生活。

    Jill wants to travel and see life for herself .

  4. 这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。

    The novel is written from personal experience .

  5. 我们在寻找对这种工作有过亲身体验的人。

    We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work .

  6. 学校组织的出游能让孩子们获得在课堂上得不到的亲身体验。

    School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom .

  7. 她有亲身体验,知道情绪变化无常的家长对一个敏感的小女孩会产生什么影响。

    She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl .

  8. 很多老兵认为他们有职责为他们亲身经历的战争的恐怖作证。

    Many veterans believe it is their job to bear witness to the horrors of war that they personally experienced .

  9. 若非亲身经历,岂知其中甘苦。

    You cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience .

  10. 亲身经验最可贵。

    Wit bought is better than wit taught .

  11. 鼓励他们在亲身体验的同时探索世界,做好改变世界的准备,对我们来说受益良多。

    We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world .

  12. 我们向来都是亲身实践、自己动手的国家。

    We 've always been a hands-on , do-it-yourself kind of nation .

  13. 我亲身经历了这个探索过程,我发现了一件美好的东西,这件东西改变了我的大学生活:它就是美国手语。

    I myself went through this searching process and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better : I discovered ASL-American Sign Language .

  14. “线上线下相结合”的模式让你既能在当地实体店亲身体验,又能在网上进行购买,从而让消费者鱼和熊掌兼得。

    With the ' click-and-mortar ' grocers , stores that have both a local presence and online shopping capability3 , customers can get the best of both worlds .

  15. NET平台和技术的亲身实践。

    NET platform and technique .

  16. 不过,要想全面地鉴赏Grails,还需要亲身体验一下。

    But to appreciate Grails fully , you have to experience it first-hand .

  17. 第三部分,通过访谈、亲身体验、观察等方法,了解N学校教师评价的方法及过程。

    In the third part , I get to know the methods and process of teacher appraisal in N school through interviews , personal experience , observation and other methods .

  18. 一家胸罩公司的总裁通过在公司男性员工的脖子上悬挂重物的方式来模拟,强制他们亲身体验拥有E罩杯胸部是种什么样的感受。

    A bra company boss has forced his male employees to experience what it is like to have E-cup boobs - by hanging weights around the men 's necks .

  19. dhl将为您获得付货地址收件人的亲身签署。

    DHL will obtain an in-person signature from someone at the delivery address .

  20. 最后以作者本人亲身参与的一个基于J2EE架构的企业应用系统为基础,为建立基于J2EE的企业级应用系统给出了一个完整的说明。

    Finally , in a project based on a J2EE framework which author participate in , give a whole explain for construct a J2EE Enterprise application system .

  21. WANG同学和到会的学生和家长们交流了在新加坡求学就业的心路历程,以及获得新加坡永久居民权的亲身感受。

    WANG QIAN communicated with students and their parents for the experience of studying and working in Singapore , and also the feeling about getting the permanent resident qualification in Signore .

  22. 通过对X市银保市场的深入调查及在太平洋保险公司实习的亲身经历,作者对X市进而对全国银保市场的现状及存在的诸多问题有了深刻的了解和体会。

    Through the thorough investigation of Anyang 's Bancassurance market and a three-month practice in PICC , the author have got a comprehensive understanding about the current situation of Anyang 's Bancassurance market and problems in it .

  23. 但是,亲历其境身处21世纪世界强国之一的中心,在其重新崛起于世界舞台的过程中,亲历这里的生活,亲身去感受即MBA学生所谓的差异化。

    But to immerse yourself in it to spark your senses by witnessing life at the centre of one of the 21st century 's global powers during its re-emergence on the global landscape that is what MBA students call differentiation .

  24. 我们的反应时间已经很好了,但我们自己能亲身感受其痛苦,因此,Gmail宕机对我们就跟天塌了一样。

    Our response time has gotten much better . But we definitely feel the pain . When Gmail goes down , that 's one of the worst feelings in the world .

  25. 作者在本文中结合大量亲身实践来探讨液化(电脑软件Photoshop的变形工具)与平面美术相结合的可能性和可行性。

    In this thesis , with the rich personal experience , the author probes into the possibility and feasibility of applying the liquefaction , the deforming tool of Photoshop , to the creation of planar arts .

  26. 本论文案例选自于作者所在公司,来源于作者的亲身实践,采用文献调研、专家咨询与问卷调查的方法对HY公司的绩效管理方案做了深入的研究。

    The case of this thesis is coming from HY company where the author works . The author deeply studied the performance management of HY Company by his personal practice , the use of literature research , expert consultation and questionnaire survey .

  27. 歌诗达亚太区副总裁马司模(MassimoBrancaleoni)表示,虽然大家都知道乘船摆渡是什么,但没有人对邮轮有过亲身体验。

    ' People know what is a ferry * But the experience ( of a cruise ) doesn 't exist , 'says Massimo Brancaleoni , vice president of Costa 's Pacific Asia operations .

  28. 亲身体验促销模式的利与弊。

    In person to promote mode to experience profit and frauds .

  29. 通过学习画画,我亲身获得了这个体验。

    I experienced this myself by trying to learn to draw .

  30. 转弯点:已有很多讨论的返航机动需要亲身观察。

    Turning point : much-disscussed turnback maneuver needed a real-life look .