
  • 网络Product Project;Product Item
  1. 这些研究促进了可有效生物降解的PVA类材料产品项目的发展。

    These investigations may accelerate the development of programs on the production of effectively biodegradable PVA-based materials .

  2. Scrum项目中的需求通过积压的产品项目来表达。

    Requirements in a scrum project are captured as items in the Product Backlog .

  3. 一汽&大众公司Caddy产品项目后评估及改进方案论证

    The Post-estimation and Demonstrate for Caddy Product Project FAW-VW

  4. 借助波士顿BCG矩阵分析,阐述了一嗨租车业务产品项目的优劣和市场潜力,突出明确了采用密集型成长战略的必要性。

    The Boston BCG matrix explains its business products and market potential merits of the project , highlighting the importance to use intensive growth strategy .

  5. 船舶行业实施PDM系统将产生以下积极的意义:提高产品项目质量,缩短项目执行周期,降低项目成本,提高企业的管理水平,增强企业的竞争能力和创新能力。

    Significance of PDM application in shipbuilding industry is : Improving product ( project ) quality , shortening the project execution schedule , lowering project cost , and promoting innovation of the enterprise systems , technologies and administration .

  6. 晶化石产品项目是ZH集团公司根据国家西部大开发战略决策和自身实施精品化、多元化经营发展战略投资建设的科研产业化项目。

    The crystal stone product project is the ZH Group according to the national west big development strategy decision-making and own implementation high-quality goods , the multiplex management developmental strategy investment construction scientific research industrialization project .

  7. 汽车零部件订单产品项目进度管理研究

    Study on Schedule Management of Automotive Part 's Order Product Project

  8. 面向航空产品项目管理网络计划模型研究

    Hierarchical network planning model for project management in aeronautic manufacturing field

  9. 打印圣诞节计数十字绣产品项目从工艺停止线上

    Print Christmas Counted Cross Stitch Product Items from the Craft Stop Onlin

  10. 从企业创新产品项目管理的角度来研究产品的规律。

    Innovative products from the enterprise project management point of view to study the product rule .

  11. 因此,项目计划优化成为航空产品项目计划管理的关键问题之一。

    So trend-off of project turns into the key technology in the management of aviation project plan .

  12. 森林公园旅游产品项目开发的影响因素&外部关联性及产品项目竞争力要素分析

    The Influential Factors of Tourism Product Development in Forest Park & External Effecting Elements and Product Competence Analysis

  13. 近些年来,这批企业的发展迅速,他们的产品项目很多成为天津工业的重点发展项目。

    In recent years , this group of enterprises developed very fast , many projects become Tianjin industrial pillar .

  14. 对于没有太多收入可供捐献的学生,我们能提供一个环保的’二手电子产品项目‘。

    For students who do not have much to donate , we do provide a environmental friendly'Second Hand Electronics Programme ' .

  15. 因此新产品项目的筛选就构成了企业新产品研发的一个重要内容。

    So the selection of the new product project is an important content of the new product research and development for enterprises .

  16. 针对航空产品项目规模大、计划复杂的特点,采用小生境遗传算法进行网络计划的资源优化,克服了简单遗传算法的早熟问题,在此基础上,建立起了适合航空产品项目的资源优化模型。

    As to the characteristic of aeronautic product project which is generally big and complex , niche genetic algorithms are introduced to solve resource optimization problem .

  17. 航空产品项目网络计划建模。

    The main contents and achievements of the thesis are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) A hierarchical network plan model orienting aviation product is constructed .

  18. 借此机会,我方诚挚地表示期待拓展你我双方之间的商业关系,请贵方不要犹疑指出令贵方感兴趣的产品项目。

    By taking this opportunity , we hope to extend our business relationship with you , Please DO not hesitate to specify the items which interest you .

  19. 在明确了制造企业项目管理的特点后,作者详细介绍了计划管理在现代制造企业产品项目管理中的主要控制内容。

    After well known about the characteristics of manufacturing project management , the author details the planning management in the main control content in modern manufacturing enterprise .

  20. 通过分析制造业中运营项目管理和产品项目管理中计划管理存在的各种问题,对每个问题进行诊断,分析,提出解决这些问题的方法。

    By analyzing the plan management problems of product project existing in the manufacturing industry , the resolution will be brought up through diagnosing , analyzing each problem .

  21. 从某些方面来看,谷歌针对多样性问题开展的计划,类似于其很多雄心勃勃的产品项目&从研制无人驾驶汽车,到用超高速互联网连接全美。

    In some ways Google 's plan to fix its diversity issues resembles many of its most ambitious product ideas , from self-driving cars to wiring the country for superfast Internet .

  22. 同时,结合哈汽公司的生产经营实际,指出哈汽公司在接下来的产品项目管理实施进程中需要注意和完善的方面。

    Meanwhile , based on the actual production and operation of HTC , it pointed out the problems that shall be emphasized and perfected in the following conduction of product project management .

  23. 此系统侧重于产品项目流程管理和文档管理,实现的主要功能模块有项目视图管理、测试视图管理、文档视图管理与组织视图管理等。

    This system focuses on the management of product project process and documents . The main functional modules include project view management , test view management , document management and organization view management .

  24. 我所目前虽然已建立完善的质量管理体系,对新产品项目开发程序有明确的规定,但是对于项目风险管理方面基本处于空白。

    At present , the institute has already built up the perfect quality management system and there is specific provision for new production project development but it is basically a blank for risk management .

  25. 为此,提出了一种面向航空产品项目的分级网络计划模型,将文档流与控制流分离,实现了文档流的插入与更改。

    A model of hierarchical network plan for complex aviation product was presented . Document flow and control flow were separated in the model and document flow could be easily inserted and modified in the model .

  26. 一般来讲,风险投资商业计划书的内容包括六大部分:计划摘要,产品项目,技术来源及研究发展,市场分析,财务规划,经营团队。

    Generally speaking , Business Plan of venture enterprise includes six sections : abstract of the plan , product introduction , origin and developing potential of the technology , marketplace analysis , finance plan , and management team .

  27. 从而能够更加准确的分析和处理在新产品项目中可能出现的风险,最大限度的减少风险的发生概率和可能造成的不良影响,在客观上保证新产品项目的顺利实施。

    So it can be more accurate analysis and processing in new production projects of possible risk , minimize the risk of incidence and could cause adverse effects . It is objectively guarantee the smooth implementation of new production project .

  28. 根据其在生产出首台或首套产品项目后遇到的市场问题,项目使用单位在使用过程中面临的运营风险问题,以及政府资金补贴能力有限的问题。

    According to its market problems after producing the first items or the first set , the operational risks ' problems the project unit face in the course of using and the problem that the capacity of government funds is limited .

  29. 最后结合实际产品项目开发了换挡规律计算程序,包括动力性换挡规律的升降挡规律计算方法和经济性换挡的图表方法。

    At last the shift schedule calculation programs had been compiled according to demand of real vehicle project , The program include calculation method of the dynamic up and down shifting table and the graphic computation method of economy shift table . 5 .

  30. 对小批量类型生产制定合理可行的生产计划是一类极为复杂的问题。该方法在满足产品项目交货期的同时,根据各工作中心的工作能力,具体为各工作中心编制了相应生产计划。

    Finding reasonable and practical production schedules is complicated problem in small-batch production enterprises . According to working capacity of all working centers , this method makes relevant production schedules for all working centers , as well as satisfies with product due date .