
  • 网络Product hierarchy;product layer
  1. BOM的产品层次结构自动生成算法

    An Automatic Generation Algorithm on Product Hierarchy Structure in BOM

  2. 协作性使用方法的关键需求是包含签入/签出功能的工作流支持、关系支持和产品层次结构管理。

    Key requirements of collaborative method of use are workflow support with check-in / check-out functions , support for relationships , and product hierarchy management .

  3. 第一部分,对本论文进行战略研究所涉及的产品层次理论、产品生命周期理论和SWOT分析法进行了综述;

    Part I includes product theory , product life cycle theory and SWOT analysis .

  4. 在产品层次结构中使用属性继承。

    Attribute inheritance in product hierarchies .

  5. 通过产品层次信息模型中的数据映射与约束映射,实现产品信息的层次间关联。

    These different levels are associatively linked together through the mapping of correlated data and constraints .

  6. 基于附加产品层次,加强技术服务来提高产品附加值,是扩大主要盈利产品市场占有率最终实现企业盈利的必要手段。

    Strengthen the technique service according to the additional product layer to raise an additional value of product .

  7. 通过建立以产品层次结构树为核心的集成化信息模型,研究了协同仿真信息管理与共享机制。

    Through establishing integrated information model based on product structure tree , managing and sharing mechanism of co-simulation information is put forward .

  8. 通过对戴尔产品层次分析,指出戴尔从降低产品价格,降低顾客成本,达到提高顾客让渡价值的目的。

    The chapter also reveals that Dell has increased customer delivery value by decreasing its products ' price and accordingly decreasing customer cost .

  9. 在目标成本规划的分析中从市场驱动、产品层次和功能层次三个方面进行论述。

    In the analysis of cost plan , we expound it from the three aspects of the market-driven , product level and functional level .

  10. 主题酒店的完整体系应包括4个层次:感观层次、产品层次、功能层次、品牌战略层次。

    The complete system of theme hotel should include four levels : sense level , product level , function level , brand and strategy level .

  11. 第五章详细论述了宁晋移动在产品层次竞争、价格、渠道和促销等方面采取的市场营销策略和发展状况。

    Chapter 5 discussed in detail Ningjin mobile products at competitive prices , and marketing channels , such as the marketing of strategy and development .

  12. 作为信任产生的条件,笔者区分了产品层次的风险和品牌层次的风险,并将本次研究界定在品牌层次上;

    As to the precondition , this paper distinguishes risk in brand level from risk in product category level , and focuses this research on brand level ;

  13. 品牌早期研究主要集中在产品层次的品牌概念及要素的研究;逐步发展到品牌及绩效的概念和测量,从而基本形成了一条较为完整的研究脉络。

    Now research basically formes a relatively complete sequence from early focusing on brand concepts of product level to concern concept and measurement of brand performance now .

  14. 国产手机在发展大潮中,只有通过不断的努力与研发,产品层次上取得突破,才能建立起真正具有自主知识产权的民族移动通信产业。

    So that the mobile phones which made in China is in the level of a breakthrough , the establishment of a truly independent intellectual property rights of national mobile communications industry .

  15. 这种创新不能简单理解为产品层次上的改良、更新换代或生产技术的创新,而是知识的开发与创新。

    Such an innovation is more than the renovation and upgrading of products or the innovation of productive technology . More accurately , it refers to the development and innovation of knowledge .

  16. 遗憾的是,我国很多森林公园大搞盲目开发,旅游产品层次偏低,难以适应现代旅游的市场需求发展,不利于充分展示森林旅游特色。

    Unfortunately , many forest parks in China developed blindly . Tourism products presented Low levels . It is difficult to satisfy the demands of tourists , and fully demonstrate the characteristics of forest tourism .

  17. 还有部分学者指出在三次产业分类或制造业内部的基础上讨论长三角地区产业同构问题并没有任何的现实意义,而必须将产业细分到产品层次来讨论同构的问题。

    Other scholars pointed out there is no practical significance on discussing Yangtze River delta area industrial isomorphism problem on the base of three industry classification or in the internal manufacturing unless the industry segments are limited on product level .

  18. 虚拟装配技术所涉及的内容较多,其中包括面向虚拟装配的产品层次信息表达、装配顺序规划、装配运动规划、装配建模、实时碰撞检测和装配性能评价等。

    Virtual assembly involves many aspects , such as DFA ( Design for Assembly ), product layered information representation , assembly sequence planning , assembly movement planning , assembly modeling , real-time collision detection , and assembly performance evaluation , etc.

  19. 以数据库技术为基础,本文提出了一种自动生成BOM表的产品装配层次的递归算法。

    This paper presents an automatic generation algorithm on product hierarchy structure in BOM , which is based on database technique .

  20. 产品类型层次结构是否分为很多层?

    Do you have many levels in the product type hierarchy ?

  21. 产品类型层次结构是相对静态的。

    The product type hierarchy is intended to be relatively static .

  22. 中国传统文化产品语义层次与特征分析

    The characters and levels of Product Semantics of Chinese traditional culture

  23. 笔者提出了一种集特征造型和装配为一体的产品跨层次建模方法。

    An inter-level modeling method is presented to integrity feature modeling and assembly modeling .

  24. 退役产品的层次性回收方法

    Hierarchy Recycle Method for End of Life Product

  25. 产品族层次关联设计及其模型与方法研究

    Research on Model and Method of the Product Family Hierarchical Connected Design and Development

  26. 产品五层次结构理论实际上是一个双向动态的产品概念。

    The theory of five product levels is in fact a two-way dynamic product concept .

  27. 复杂产品的层次语义模型研究

    A Hierarchical Semantic Model for Complex Products

  28. 只有一个产品类型层次结构,但是可以有多个类别层次结构

    There is only a single product type hierarchy , whereas there can be many category hierarchies

  29. 该特性将在“产品类别层次结构”一节中进一步介绍。

    The feature is described in more detail in the " Product category hierarchies " section .

  30. 定义产品类型层次结构

    Defining the product type hierarchy