
wǔ jīn diàn
  • hardware store
  1. 你可没法用五金店的玩具来测出它的威力。

    You can 't test power with toy from hardware store .

  2. 你希望在五金店同时买到百吉饼吗?

    Do you want to buy your bagels at the hardware store ?

  3. 五金店内水泵和防水油布已经卖光了。

    Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins

  4. 我在汽车旅店吃早饭时,和一位五金店的老板聊了起来。

    Over breakfast at my motel , I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop .

  5. 五金店的销售员们只要两分半钟就能安装起一台缝纫机。

    Salesmen in hardware shops assembled sewing machines in two and a half minutes .

  6. 50岁的五金店老板奥古斯丁(EtriceAugustine)称最畅销的商品是重建用的钉子。

    Etrice Augustine , a50-year-old hardware-store owner , said his most popular product is nails for rebuilding .

  7. 这仅仅是一个圆柱体与一个立方体的结合,谈及在Katonah建筑五金店找到的这件物品时,他说,这款门把手设计得太经典了,所以我总是一再回来购买。

    It 's a simple intersection of a cylinder and a cube , he said of the piece , which he found at Katonah Architectural Hardware . It 's such a classic , and I always return to it .

  8. 这些产品大多都可以在五金店和家用品店里买得到。

    These are available at most hardware and home improvement stores .

  9. 在大商店或五金店应该买得到杀虫药。

    Insecticides should be available from big stores or ironmongers .

  10. 在大多数好的五金店你都能买到。

    You can buy it at most good hardware stores .

  11. 也许最佳场所是“家得宝”超市或五金店。

    Probably the best place is home depot or any hardware store .

  12. 买清瓷漆可去五金店询问。

    Ask in a hardware shop for clear enamel paint .

  13. 现在回去五金店就好了。

    Now , go back to the hardware store and be good .

  14. 服装店和五金店再也不会回到小镇中心。

    Clothing and hardware stores will never return to the town centre .

  15. 我现在连五金店都不敢去

    I can 't even walk into a hardware store .

  16. 这家五金店出售不同类型的工具。

    This hardware store sells different sorts of tools .

  17. 五金店的人告诉我铝不会生锈。

    The man at the hardware store told me aluminum doesn 't rust .

  18. 我在五金店买了一个钢卷尺和一只水龙头。

    I bought a steel tape and a tap in the hardware store .

  19. 一路下去,还能看到福中五金店和家具批发商。

    Farther down the road is the Fu Zhong hardware and furniture wholesaler .

  20. 足够了,詹米,让你手下去五金店

    That 'll work . Jamie , get your boys down to the hardware store

  21. 他们在工作日里经营着一个五金店。

    They ran a hardware store weekdays .

  22. 一只螺丝钉丢失于某个个角落里了,所以我打电话给五金店。

    A screw was missing in one corner , so I called the hardware store .

  23. 贝尔经营一家五金店。

    Bill carries on a hardware business .

  24. 她出现在一家当地五金店的监控录像里

    I picked it up on a security cam feed at a local hardware store .

  25. 五金店的老板是河南人,从小跟随父亲专业迁到了甘肃。

    We meet the boss who runs the store , who says he moved to Sandaogou from Henan .

  26. 他喜欢在当地五金店碰到以前的客户。

    He relishes running into people at the local hardware store whom he has helped in the past .

  27. 在那个地方,连五金店都向概念视频艺术家出借窗口来展示其装置作品。

    It 's a place where even the hardware store lends its window to installations by conceptual video artists .

  28. 人们在星期天早上会做两件事:先是买百吉饼,然后去五金店。

    People do two things on Sunday morning : They buy bagels , and they go to the hardware store .

  29. 一家黑暗的五金店门口有一个男子依靠在那里,他嘴上叼着一只未点燃的雪茄。

    In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned , with an unlighted cigar in his mouth .

  30. 难怪在过去的几周,你一直想和我一起去五金店!

    No wonder the past couple of weeks you 've been wanting to come with me to the hardware store !