
hù zhù chǔ xù yín hánɡ
  • mutual savings bank
  1. 英国的相当于美国互助储蓄银行的金融机构。

    British equivalent of US savings and loan association .

  2. 互助储蓄银行的中心信用系统。

    The central credit system for thrift institutions .

  3. 美国东北部的互助储蓄银行;自从八十年代撤销管制规定,它们提供了同许多商业银行竞争的服务。

    A thrift institution in the NE US ; since deregulation in the 1980s they offer services competitive with many commercial banks .

  4. 十一家地区性银行之一,监控本地区内的互助储蓄银行并且同其进行短时信用联系。招商银行是国内首家推出网上银行业务的银行。

    One of 11 regional banks that monitor and make short-term credit advances to thrift institutions in their region . China Merchants Bank is the first bank that has opened the E-bank service in our country .