
  • 网络Internet Service Provider;ISP;ISPs;ISP Internet service provider
  1. 如果电话公司或其他互联网服务提供商的用户利用服务线路非法将一份mp3文件张贴在网上以供下载,那么有关公司或提供商是否应负责任呢?

    Should the telephone company or other ISP be liable when one of its customers uses their connection illegally to post a copy of an.mp3 file for download ?

  2. 独立于美国总统的联邦通信委员会(FCC)若采取这一举措,会像监管公用事业公司那样监管互联网服务提供商。

    Such a move by the Federal Communications Commission ( which is independent of the president ) would regulate ISPs like utilities .

  3. 当前互联网服务提供商一般通过租用运营商或是自建互联网数据中心(IDC/InternetDataCenter)来存储网站和各类互联网应用数据。

    Nowadays , Internet Service Providers usually store data of the websites and different internet applications by renting I DCs ( IDC / Internet Data Center ) for carriers .

  4. ISP是短期的互联网服务提供商。

    ISP is short for Internet Service Provider .

  5. 安装向导针对具体的互联网服务提供商(ISP),自动检测并配置路由器。

    The installation wizard automatically detects and configures the router for internet service providers .

  6. 对于网络服务提供商和互联网服务提供商(ISP)来说,及时发现网络性能异常是非常重要的。

    Internet fault diagnosis on time is important to network service providers , and Internet service providers ( ISPs ) .

  7. 白宫声明称,奥巴马主张将互联网服务提供商(ISP)(例如康卡斯特和时代华纳有线)重新归类为公共通信企业。

    The White House statement said Mr Obama favoured reclassifying internet service providers such as Comcast and TWC as common carriers .

  8. 与此类似,ACTA要求互联网服务提供商(ISP)对其网络上所传递的内容负责。

    Acta could similarly have made Internet service providers liable for what was transmitted over their networks .

  9. 今年Netflix公司就跟几家互联网服务提供商(包括康卡斯特)达成这样的交易,但之后对此抱怨诸多。

    Netflix struck such deals with several ISPs ( including Comcast ) this year but has since complained about them .

  10. 合同,他们的ISP(互联网服务提供商)或一专门网页寄存公司运营和维护的B2C网站。

    Contract with their ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) or a specialized Web hosting company to operate and maintain the B2C website .

  11. 斗志昂扬的Netflix公司英勇地以每月8美元的价格提供影视内容,而互联网服务提供商则利用自己对管道的控制,抢占了大部分利润。

    Scrappy Netflix heroically provides television and movies for just $ 8 per month while distributors gouge profits from their control of the pipes .

  12. 该机构的方案将允许互联网服务提供商对YouTube等服务收费,以便让这些服务以更快的速度到达消费者,尽管这样做必须按照合理的商业条款。

    Its plan would allow internet service providers to charge services like YouTube to reach customers at higher speeds , though only on commercially reasonable terms .

  13. 在去年底,研究公司高德纳(Gartner)指出:“百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)和腾讯(Tencent)等中国互联网服务提供商(正在)

    At the end of last year , Gartner , the research company , noted : " Chinese-based internet providers , such as Baidu , Alibaba Group and Tencent , [ are ]

  14. 希尔德雷思后来卖出了在这家企业的股份,将估计500万英镑纳入囊中,然后创建了一家新企业CrispThinking,目的是为互联网服务提供商提供儿童保护技术。

    Mr Hildreth later sold his share in the business , pocketing an estimated 5m , and founded a new business , Crisp Thinking , which is about to bring out child protection technology for internet service providers .

  15. 该机构的方案将允许互联网服务提供商对YouTube等服务收费,以便让这些服务以更快的速度到达消费者,尽管这样做必须按照“合理的商业”条款。

    Its plan would allow internet service providers to charge services like YouTube to reach customers at higher speeds , though only on " commercially reasonable " terms .

  16. 这家互联网服务提供商旗下包括即时短信服务AIM和明星八卦网站TMZ,其浏览总时长减少了四分之一,突显出用户参与度的下降。

    Total minutes on the internet service provider , which is also home to instant messaging service AIM and celebrity news site TMZ , fell by a quarter , highlighting the fall in user engagement .

  17. 这项税收将对互联网服务提供商征税,用户每下载1GB,就要支付62美分。

    The tax will enforce Internet service providers to pay up to 62 cents per gigabyte of data downloaded by users .

  18. NRO负责将这些地址分配给地区的RIR,RIR转而将这些IP地址分配给互联网服务提供商(ISP),ISP再确保让你连接到互联网上。

    The NRO looks after the distribution of these addresses to the local Regional Internet Registries ( RIRs ), who in turn then distribute those IP addresses to ISPs that connect you to the Internet .

  19. 5G的速度和容量可以提供一种合法的选择,要不通过互联网服务提供商进行物理连接,要不通过像谷歌一样使用光纤来实现高速的公司。

    The speed and capacity 5G brings could offer a legitimate alternative to the physical connection available via Internet service providers and companies such as Google , which use fiber optics to deliver super-high speeds .

  20. 这支互联网服务提供商的股票上市以来已上涨近10%。

    Shares in the internet provider have since risen almost 10 per cent .

  21. 论互联网服务提供商著作权的侵权责任

    On Copyright Infringement Liabilities of Internet Service Provider

  22. 政府可以让互联网服务提供商为卷入犯罪的主机承担责任。

    It could allow ISPs to be held liable for their criminally connected hosts .

  23. 邮政服务和您的互联网服务提供商也使用一个相对简单的命名方案。

    The postal service and your internet service provider also use a relatively simple naming scheme .

  24. 客户端是一个互联网服务提供商和岩石住房服务器主机大厅和办事处。

    The client is an internet provider and the rock shelter hosts server halls and offices .

  25. 政府可以鼓励并规范互联网服务提供商,让这些公司就发现的威胁共享更多信息。

    It could encourage and regulate ISPs to share more information on the threats they find .

  26. 有线电视及互联网服务提供商康卡斯特公司计划斥资450亿美元收购时代华纳。

    Cable and Internet provider Comcast is planning to buy Time Warner Cable for $ 45 billion .

  27. 但这种模式并不能阻止康卡斯特等互联网服务提供商监视你的活动。

    But it doesn 't prevent an internet service provider , like Comcast , from monitoring your activity .

  28. 当前,垃圾邮件日益泛滥,严重损害了互联网服务提供商、企业和消费者的利益。

    Today , a large amount of Spam damages the benefit of Internet Service Provider , enterprise and consumer .

  29. 该计划将由音乐和电影业、互联网服务提供商和政府共同签署。

    The plan will be signed by the music and film industries , Internet service providers and the government .

  30. 新的先发球员,你需要一个互联网服务提供商,以获取互联网及电子邮件。

    For new starters , you need an internet service provider to gain access to the internet and email .