
  1. 灰色关联分析法在卷烟产品同质化评价中的应用

    Application of grey correlation analysis on the evaluation of cigarette homogenization

  2. 当今社会,产品同质化现象严重。

    Nowadays , the trend of product homogeneity is serious .

  3. 基于符号学的产品同质化现象的考察

    Study on Problem of Product 's Homogenization Based on the Principle of Semiotics

  4. 消费类数码产品同质化现象的成因探究

    Research on Causes of Digital Product Homogeneity

  5. 多元化消费时代的到来和手机产品同质化步伐加快对现代手机产品设计提出了更高的要求。

    The consumer diversity times and product homogeneity put forward higher requirements for product design .

  6. 在产品同质化时代,竞争的重点转变到后续的服务领域的竞争。

    In the age of homogenization of products , competition has been focused on follow-up services .

  7. 从文化要素的设计视角谈旅行社专线产品同质化现象的解决之道

    Solution for travel agency special route product 's same quality phenomena-From design angle of culture factor

  8. 面对产品同质化的市场,利润空间更需要品牌创造附加价值支持!

    The profit is more supported by brand margin when facing the market of product homogeneity !

  9. 当前,沙发产品同质化严重,市场需求趋于多样化。

    Presently , the sofa product homogenization is serious ; the market demand tends to diversification .

  10. 旅行社产品同质化及其成因分析

    An Analysis of the Product Homogeneity Problem of China 's Travel Service and Its Cause of Formation

  11. 技术创新瓶颈、产品同质化以及更低的更换率造成了出货量的下降。

    Bottleneck in technological innovation , product homogeneity and lower replacement ratio have resulted in shipment decline .

  12. 同时,也造成了市场透明度增大,产品同质化、价格降低以及利润减少。

    Meanwhile , it also leads to market diaphaneity increasing , products homogenization , price reducing and profit decreasing .

  13. 随着产品同质化的趋势越来越明显,通过产品差别来细分市场从而创造企业的竞争优势也就变得越来越困难;

    It is difficult to gain predominance by market segment based on product difference increasingly since products are of homogeneity .

  14. 由于快速消费品市场开发早,产品同质化程度高,市场需求量大,竞争激烈,因此,快速消费品也就成为中国市场化最早,程度最高的行业。

    FMCG industry was developed early and characterized with high level of product homogeneity , high demand and fierce competition .

  15. 从而在产品同质化较为严重的竞争时代,能有效提高沙发企业的竞争力。

    In the product homogenization more serious competition time , it can effectively enhance the competitive power of the enterprise .

  16. 产品同质化和市场恶意倾销对公司传统的研发管理提出了全新的挑战。

    Product homogeneity and malicious dumping to the KD company ' straditional market research management what it bring forward new challenges .

  17. 近年来,随着市场经济的成熟,产品同质化的现象越来越严重。

    In recent years , with the maturity of the market economy , the phenomenon of product homogeneity becomes much seriously .

  18. 随着市场竞争的加剧和产品同质化的加强,未来的竞争更多地集中于品牌之间的竞争。

    By the market increased competition and the product strengthening homogeneity the future competition will be more focused on the brand .

  19. 随着经济的全球化和制造技术的发展,产品同质化的现象日益严重。

    With the globalization of the economy and the development of manufacturing technology , the product homogeneity phenomenon is getting worse .

  20. 在产品同质化相当严重的今天,服务已成为企业应对市场竞争的法宝。

    Homogenization in the product is very serious today ; the service has become a magic weapon in the enterprise market competition .

  21. 银行竞争激烈,产品同质化严重,本文提取银行共性产品予以提炼分析。

    Today , severe competition with banks , product homogeneity serious , the paper products to be refined to extract commonalities bank analysis .

  22. 在产品同质化日益严重的今天,制造企业开始将售后服务当作收入、利润和竞争力的一个重要来源。

    Nowadays , as a trend of product homogeneity , manufacturers take after-sales service as a resource of revenue , profits and competition .

  23. 随着电信体制改革的进一步深入和产品同质化的加剧,电信市场竞争日益激烈。

    The market competition of the telecommunication is fierce day by day with the further deepening of telecom reform and the product homogenization aggravating .

  24. 快递服务单一,产品同质化程度高是导致价格竞争的直接原因。

    The three single , courier services , product a high degree of homogeneity is price competition as a result of the direct cause .

  25. 但是,随着选择面的扩大以及产品同质化程度的不断提高,消费者在作出选择时会面临许多困难。

    However , with the expansion of choices and the ceaselessly increasing homogeneity , consumers face a lot of difficulties when they make choices .

  26. 科技的发展使产品同质化现象越来越严重,要想在同质化产品中脱颖而出不仅要靠优秀的设计而且要有行之有效的推广方式。

    If you want to stand out from the homogeneity product , not only by the outstanding product design but also by effective promote ways .

  27. 企业针对产品同质化严重的现实情况,深入挖掘市场潜力,树立品牌形象,加强顾客的购买意愿。

    Face the serious realities of product homogeneity , the enterprise in-depth digs the market potential and expand the brand influence and achieve customer buying .

  28. 产品同质化,促使终端企业竞相追逐打造终端品牌,鉴于终端服务在终端品牌建设中重要性,获取终端服务优势是赢得客户满意度的必要选择。

    Product homogeneity , to make terminal enterprise creates their terminal brand . What getting terminal service advantage is necessary choice to get customer satisfaction .

  29. 在产品同质化的背景下,唯有渠道和传播能产生差异化的竞争优势。

    At the background of products ' homogenization , only by means of " channel " and " spreading ", products could enjoy the competitive advantage .

  30. 在世界经济和贸易全球化的大趋势下,竞争日益激烈,产品同质化越来越明显,客户需求变得个性化和多样化。

    In the trend of world economy and trade globalization , product homogeneity becomes more and more obvious , customer demand is increasingly diverse and personalized .