
  • 网络internet content
  1. 中国禁止外国公司拥有互联网内容提供商许可(ICP),不得在中国提供相关服务。

    China bars foreign companies from owning an ' Internet content provider ' license to provide services in the country .

  2. 我们可以证实,本公司通过了ICP(互联网内容提供商)牌照的年检,谷歌的一名发言人表示。

    We can confirm that the government has renewed our [ internet content provider ] licence , a Google spokesperson said .

  3. RSS(简单信息聚合)已被广泛接受应用,RSS站点资源的丰富正影响着互联网内容的浏览利用。

    RSS is taken on widely , and browsing abundant RSS resource is affecting internet information 's utilization .

  4. 信息聚合(RSS)站点资源的丰富正影响着互联网内容的浏览利用。

    The site resources of the rich RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) are affecting the use of internet content browsing .

  5. 互联网内容供应商DemandMedia公司承认,潜在的大患是谷歌公司(Google)频繁修改其搜索算法,但其股价仍然坚挺(虽然它一度在二级市场苦苦挣扎)。

    Demand media ( DMD ) admitted potential disaster is Google ( GOOG ) tinkered too much with its search algorithms , yet still priced well ( although it had struggled in the aftermarket ) .

  6. 就像刻录机能够让用户观看电视节目的时间更加符合自己的时间表一样,书签app协调了阅读互联网内容的时间。

    But just as DVRs helps us shift our TV viewing to better fit our own schedules , these apps helps us time shift our online reading .

  7. 外资公司通过签署一系列协议(而非直接持有多数股份&北京方面在互联网内容服务行业禁止这种做法)来获得该VIE的控制权。

    Instead of directly owning a majority stake in that company , which Beijing prohibits in internet content services , the foreign company secures control of that company through contracts .

  8. IPTV改变了传统电视单一被动的单向节目接受,它能使用户体验到集互联网内容、网络游戏、电视节目以及多种在线信息咨询在内的更为丰富多彩的双向互动数字娱乐生活。

    IPTV has changed the traditional single passive one-way television programs accept it , which enables users to experience to set Internet content , online games , the television program as well as many kinds on-line information consultation more richly colorful bidirectional interactive digit entertainment life .

  9. 据一位知情人士透露,谷歌正在测试遵守中国对互联网内容严格审查制度的移动版搜索引擎,这表明AlphabetInc的这家子公司对在八年前为抗议政府审查而放弃的中国市场重新燃起兴趣。

    Google is testing a mobile version of its search engine that would adhere to China 's strict controls over content , a person familiar with the matter said , indicating renewed interest in a market that the Alphabet Inc. GOOGL - 0.24 % unit abandoned eight years ago in protest over government censorship .

  10. 他正在考虑是否应把公司的重心放在互联网内容上。

    He is considering whether France Telecom should focus on internet content .

  11. 强大的互联网内容也是联想广告宣传闪电战的一大特点。

    Its advertising blitz also features a strong Internet component .

  12. 全业务时代互联网内容信息安全的设想

    The Conceive for Information Security of Internet Content in Full Service Times

  13. 比如,我们可以发送互联网内容。

    For example , we could transmit the contents of the Internet .

  14. 我们把这种旁路的网络监控系统叫做互联网内容智能控制系统。

    The filter system based bypass is called Internet Content Intelligent Control System .

  15. 大量互联网内容的确有保留价值。

    A wide array of Internet content is surely worth holding on to .

  16. 业内专家说,中国通过几种途径对互联网内容进行审查。

    China censors the Internet in a few ways , say industry experts .

  17. 互联网内容监管系统关键技术的研究

    Research on Key Techniques of Internet Content Supervision System

  18. 基于多协议代理的互联网内容安全分级监管

    Internet Content Security Classification Supervision Based on Multi-protocol Proxy

  19. 韩国互联网内容管制

    Regulation on the Internet Content in South Korea

  20. 过滤互联网内容,限制上网。

    Filter internet content and restrict internet access .

  21. 他的互联网内容发送管理技术给公司管理层的印象最为深刻。

    What he impresses the management most is his traceable Internet content delivery control skills .

  22. 本文以微内容概括互联网内容的整体特征。

    In this paper , microcontent was used to summarize the whole characteristics of internet content .

  23. 多媒体中心能够现场电视转播和制作,从电视传播到互联网内容制作。

    The multimedia centre will enable live TV transmission and production , from TV broadcast to Web content .

  24. 著作权人的通知和互联网内容提供者的反通知应当采取书面形式。

    Both the notice of a copyright owner and the counter-notice of an Internet content provider shall be in writing .

  25. 他补充说,遵守该协议的企业将需要获得一份互联网内容提供商许可证。

    He added that companies that complied with the agreement would be required to have an internet content provider licence .

  26. 北京方面给谷歌设定了最迟在周三递交其互联网内容提供商许可证年度更新申请的期限。

    Beijing had given Google a deadline of Wednesday for submitting its application for annual renewal of its ICP licence .

  27. 谈到网上赚钱,最大的市场包括发送移动互联网内容到移动电话中。

    When it comes to making money online , the biggest market involves the delivery of mobile-internet content to mobile phones .

  28. 有关融合的背景,没有无源之水,也没有无根之木,美国独特的经济、政治、文化背景是互联网内容生产与消费融合得以实现的土壤。

    Its unique background of economy , politics and culture of USA has nourished the integration of internet content production and consumption .

  29. 根据中国的法律,为了继续运营,这家合资企业最终需要获得互联网内容提供商执照。

    Under Chinese law , the joint venture will eventually need to obtain an Internet content provider 's license to keep operating .

  30. 随着互联网内容和接入设备数目的不断增长,点对点计算变得越来越流行。

    As the Web continues to grow in both content and the number of connected devices , peer-to-peer computing is becoming increasingly prevalent .