
  • 网络industrial structure optimizing;Industrial Structure Optimization;optimization of industrial structure
  1. 高新区建设与城市产业结构优化

    Construction of High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone and the Urban Industrial Structure Optimizing

  2. 海岛地区产业结构优化调整的政策研究

    The Policies of Adjustment and Optimization of Industrial Structure of Island Area

  3. DEA多方案综合评价数学模型在农业产业结构优化方面的应用

    Application of Mathematical Model of DEA Comprehensive Evaluation in Optimal Programming of Agriculture Industrial Struture

  4. 结合各省市的人均GDP指标分析,工业产业结构优化水平与经济发展水平存在偏差现象。

    Combined with the provincial per capita GDP , there is a deviation between its industrial structure optimization levels and levels of economic development .

  5. 这也说明加入WTO以来FDI在对我国产业结构优化效应正在弱化,其负面影响正在逐渐体现。

    At the same time , the results show that FDI in China is weakening effect of industrial structure since the WTO accession and the negative impact is reflected gradually .

  6. 十七大提出了以信息化推动工业化的国家战略,推进信息化与传统工业改造相融合,实现产业结构优化升级,促进工业由大变强,这为3G业务的高速发展提供了难得的机遇。

    The 17th National Congress of the CPC put forward the Informationization of the national strategy to promote industrialization , the integration and transformation of the information technology and traditional industries and optimization and upgrading of industrial structure , promoting industrial change to be stronger .

  7. 对河北省的形势进行SWOT分析,找出河北省的优势劣势,根据上面的分析对河北省的产业结构优化提出政策建议,为政府决策服务。

    After that , it take use of the SWOT analysis to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Hebei province . According to the analyses , it gives some suggestions about how to optimize the industrial structure which will serve the government decision .

  8. 产业结构优化升级的区域差异性分析

    An Analysis of the Regional Difference in Optimization of Industry Structure

  9. 民族地区产业结构优化论

    The Opinion on Optimizing the Industry Structure of Chinese Minority Areas

  10. 浅析合肥市产业结构优化路径

    Simply Analyse the Route of Optimizing Industrial Structure of Hefei City

  11. 后奥运时期我国体育产业结构优化的思考

    Optimization of China 's sports industry structure during post-Olympic era

  12. 加快产业结构优化升级。

    Accelerating the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure .

  13. 东辽河流域农业产业结构优化及对策

    Agricultural industry structure optimization and countermeasure in Dongliao river basin

  14. 延安产业结构优化的目标和思路

    Objectives and thinking of the industrial structure optimization of Yanan

  15. 关于地区机械工业产业结构优化的思路

    On Construction - Optimization of Machinary Industry In Certain Region

  16. 创新在互动中产生产业结构优化与城市化互动发展研究

    The Interactive Development Relationship between the Evolution of Industrial Structure and Urbanization

  17. 论产业结构优化对中国贸易结构的影响

    Analysis on the Influence of Industrial Structure Optimization to China 's Trade Structure

  18. 在本文的第四章是对我国资本市场对产业结构优化影响的实证分析。

    The fourth chapter will analysis how the capital market impact industrial structure .

  19. 利用经济杠杆促进产业结构优化

    Stimulating the optimization of industrial structure by economic lever

  20. 依靠体制创新保障产业结构优化升级

    Ensuring the Optimization and Upgrade of Industrial Structure Adjustment Based on Structural Innovation

  21. 其次,构建了产业结构优化升级测度指标。

    Secondly , construct the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure measure index .

  22. 产业结构优化与区域竞争力的构建

    The Optimization of Industrial Structure and the Building of the Region Competitive Capability

  23. 政府与市场博弈下的体育产业结构优化

    Optimizing the structure of sports industry based on game theory between government and market

  24. 大规模定制模式与绍兴高新技术产业结构优化

    Mass Customization Pattern and Structural Optimization Dof High and New Technique Industry in Shaoxing

  25. 内蒙古产业结构优化升级的路径研究

    The Path Research on the Structure Optimization and Upgrading of Industry in Inner Mongolia

  26. 我国产业结构优化升级中的产融结合研究

    Research on the Integration of Industrial-finance Capital in the Industrial Structure Optimization and Upgrade

  27. 基于节能目标的辽宁省产业结构优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Industrial Structure in Liaoning Province Based on Energy Saving Objective

  28. 略论产业结构优化与土地利用结构调整

    On the optimization of industrial structure and the adjustment of land - use structure

  29. 经常项目与我国产业结构优化分析

    The Research on the Analysis of Current Account and Industry Structure Optimization in China

  30. 从东西部发展差距谈西部区产业结构优化

    Study on Optimizing The Industrial Structures in Western China Optimizing of Windows Industrial Development