
  • 网络Internet Content Provider;icp;ICP Internet Content Provider
  1. 北京方面给谷歌设定了最迟在周三递交其互联网内容提供商许可证年度更新申请的期限。

    Beijing had given Google a deadline of Wednesday for submitting its application for annual renewal of its ICP licence .

  2. 中国禁止外国公司拥有互联网内容提供商许可(ICP),不得在中国提供相关服务。

    China bars foreign companies from owning an ' Internet content provider ' license to provide services in the country .

  3. 我们可以证实,本公司通过了ICP(互联网内容提供商)牌照的年检,谷歌的一名发言人表示。

    We can confirm that the government has renewed our [ internet content provider ] licence , a Google spokesperson said .

  4. 他补充说,遵守该协议的企业将需要获得一份互联网内容提供商许可证。

    He added that companies that complied with the agreement would be required to have an internet content provider licence .

  5. 根据中国的法律,为了继续运营,这家合资企业最终需要获得互联网内容提供商执照。

    Under Chinese law , the joint venture will eventually need to obtain an Internet content provider 's license to keep operating .

  6. 谷歌表示,“希望”其互联网内容提供商许可证将在此基础上得到续期,但据悉该公司尚未与北京商讨这一新的妥协方案。

    Google said it was " hopeful " that its ICP licence would be renewed on this basis , but it is understood that the new compromise has not been discussed with Beijing .

  7. FaradayFuture还在周一宣布了与乐视的合伙关系。乐视是中国一家互联网和视频内容提供商,同时还推出了智能手机以及可观看这些内容的网络电视机。

    On Monday , Faraday also announced its partnership with Letv , which offers internet and video content in China as well as smartphones and connected television sets on which to watch it .

  8. 在数据业务市场里,有互联网接入提供商、互联网内容提供商、互连网应用服务商以及最终用户等众多参与者,他们都有自己的资源优势。

    In the data business market , there is Internet access providers , Internet content providers , Internet application service providers and end users , and many other participants ; they have their own advantages in resources .

  9. 王晨是中国负责审查互联网的官员之一,但负责更新谷歌互联网内容提供商许可证的监管机构是工业和信息化部。

    Mr Wang is one of the officials in charge of censoring the internet in China , but the regulator responsible for renewing Google 's Internet Content Provider licence is the Ministry of Industry and Information Industry .

  10. 但是在互联网迅猛发展的同时,网络安全问题也日益突出,尤其是拒绝服务攻击已成为互联网内容服务提供商的最大威胁。

    But network security has also become increasingly prominent . In particular , denial of service attacks has become the biggest threat to Internet Content Service Providers .