
  • 网络Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  1. 同时,意大利是申请加入北京牵头的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称“亚投行”)的首批欧洲国家之一,尽管华盛顿对该银行强烈反对。

    Italy , meanwhile , was one of the first European countries to sign up to the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , despite strenuous objections from Washington .

  2. 中国中央政府近期宣布的政策举措,例如建立亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称亚投行)以及合并国有企业,可能对全球商业界产生巨大影响。

    Recent policy initiatives , such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and mergers across state-owned enterprises announced by China 's central government , could influence the world of international business enormously .

  3. 10月,亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsiaInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称AIIF)在20个国家的支持下成立,由此产生了一个与亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)分庭抗礼的对手。

    In October , the inauguration of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank , with the backing of 20 countries , set up a rival to the Asian Development Bank .

  4. 本•伯南克(BenBernanke)表示,北京之所以推动发起亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称亚投行),是因为美国国会议员拒绝在现有多边机构中给予中国更大投票权。

    Beijing was pushed into launching the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank by US lawmakers ' refusal to give China greater clout in existing multilateral institutions , Ben Bernanke has said .

  5. 一位中国官员周一示意,由于对用什么名称的分歧一直没有解决,台湾将不作为创始成员加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank)。

    Taiwan will not join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member , a Chinese official signaled on Monday , as a disagreement over what the island would be called has not been resolved .

  6. 中国新成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称:亚投行)已正式任命丹尼騠虎煓大爵士(SirDannyAlexander)担任高管。

    Danny Alexander has been confirmed as a senior executive at China 's new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank .

  7. 《金融时报》表示,中国希望到今年年底建立起亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank),这也是IMF设定美国国会批准2010改革方案的最后期限。

    The FT said Beijing wants to establish what it calls the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank by the end of the year – which is also the deadline that the IMF has set Congress for ratifying the 2010 deal .

  8. 拟议中的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank),或许就是最能体现中国雄心抱负的一个例子。但中国还在扩大对官方发展援助(ODA)项目的使用,这类项目过去一直是富裕发达国家的专属领域。

    The proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank stands as perhaps the most ambitious example , but China is also ramping up its use of official development assistance ( ODA ) projects , historically the domain of wealthy developed countries .

  9. 英国财政部前官员丹尼騠虎煓大(DannyAlexander)被任命为中国发起设立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的副行长。他对关于其不够资格的指责不以为然。

    Danny Alexander , the former Treasury minister appointed vice-president of a Chinese-led Asian investment bank , has dismissed criticisms that he is not qualified to do the job .

  10. 丹尼爵士将担任亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称:亚投行)副行长一职,但中国对乔治攠斯本(GeorgeOsborne)派出一名“前政客”来亚投行工作的决定不太满意。

    Sir Danny will have a vice-president role at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , but China is not impressed that George Osborne has chosen to send a " former politician . "

  11. 额外的投资会来源于亚洲基础设施投资银行,即AIIB,还有新发展银行。

    Additional financing will come from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , also known as the AIIB , and the New Development Bank .

  12. 印度已经是中国主导创立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的成员国之一,而该行将为很多基础设施项目提供资金,这可能会使印度在该计划如何展开的问题上具有一些影响力。

    India is already a member of the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , which will finance much of the infrastructure , potentially giving it some leverage over how the plan unfolds .

  13. 我们在最近几周已看到一个鲜活的例子:尽管遭到华盛顿方面的反对,中国还是说服了美国的几个盟国加入总部位于北京的、新生的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)。

    We have seen a vivid example of that in recent weeks , as China persuaded several US allies to join a new Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , despite opposition from Washington .

  14. 这恰巧发生在美国未能阻止或加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)的同时,标着在中国展示肌肉之时美国对亚洲缺乏承诺。

    Coming on top of US failure to stop or join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , it would signal a lack of US commitment to Asia at a time when China is flexing its muscles .

  15. 这可能是改革联合国安理会或是全新的亚洲基础设施投资银行。

    It may be reforms in the United Nations Security Council or the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank .

  16. 亚洲基础设施投资银行表示,将对华提供贷款项目,以支持中国公共卫生的需求。

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank says it stands ready to support China through loans to meet the country 's public health needs .

  17. 中国将举办亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)的签字仪式。这一新成立的国际金融机构将成为世界银行和亚洲发展银行的竞争对手。

    China is hosting the signing ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( AIIB ), a new international financial institution set to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank .

  18. 而在上周,英国宣布将加入500亿美元资金的亚洲基础设施投资银行,成了位于华盛顿的世界银行的潜在竞争者。

    The decision by the three European governments comes after Britain announced last week that it would join the $ 50bn Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , a potential rival to the Washington-based World Bank .

  19. 亚洲基础设施投资银行董事会宣布,将于明年10月底在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜市举行第六届年会。

    The board of governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have announced that its sixth annual meeting will be held in Dubai , the United Arab Emirates , in late October next year .

  20. 中方愿与域内外相关方抓紧磋商亚洲基础设施投资银行筹备事宜,争取早日正式成立。

    China is ready to intensify consultations with relevant parties in and outside Asia on the preparations for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and hopes that the bank can be officially launched at an early date .

  21. 认识到亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称银行)通过与现有多边开发银行开展合作,将更好地为亚洲地区长期的巨额基础设施建设融资缺口提供资金支持;

    REALIZING that the considerable long-term need for financing infrastructure development in Asia will be met more adequately by a partnership among existing multilateral development banks and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( hereinafter referred to as the " Bank ");

  22. 世界银行前任行长罗伯特·佐利克高度评价了中国改革开放四十年来取得的辉煌成就,并且表示,中国主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行等新倡议也为合作治理和透明原则树立了榜样。

    Former World Bank president Robert Zoellick praised China 's 40 years of reform and opening-up , and he said that new initiatives such as the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank have been an example of corporate governance and transparency standards .

  23. 推进丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路建设,筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行,设立丝路基金。

    Progress has been made in pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives ; preparations have been made for establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , and the Silk Road Fund has been set up .

  24. 四是推进互联互通建设,加强软硬件的联通,中国倡议筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行,优先为东盟一些国家基础设施建设提供融资支持。

    Fourth , we need to push forward connectivity and step up the linkage between software and hardware . China proposes to establish an Asian infrastructure investment bank and meet , on a priority basis , some ASEAN countries need for financial support in infrastructure building .