
  1. 新可口可乐是那些经常被用作市场营销失败案例研究的产品失败案例之一,但可口可乐希望通过与Netflix大热剧集《怪奇物语》的交叉推广扭转这一局面。

    New Coke is one of those product flops that often is used as a case study on marketing failures , but Coca-Cola is hoping to turn that around in a cross-promotion with Netflix 's hit show " Stranger Things . "

  2. 究其原因,新产品失败的主要风险来自于市场的不确定性。

    To find out its cause , the main risks of new products ' failure originate from the chanciness of market .

  3. 如果我们能辨认大多数产品失败的原因并且根据这个知识去行动它们的失败也不会一直持续下去。

    Most product failures wouldn 't remain so if we could identify what made them that in the first place and act upon that knowledge immediately .

  4. 相应地,他们的产品往往失败,或者只能勉力支撑。

    And accordingly , their products tend to fail or just bump along .

  5. 许多产品宣告失败,公司开始亏损,股价也逐渐缩水。

    Many products failed . The company began losing money and its stock price sank .

  6. 即使其他的产品都失败了,令人敬畏的产品将总能通向成功。

    Even when all else fails , providing an awesome product will usually lead to success .

  7. 如果你的面霜和护发素的气味不符合某个具体市场的品味,或者为了保持全球一致性而不能迎合当地市场,那么你的产品就会失败。

    Get the scent or consistency of your creams and conditioners wrong for specific markets and your products will fail .

  8. 这样导致的结果是,设计的界面缺乏对设计者本身的关注,脱离实际,导致了产品的失败。

    Hence , the interface design without the concern of the designers themselves away from the actual always causes the failure of the interface .

  9. 在迅猛发展的化妆品行业内,极高的新产品开发失败率使得新产品开发的风险管理成为化妆品行业的企业战略管理的关键环节。

    In the strongly developing cosmetic industry , the risk management of developing a new product has become the key tache in the strategic management of company because of the high unsuccessful percentage of developing a new product .

  10. 近些年来频繁发生的金融风暴表明现有的国际金融监管体系不能有效地防范和治理越来越多的由国际金融衍生产品交易失败引起的全球性的金融风险。

    In recent years , the frequent occurrence of the financial turmoil demonstrates that the existing international financial regulatory system can not effectively guard against and deal with more and more global financial risks arising from the failure of international financial derivatives trading .

  11. 业界专家认为,质量管理的不成熟是国内很多IT产品项目失败的一个重要原因;同时,IT产品研发的质量问题也将成为IT企业能否继续发展壮大的关键所在。

    Industry experts believe that immature quality management is an important reason for a number of domestic IT products project failure ; at the same time , IT product quality issue will also be the key to that IT companies can continue to grow or not .

  12. 这些风险增加了研发项目的管理难度,加大了产品研发失败的可能性,是联盟解体的主要因素,因此对技术联盟的风险进行评价是非常有意义的。

    These risks have increased the management difficulty of R D projects , as well as the failure possibility of the product development and are the main dissolution factors of the alliance , so it is very meaningful to evaluate the risk of technology R D alliance .

  13. 错误:获取检验产品的函数失败。

    Error : The function to get the checked out products failed .

  14. 但是,把合作设计转化为可行商业产品的尝试失败了。

    But attempts to turn the resulting pieces into commercially viable products had failed .

  15. 而实践证明大型行业领袖企业往往在突破性产品创新中失败。

    But mature firms often failed in the process of the radical innovation according to the practice .

  16. 然而,事实是一部分原因应归结为开拓新市场的不得力的方法、改进产品质量的失败以及政府没有表示支持的行动。

    The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support .

  17. 但随着产品多元化经营失败案例的不断出现,国内外学者对其提出了很多质疑,如何构建有效的公司治理机制来解决产品多元化的经营管理问题已经成为学术界研究的焦点。

    However , with the emerging of failures , domestic and foreign scholars have raised many questions about product diversification . How to build an effective corporate governance mechanism of resolving the problems of product diversification , has become the diverse focus of academic research .

  18. 按此标准,我们将以往工业新产品开发项目失败原因归纳为以下三方面:一是过分追求新产品质量性能,价格高昂,导致新产品销售不畅;

    According to this criterion , we generalized the reasons for the failure of the past new products developments into three factors : the one is that new products were badly sold because of high price resulted from the excessive pursuit for good quality and excellent performance ;

  19. 这样的条件不一定会引起产品或工艺的失败。

    Such conditions do not necessarily induce product or process failure .

  20. 在一定的可靠度和风险要求下,确定了产品对应于各种失败数的试验量。

    Besides , when the required reliability and risk are defined , the experimental number and the corresponding number of failures are determined .

  21. 世贸组织多哈回合的坎昆会议上农产品贸易谈判的失败,集中体现出对外贸易政策的本质是其本国国内政治经济的反映。

    The failure of agriculture negotiation in Cancun WTO Ministerial Conference shows that the essence of foreign trade policy is the reflect of domestic politics and economy .

  22. 项目实践过程中有大量的统计数字表明,许多IT新产品开发项目的失败,并不是由产品开发技术方面的问题造成的,而是由项目管理方面的问题造成的。

    In project management practice , there were lots of statistic data that showed IT new product development failure was caused by project management rather than technology issue .

  23. 但产品研发往往具有失败率高、成本高等特点。为了规避新产品研发的风险,提高收益,必须要加强研发过程的有效管理,高效的、保质保量的完成新产品项目的研发工作。

    However , the development of new products often come with some obvious shortages , such as high failure rate and high cost that the R & D process takes .

  24. 作者通过研究发现现有广告翻译中文化缺失问题尤为明显,其结果是造成产品信息沟通的失败和文化间的误解。

    In the research of advertisement translations , the author finds out the problem of cultural loss and the result of communicative failure in product information and misunderstanding between the two cultures .

  25. 然而新产品在给企业带来巨大的收益和竞争优势同时,新产品的高失败率也给企业带来了沉重的经济负担,让企业不得不面临投入与风险的抉择。

    However , when the new product has brought enormous benefits to the enterprise and competitive advantage , the high failure rate of new products make a heavy financial burden on the enterprise , so that enterprises have to face the choice of investment and risk .

  26. 但是新产品开发的成功率依然很低,这就不得不使企业考虑如何降低新产品失败率的问题。

    However , the success rate of New Product Development is very low , which leads to the enterprises consider the problem of reducing the failure rate of new products .

  27. 然而,很多企业在快速推出新产品(更多的是变型产品)前都未能对产品进行准确定义,进而导致产品开发失败、产品销量下降。

    However , many enterprises are failed to define product accurately before the introduction of new products .

  28. 摘要新产品开发的项目管理模式可以克服新产品开发组织上的分散性,降低新产品开发失败的风险,缩短新产品开发的周期,降低产品研发费用。

    The new product development project management pattern may overcome the dispersivity in the organization of new product development , reduce the risk of failure in new product development , shorten the cycle of new product development , cut down the cost of product research and development .

  29. 虽然关于新产品开发研究的理论很多,但是针对某一个行业新产品开发的研究理论较少,特别是针对服装产品开发过程中产品绩效评价和产品成功和失败的理论研究。

    There are many studies concerning product development , but few of them were developed for one specific industry .