
  • 网络yarnell;Haniel;Anael;Hamiel
  1. 亚纳尔地区附近的数百名民众被迫撤离。

    Hundreds of people in and around Yarnell have been evacuated .

  2. 目前为止,亚纳尔地区的过火面积已超过8400英亩。

    So far the fire in Yarnell has scorched more than 8400 acres .

  3. 上个月的亚纳尔山火造成一精英消防队的19名消防员死亡,并摧毁了凤凰城北部90英里外的一个城镇。

    The Yarnell wildfire last month killed 19 members of an elite firefighting unit and devastated the town about 90 miles north of Phoenix .

  4. 19名优秀消防员的遗体已经在亚利桑那州的山区找到,昨天他们在凤凰城西北部的亚纳尔被迅速蔓延的大火中吞噬。

    The remains of 19 elite firefighters are recovered from the Arizona mountains where they were killed by a fast-moving blaze yesterday in Yarnell , northwest of Phoenix .