
  • 网络product flexibility
  1. 本文介绍了大型房地产项目柔性战略包括产品柔性、流程柔性、管理柔性,并将大型房地产柔性战略系统进行集成。

    This paper introduces that the Flexible strategy of large-scale real estate projects includes product flexibility , process flexibility and management flexibility , besides the Flexible strategy system of large-scale real estate projects is integrated .

  2. 基于KBE和CAE技术的产品柔性模块设计

    Research on the integration of KBE and CAE for products flexible modular design

  3. 提出了多产品柔性制造环境中市场需求确定动态且完全由生产满足的条件下PWB装配线的再设计模型。

    A model for PWB production planning and equipment changeover scheduling in multi product , flexible manufacturing environment at the aggregate level is developed .

  4. 机械产品柔性模块化设计知识库系统的研究

    Research on knowledge base system of flexible modular design for mechanical products

  5. 提出品牌服装产品柔性模块分级理论。

    A theory of flexible modularized hierarchy of branded apparel products is proposed .

  6. 大规模定制模式下的液压机产品柔性模块设计研究

    Research on the Flexible Modular Design of Press Machine Based on Mass Customization

  7. 大规模定制产品柔性分析

    The Flexibility Analysis of Mass Customization Products

  8. 为此,本文针对弧焊机器人,对废旧产品柔性再制造加工系统的关键技术进行了研究。

    Thus , in this dissertation , the key technologies of flexible remanufacture based on arc weld robot are studied .

  9. 对虚拟单产品柔性调度问题提出一种基于拟关键路径法的集成式算法,实现同时解决复杂多产品柔性调度问题的工序优化分配与工序优化调度两个子问题。

    Aiming at the virtual single-product flexible scheduling problem , an integrated algorithm based on the allied critical path method is proposed .

  10. 产品柔性设计系统中知识/信息库的建立(2)在现有水网络进行柔性分析的基础上,本文提出了考虑柔性的水网络设计方法,分为固定柔性设计和优化柔性设计。

    Building of Knowledge / Information Base in the System of Flexible Product Design ( 2 ) A method of water network design under uncertain parameters is presented .

  11. 分析了目前小批量、多品种产品柔性装配系统在性价比方面存在的不足,提出了一种紊流输送技术。

    By analyzing the existing defect about the performance price ratio of the flexible assembly system for small batch production family , a turbulent transportation technology is proposed .

  12. 本文所研究的是复杂产品柔性调度问题,既考虑了工件间的约束关系,同时又考虑了工序可在多台设备上加工的情况,具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    In this paper , the complex product flexible scheduling problem is studied , which considers the constraint among jobs and considers the condition that operation can be processed on many machines at the same time .

  13. 第二,基于协同论与企业协同四层次理论,从产品柔性、合作柔性、IT技术柔性和管理柔性四个方面对企业信息系统进行维度划分,建立一套完整的企业信息系统柔性评价指标体系。

    Secondly , base on the Synergy Theory and Four Levels Theory of Enterprise Collaboration , the paper sets up a comprehensive evaluation criteria system for the flexibility of EIS which is divided into flexibility of product , flexibility of cooperation , flexibility of IT and flexibility of management .

  14. 层压及涂层产品的柔性生产技术

    Flexible production in laminating and coating technique

  15. 轻工产品的柔性制造系统-FMS

    Light industry product manufacturing system FMS

  16. 其特点包括:结构简单、易维护、抓取力高、产品改型柔性好等;

    Their features are : simple structure , easy maintenance , high grasping force , good flexibility etc.

  17. 跨部门集成创新中产品开发柔性作用的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Role of Development Flexibility in Cross-Function Integration Innovation : The Case of Design-Manufacturing Integration

  18. 模块化可提供较好的产品系统柔性,造就企业核心竞争能力,形成企业内生比较优势,增强模块企业的长期竞争力。

    Modularity could provide flexibility to product system , which forms corporate core competence and endogenous comparative advantage . Hence corporate capability was enhanced in the long-term .

  19. 现有的柔性调度的研究只能解决工件间无约束的简单产品的柔性车间调度问题,没有考虑工件间存在约束关系的复杂产品的情况。

    The existing research of flexible scheduling can only solve the simple product flexible job-shop scheduling problem with non-restraint among jobs and did not take into account the constraint among jobs .

  20. PDM中产品描述的柔性有助于PDM在不同企业中实施,而产品属性的客户化定制是产品描述柔性的体现。

    The flexibility of product description is helpful to implement PDM systems in different enterprises , and cus2 tomization of the product attributes can enhance the flexibility .

  21. 复杂产品技术创新柔性规划系统的构建

    Construction of Complex Products of Technological Innovation Flexibility Planning System

  22. 复杂产品技术创新柔性管理架构研究

    Flexibility Management Framework on Technology Innovation of Complex Products

  23. 产品装配的柔性研究

    A Study on Flexibility of Product Assembly

  24. 论文的研究旨在为企业新产品开发的柔性管理提供一些有价值的理论和实践指导。

    And this dissertation aim at providing some valuable guides for flexible management of NPD on the theory and practice .

  25. 本文还对复杂产品技术创新柔性流程再造的成本与功能关联性进行了分析。

    The research methods are case studies or project analysis , and little of focus on the process of technological innovation of complex product .

  26. 探索和研究敏捷制造模式下的信息系统,对于实现产品的敏捷柔性制造,促进我国制造业快速发展,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Studying the information system under this mode has important theoretical and practical significance to the realization of agile flexible manufacturing and the rapid development of manufacturing industry in our country .

  27. 半导体制造企业使用了大量可以通过改变生产参数来加工不同产品的并联柔性生产线,这对生产线预防性维修的调度和评估提出了更高的要求。

    Semiconductor manufacturers use a large number of parallel flexible production lines , the flexible production lines are produced by changing the parameters to process different products , but the multi-product production makes the preventative maintenance scheduling and preventative maintenance measurement more difficult .

  28. 针对国内质量管理现状,研究集成化质量管理体系构造策略、框架模型及功能模块,对促进我国制造业快速发展,实现产品的敏捷柔性化制造,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    With aiming at the existing condition of internal quality management , it studies structure strategy , framework and function model of integrated quality management , which has important theoretical and practical significance to the rapid development of manufacturing industry and the realization of agile flexible manufacturing in our country .

  29. 复杂产品技术创新的柔性及柔性因子分析

    Research on the Flexibility and Flexibility Analysis of Complex Product Technological Innovation

  30. 产品装配的自动化柔性化探讨

    Discussion on The Automation And Flexibility of Product Assembling