
  • 网络product identification;Marking
  1. 以下示例在product表中检索所有山地自行车的产品标识号、名称、价目表价格以及新的价目表价格。

    The following example retrieves the product identification number , name , the list price and the new list price of all the mountain bicycles in the product table .

  2. 亨克在2002年加入,担任副总裁,业务开发产品标识丹纳赫。

    Henk joined Danaher in2002 as Vice President , Business Development for Product Identification .

  3. 基于FPGA控制的LED点阵屏产品标识和测试

    Production Mark and Test of LED Display Screen Base on FPGA

  4. 介绍了一种新型的产品标识体系EPC的基本工作原理及其系统结构,并讨论了它对图书馆的影响。

    This paper has introduced a new type of product code system EPC and its system structure and discussed the impact on libraries .

  5. 企业如何标注产品标识

    How the Enterprises to Mark the Label of Products

  6. 产品标识、标志以及中文说明书的核查。

    Examinations on product logos , signs and user 's manuals in Chinese .

  7. 当前复混肥料产品标识标注存在的问题和建议

    Problems existed in identification markings of current compound fertilizer products and some suggestions

  8. 动物及动物产品标识与可追溯体系的研究进展

    Identification and Traceability in Animals and Animal Products

  9. 对所填写的质量记录和产品标识的正确性、及时性负责。

    Fill out all the quality record and responsible for the production correctness , timeliness .

  10. 汽车配件产品标识应当符合《产品质量法》的要求。

    The product marks of automobile fittings should meet with the requirements of Product Quality Law .

  11. 产品标识上标注国家卫生标准的产品占32.65%。

    Only 32.65 % of the products label the state sanitation standards in their product identifications .

  12. 一个标有你们的商标名称和产品标识的拨号器价格是250美元。

    Cost to private label the dialer with your brand name and logo is $ 250 .

  13. 产品标识和可追溯性控制

    Product Label and its Traceability

  14. 品牌是企业的产品标识,是宝贵的无形资产,品牌就是竞争力。

    Brand is the product labels , is a valuable intangible asset , the brand is the competitive edge !

  15. 义齿注册应侧重于对义齿制作人员资格和制作技术的管理,加工质量控制和产品标识的管理。

    The registration of false teeth should emphasize particularly on the qualification of the makers , technology management , quality control and the labeling .

  16. 为了获得此信息而发送的消息的典型结构包括:产品标识、数量和目标配送日期。

    The typical structure of the message they send to obtain this information contains a product identification , a quantity and a target delivery date .

  17. 组织可建立超出要求的产品标识和可追溯性的过程,以便收集能用于改进的数据。

    The organization can establish a process for identification and traceability that goes beyond the requirements in order to collect data which can be used for improvement .

  18. 产品标识,如软件的序列号、硬件芯片的冲模数字、或(对非商业产品)项目号。

    Product identification such as a serial number on software , a die number on a hardware chip , or ( for non-commercial Products ) a project number .

  19. 近年来,复混肥料产品标识混乱状况比较突出,胡乱标注标识误导农民消费,从而造成肥害事件时有发生。

    In recent years , the serious confusion in identification markings of compound fertilizer product causes a broad misguidance to farmer , even results in fertilizer harm to consumer .

  20. 数字水印常用于产权保护、真伪鉴别、秘密通信、产品标识等领域,已经成为当前国际学术研究的一个前沿领域。

    Digital watermarking is commonly used in various fields , such as protection of property rights , authenticity of identification , secret communications , and products identification and so on .

  21. 数字水印技术将数字、序列号、文字、图像标志等版权信息嵌入到多媒体数据中,以起到版权保护、秘密通信和产品标识等作用。

    The digital watermark technology embeds digitals , serial numbers , words and image logs into multimedia database in order to protect copyright information , secrete communication and product identifier , etc.

  22. 根据图像特征分析的原理,针对应用设计了结合图像纹理和形状特征分析的定位算法,实现了对在线产品标识自动识别系统中标识区域的定位和提取。

    Based upon the theory of image features analysis , the author puts forward two kinds of target locating algorithm , and realizes the location of automatic identification system in the marked area .

  23. 产品标识是产品的重要组成部分,是顾客获得产品信息的主要渠道,同时又是厂家自我保护的依据之一,具有重要的法律意义。

    Product identification as an important composition of product is a main channel to obtain product information for customers and one of manufacturer 's self protection bases . It has important legal meanings .

  24. 品牌已由简单意义上的产品标识演化为综合企业形象,产品质量和文化内涵的鲜明标志,成为企业进行市场营销的主力。

    Brand has become the main force in corporate marketing campaign by evolving from the simple label of a product into the distinct symbol conveying a corporate identity , product quality and its cultural connotation .

  25. 标记打印机是用作产品标识和防伪的机电一体化设备,它集机械、电子、计算机等技术于一体。

    Industry Stylus Movement is a kind of electromechanical equipment , which is used for the marking and prevention to forgery of the products , combining the technology of machinery , electronics and computer in an organic whole .

  26. 并在如何规范委托生产食品的卫生许可项目、产品标识、以及卫生监督中对委托或受委托生产食品方的监督管理各重点、允许委托生产的地区范围等方面提出建议。

    It was some suggestions was made on the supervision of entrusted food production , such as the food permission project , the labeling of products , the main responsibility of supervision and the food permission area , etc.

  27. 本论文基于条形码技术对制造企业产品标识与跟踪系统进行了研究和设计,将目标系统划分为数据采集子系统、数据库子系统以及查询与应用子系统三个部分。

    Based on barcode technology , this paper studies and designs product identifying and tracking system in manufacturing enterprise . It divides the target system into three parts , which are data collection subsystem , database subsystem and querying and application subsystem .

  28. 中国制造的产品标识遍布全球各个角落,牢牢占据世界工厂的宝座;中国的国民消费能力也以惊人的速度持续增长,中国消费者外资产品购买力不断攀升。

    The products made in China around every corner of the world , firmly occupy the " world factory " throne . And China national consumption capacity also continues to grow at an alarming rate , namely Chinese consumers ' purchasing foreign products power is rising .

  29. 企业存在问题的主要方面为生产车间、工艺流程、卫生设施、原料成品库、卫生制度、超范围生产、内外环境、产品标识。

    The aspects that did not meet the requirement mainly were workshop , technological process , sanitary equipments , raw materials and final product storeroom , sanitary regulation , production beyond the approved range , environment both inside and outside the production site and the product labeling .

  30. 目前实施的产品碳标识都属于自愿性质,不过法国有意建立强制性产品碳标识,而这将违背WTO相关规则。

    All the existing Product Carbon Labeling is voluntary , but France intends to establish a mandatory labeling scheme , which would probably go against the WTO rules .