
qīn shǔ xuǎn zé
  • kin selection
  1. 本试验通过RAPD技术测定蜂王交配次数,并利用亲属选择和性比理论,研究了蜂群中的性比冲突问题。

    In this paper , we calculate numbers of drones mating queen by RAPD analysis and use theory of kin selection and sex ratio , to study the conflict of sex ratio in colony .

  2. 按亲属选择理论和性比原理预测,工蜂则可能对雌性性别更多地投资,这样蜂王和工蜂在决定性比问题上存在矛盾。

    According to kin selection theory and sex ratio theory , its predicted that the workers would pay more investments for female honeybee , such a conflict between the workers and the queen in manipulating the honeybee sex ratio were exist .

  3. 出院后健康教育方式调查发现,78%的亲属选择护士家访,63%选择电话咨询。

    After discharged from hospital , 78 % of the relatives chose nurses visiting , 63 % chose telephone counseling .

  4. 5将心理服务项目的接受程度:电话咨询〉科普读物〉面谈咨询〉科普讲座〉网络咨询。出院后健康教育方式调查发现,78%的亲属选择护士家访,63%选择电话咨询。

    The acceptance of mental health service form were : telephone counseling > educational books > face to face counseling > lectures on mental health . After discharged from hospital , 78 % of the relatives chose nurses visiting , 63 % chose telephone counseling .

  5. 而照顾受话者的面子,让其受益最大化,是亲属称谓语选择的外在动力。

    In addition , caring for the face of the addressee so as to maximize his benefit is the explicit drive .