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jiāo huò
  • delivery;consignment
交货 [jiāo huò]
  • [delivery] 货物从发货人交到收货人那里

交货[jiāo huò]
  1. 合同中规定了交货日期。

    A delivery date is stipulated in the contract .

  2. 我们保证迅速交货。

    We guarantee prompt delivery .

  3. 我们将尽快交货。

    We 'll deliver the goods as soon as we can .

  4. 我们保证一周内交货。

    We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week .

  5. 新设备订单的交货周期可长达3年。

    Lead times on new equipment orders can run as long as three years .

  6. 交货时限为30天。

    The time limit for delivering the goods is 30 days .

  7. 你能给我保证这批货在星期五之前交货吗?

    Can you give me your guarantee that the goods will be delivered before friday ?

  8. 我希望你们能在6月份交货。

    I want the goods to be delivered in June .

  9. 及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。

    A timely delivery means a lot to us .

  10. 你可以选择天津作为交货港。

    You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment .

  11. 我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。

    We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest .

  12. 你们能不能提前一点交货呢?

    Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly ?

  13. 非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。

    I 'm sorry to say that we can 't advance the time of delivery .

  14. 如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。

    If shipment were effected from Hong Kong , we could receive the goods much earlier .

  15. 请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。

    We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April .

  16. 从交货到零售商收到货物总共需要4至5个星期。

    After shipment , it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers .

  17. 用遗传算法解模糊交货期下FlowShop调度问题

    Flow Shop Scheduling with Fuzzy Due Dates Using Genetic Algorithm

  18. 基于动态瓶颈的多交货期FlowShop分解策略

    A decomposition strategy for Flow-shop problem with multiple delivery time based on bottleneck

  19. 快速反应的核心思想就是缩短反应顾客需求的提前期(Leadtime),即交货提前期。

    The core thinking of quick response is to shorten the lead time in response to consumer 's demand .

  20. 一种基于交货期调整的Jobshop迭代优化算法

    An Iterative Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Based on Adjusting Due Date

  21. 一种基于分解交货期的Jobshop启发式调度算法

    A Heuristic Method for Job Shop Scheduling Based on Decomposed Due Date

  22. 研究了具有不同交货期窗口的FlowShop的提前/拖期调度问题,并考虑了处理时间的不确定性。

    The Flow Shop scheduling problem with distinct due window is discussed in this paper .

  23. 基于web的注塑模知识库系统的建立对于模具设计具有重要的意义,通过它可以加快设计的效率和准确性,进而缩短模具的交货的时间。

    This system can accelerate the efficiency and improve the accuracy of designing , and shorten the time for designing of injection mould .

  24. 实施IE技术保证产品交货期的实践研究

    Applying IE Technology Assure Product Delivery

  25. 使尽量多的工件在其对应交货时间区间内完工的排序问题是NP困难的。

    The scheduling Problem that maximize the number of jobs completed in due date window is NP-hard .

  26. 此文考虑下述排序问题(P):有n个工件需在同一台机器上加工,对各工件有一共同的宽容交货期。

    This paper considers the following scheduling problem ( P ): n jobs demand to be processed on the same machine and there exists a common due window for each job .

  27. 本文考虑了n个工件在同一台机器上加工的调度问题,其中工件的加工时间和交货期都是具有任意分布的随机变量。

    In this paper , we consider scheduling n jobs on a single machine where the job processing times and due dates are independent random variables with arbitrary distribution function .

  28. (三)JIT交货方式分析。

    JIT for delivery .

  29. 基于模式的加速器和现成资产能够帮助缩短交货时间,但最终需要对初始SOA项目进行一定的投资。

    Pattern-based accelerators and off-the-shelf assets can help reduce lead time , but ultimately there needs to be a degree of investment in an initial SOA project .

  30. 按照EN标准要求,重轨生产厂在钢轨交货时应提供化学成分与力学性能的相关方程。

    According to EN Standard , the producers of rail steel should Supply chemical composition and mechanical properties correlation equation with shipment .