
  1. 因此,探索一种较为完善的互助性担保机构组织框架是本文的另一重要内容。论文最后将针对当前互助性信用担保实践中存在的一些问题给与针对性的优化解决方案。

    So another important part of this paper is to explore a more comprehensive organizing framework of mutual guarantee institutions .

  2. 但是互助性担保机构中连带责任的发挥应具备一定的条件。

    However , it has to be pointed that the joint liability in mutual guarantee has to be operated under certain conditions .

  3. 这一问题的有效解决可以更好的指导互助性信用担保机构的建立。

    Effective solution to this problem can better guide the establishment of mutual guarantee institutions .

  4. 建立健全信用担保体系,支持非公有制经济设立商业性或互助性信用担保机构。

    Establish and improve credit guarantee system , and support non-stated-owned enterprise for setting commercial or mutual insurance agencies .