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  1. 在接到民众400个热线电话后,调查组亦在对可能的线索进行追踪。

    The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public .

  2. 国内航空客流增速亦在放缓;今年前5个月,中国旗舰航空公司&中国国航(AirChina)的客运量下降了将近11%。

    Growth in domestic passenger traffic on flights is also decelerating ; Air China , the flagship carrier , saw traffic slump nearly 11 per cent in the year to May .

  3. 尽管其他语言亦在考虑之列,但Python却拥有一些显著的优势。

    Other languages are being considered but Python has some notable advantages .

  4. 离子色谱(IC)作为高效液相色谱的一支亦在上述领域取得了不小成就。

    Ion chromatography ( IC ), as a branch of HPLC , has also made great success in the above areas .

  5. TRAIL联合其它抗肿瘤治疗方法亦在增强癌细胞药物敏感性、抑制癌细胞的生长和转移中表现出很好的效果。

    Combination therapy of TRAIL with other anticancer drugs shows excellent curative effects on enhancing cancer cell sensitivity and inhibiting tumor metastasis .

  6. 另外,EAA和EVA亦在不同程度上改善了复合材料的力学性能。

    In addition , both EAA and EVA could improve the mechanical properties of composites at different levels .

  7. 与此同时,外资银行也亟待需要与WTO规则相协调的规范与保障;而对于中国商业银行内部监管的诸多法律措施亦在期盼早日诞生。

    In the meantime , foreign banks are eager to coordinate with the rules of WTO , whereas many legal measurements taken to supervise and mange internal China 's business bank call for a soon birth .

  8. 冠脉流出液中的肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)亦在缺血/再灌后显著升高,且有不断升高的趋势,低氧习服组的CPK含量显著低于常氧对照组和急性低氧组。

    The activity of creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) in coronary effluent was increased significantly after ischemia / reperfusion and had the gradual increasing tendency .

  9. 遥控器凡上的指针键可以用于选择和呼叫三个地址中的任可一个。该功能已编入launcher菜单中,亦在菜单中显示。

    The cursor keys on the remote commander unit can be used to select and call any one of three contacts , which are pre-programmed and displayed in the launcher menu .

  10. 此外,划分南北两韩的非军事区?DMZ?内,清除地雷的工作亦在同时进行之中。

    In addition , the work to clear landmines in the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ), which separates South and North Korea , is also in progress .

  11. 近十余年来对NTM病的研究已取得很大进展,药物研究亦在迅速进展中。

    Great progress has been made in the research of NTM diseases during recent ten years as well as the new drug has been developed .

  12. 以该转基因鼠为技术平台,本文亦在HGV体内外复制与表达、HGV致病性、HGV与HCV复制和表达差异及疫苗评价等方面进行了系列探讨。

    Using this technical platform , we also performed serial research on HGV replication and expression in vivo and in vitro , HGV pathogenicity , the differences of replication and expression between HGV and HCV as well as vaccine evaluation .

  13. MGG(May-Grunwald-Giemsa)染色法国外被广泛使用,我院亦在1975年开始应用于细胞学检测,包括对隐球菌的检测。

    May-Grunwald-Giemsa ( MGG ) staining has been widely used in abroad , and applied in our hospital since 1975 to detect the pathogens , including the cryptococcus .

  14. 西氏曾在西班牙马略卡岛的一株油橄榄树下开始构思《周六晚和周日晨》,亦在地中海地区生活了多年,即便如此,他依然需要诺丁汉,需要Raleigh车厂里面洪亮的金属撞击声。

    Though he had started " Saturday Night and Sunday Morning " under an olive tree in Majorca , and lived many years in the Mediterranean sun , he needed Nottingham , and the pounding roar of the Raleigh factory .

  15. 中国是日本游客最主要的旅游目的地之一,日本游客亦在北京的入境游市场中占有重要的份额,在强手如云的国际旅游市场中,glocal化是保持北京作为旅游目的地竞争力的关键所在。

    China is one of the main Japanese overseas travel destinations , and Japanese travelers play a very important role in Beijing import tourism market . Glocalization is the key to making Beijing more competent in the very competitive international tourism market .

  16. 该公司的工程师们亦在竭尽全力,以彻底解决此问题。

    Company engineers are still working to completely fix the problem .

  17. 我们亦在往后安排了试斩让他一展身手。

    We arranged a test cutting session to fulfill his thirst .

  18. 我亦在两日前正式同意了有关的修正。

    I gave my formal consent to the amendments two days ago .

  19. 亦在水池进行了试验,结果相当满意。

    The experimental results in the test tank are satisfactory .

  20. 残破的运盐用木质敞车群亦在保存之列。

    Kaput wooden salt carriers have also been preserved in the depot .

  21. 而且,亦在报纸刊登有关法律援助的文章。

    In addition , articles on legal aid were placed in newspapers .

  22. 该基因亦在再生花芽及其雄蕊中表达。

    HPH mRNA is also detected in regenerated floral buds and its stamens .

  23. 形成亦在珀斯大都市区的部分压力水。

    Formation also carries pressure water in parts of the Perth metropolitan area .

  24. 远处的河流与帆船亦在一片金色里沐浴着。

    And the beyond river and sailboat are bathing in the golden sea .

  25. 伴随着坡面上产流、产沙过程,坡面形态亦在经历一个迅速变化的过程。

    With the formation of surface flow and sediment slope pattern also changes greatly .

  26. 我们亦在香港学堂开设以普通话为主的艺术教学活动。

    We also have some Art Activities in Hong Kong Academy mainly in Mandarin .

  27. 政治亦在其中担当角色。

    Politics , too , plays a part .

  28. 爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。爱在茅屋,亦在深宫。

    Love is ever matter of comedies , and how and then of tragedies .

  29. 红山文化玉器的多样化说明原始宗教崇拜的发端亦在东北;

    The variety of Hongshan jade wares illustrates the primitive religion worship originated from Northeast .

  30. 谘询中心的两位职员亦在申诉专员嘉许奖计划中获得个人奖项。

    Two officers of the enquiry service centre also won individual awards from the ombudsman .